Project Title : A Comparative Study of ProcessMaker and Alfresco for Document Management
By : Miss Jariya Phonthamin
Advisor : Mr. Unnop Kangkan
Degree : Information Technology
Major : Business Computer
Faculty : Information Technology
Semester / Academic year : 1 /2559
The purpose of studying comparison between ProcessMaker and Alfresco program in terms of manipulate the document is to develop the blueprint of document forms to be able to perform in the organization practically by using ProcessMaker and Alfresco, which are open source softwares that are used in system development and comparison. These two softwares are able to send the documents in each field in the organization. The development starts from the system and all the documents studies to analyze and design. After that, the document, which is developed, will be tested and edited. The users would be able to compare the performance to make all of the document forms throughout the web browser, and send out the data from the document form to their principal or Chief Executive Officer (CEO) through the Workflow, which is set up the rights and importance that is able to
increase the efficacy and reduce the paper usage.
Keywords: Document Management / Electronic Document / Workflow