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Co-op Communication Arts – Public Relations

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Communication Arts – Public Relations

[vc_toggle title=”2016 /2559″]
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[fruitful_tab title=” The Process of Producing and Publishing the Poster for tax refund subjected to tax refund submission through internet of Bangkok 26″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The Process of Producing and Publishing the Poster for tax refund subjected to tax refund submission through internet of The Revenue department Bangkok 26: are to integrate of knowledge academic form the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study Poster advertising process for tax refund subjected to tax refund submission through internet.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords: Poster /Public relations / Filing tex payment

[fruitful_tab title=” Production of brochures and cover Facebook Fanpage to public relations for platinum aesthetic world co., Ltd” ]


The main objective of the cooperative educationProduction of brochures and cover Facebook fanpage to public relations for platinum aesthetic world co., ltd are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education to study the production of media releases and brochures cover Facebook fanpage to spread the news of the enterprise through online media. Facebook company
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solve problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Key words: Public relations / Cover Facebook /Brochures

[fruitful_tab title=” The Process of Producing the Facebook Fan Page and Vinyl Banner for Public Relations of B.N. Advertising Co., Ltd.” ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The Process of Producing the Facebook Fan Page and Vinyl Banner for Public Relations of B.N. Advertising Co.,Ltd.: are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education workingand to study Public relations in organization. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and
making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Key words : Facebook Fan page / Public relations / Vinyl banner for Public relations

[fruitful_tab title=” The Process of production and publication to promote the registration of single entrepreneur for Small and Medium Enterprises of the revenue department of Bangkok district 26″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The Process of production and publication to promote the registration of single entrepreneur for Small and Medium Enterprises of the revenue department of Bangkok district 26: are to integrate of knowledge academic form the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study the operational issues of small and medium enterprise to support the Development of small and medium-sized enterprise Process to produce and distribute brochure for knowledge information about Small and Medium Enterprise. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords: Public relations /Small and Medium Enterprise / Brochures for Public Relations

[fruitful_tab title=” Production process and publish vinyl media for public relations project “ Beautiful Road” Thanon Phutthamonthon Sai 1 of the Phasi Charoen District Office in 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education Production process and publish vinyl media for public relations, project “ Beautiful Road” (Thanon Phutthamonthon Sai 1) fo the Phasi Charoen District Office in 2016 are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education to study the production of media publicity vinyl for the promotion of company. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solve problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace ompetencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Key words: Public relations / Vinyl /Phasi Charoen District Office

[fruitful_tab title=” The process of production and dissemination the poster to public relations the service procedure for motor vehicle accident victims Act B.E.2535 (1992) of Ekachai Hospital in 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The process of news writing for public relations on the website of Bangkok Entertainment Co., Ltd in 2016.: are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study writing for public relations From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Key words: writing for public relations / social media / public relations

[fruitful_tab title=” Production and dissemination of posters to promote Ekachai Futsal Association 3rd Annual 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education Production and dissemination of posters to promote Ekachai Futsal Association 3rd Annual 2016 are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working to study the production process for media publicity posters From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of the cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the work in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords: public relations/posters / Ekachai Hospital

[fruitful_tab title=” The process of news writing for public relations on the website of Bangkok Entertainment Co., Ltd in 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The process of news writing for public relations on the website of Bangkok Entertainment Co., Ltd in 2016.: are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study writing for public relations From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Key words: writing for public relations / social media / public relations

[fruitful_tab title=” Production and Poster Publishing for Public Relations Somdech Phra Pinklao Hospital Service 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education “Production and Posters Publishing for Public Relations of Somdech Phra Pinklao Hospital Services” : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study The Media Production for Public Relations consisting of 1.) Research 2.) Action Planning3.) Communication4.) Evaluation. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the work in the establishment, which was the preparationbefore entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords: Production and Posters Publishing / Public Relations / Somdech PhraPinklao Hospital

[fruitful_tab title=” The production and dissemination of vinyl to publicize Thailand’s constitution referendum campaign of Bangkhunthian district office 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The production and dissemination of vinyl to publicize Thailand’s constitution referendum campaign of Bangkhunthian district office 2016. : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to studyProcess Media Relations From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 15 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords : Production / Public relations / Dissemination

[fruitful_tab title=”The process of production folder for promote project VCTDAY of Bangkhae district office year 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The process of production folder for promote project “VCTDAY” of Bangkhae district office year 2016 : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study the production of leaflets for Public relations. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and
making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Key words: public relations/media production to the public Relations/folder

[fruitful_tab title=” Media of production infographics to promote the television programs of 13Family on Facebook Fanpage in 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education Mediaof production infographics to promote the television programs of 13Family on Facebook Fanpage in 2016. are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education to study the production of media infographics for promote the television programs of company. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solve problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic
knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Key words: Public relations / infographics / facebook fanpage

[fruitful_tab title=” The process of production and dissemination the folder to public relations the service procedure for life insurance of Ekachai Hospital in 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative The process of production and dissemination the folder to public relations the serviceprocedure for life insurance of Ekachai Hospital in 2016 : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relation , Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study the service for life insurance From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and
making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords : Public Relation /Folder / The service for life insurance

[fruitful_tab title=” The process of producing and publishing folder to publicize Thailand’ s constitution referendum campaign of Bangkhunthian district office, 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The process of producing and publishing folders to publicize Thailand’s constitution referendum campaign of Bangkhunthian district office are to intergrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study process to produce and distribute brochure for knowledge information about Thailand’s constitution referendum
From those exoeriences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and intergrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, whice was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords : The process of producing leaflets/ Public relations/ referendum

[fruitful_tab title=” Production and dissemination of vinyl to promote a referendum on the draft Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand Phasi Charoen district office in 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative educationProduction and dissemination of vinyl to promote a referendum on the draft Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand Phasi Charoen district office in 2016 are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education to study the production of media publicity vinyl for the promotion of company. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solve problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 14 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate
academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Key words: Public relations / Vinyl/The referendum

[fruitful_tab title=” Media production and publishing for public relations 3rd Ekachai Futsal Association 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education Media production and publishing for public relations 3rd Ekachai Futsal Association 2016. : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public relation, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study Gain knowledge of media production leaflets to the organization increases. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords : media production leaflets forpublic relation / leaflets media / public relation

[fruitful_tab title=” The production and publish poster for the special event of tot customer service center thanon tok in 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The production and publish poster for the special event of tot customer service center thanon tok in 2016 are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study the media production poster for public relations to special events From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 14 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keyword : The media production poster / Public relations / Special events

[fruitful_tab title=” Process Activities for Social Responsibility about The young tourist in The Learning Center of King Bhumibol’s Philosophy of Economic Sufficiency at Klongsan District Office 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education “Process of activity to show responsibility to social with taking children to travel and learn sufficient economy District of Klongsan District office.”: are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study the operations of special event for Public Relations consisting of 1.) Research 2.) Action Planning 3.) Communication 4.) Evaluation. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the work in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords: Events / Public Relations / Klongsan District office.

[fruitful_tab title=” Production and Posters Publishing for Public Relations Sports Events Under the Project to Develop Community Empowerment of Klongsan distric office 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education “Production and Posters Publishing for Public Relations Sports Events Under the Project to Develop Community empowerment of Klongsan distric office 2016.” : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study The Media Production for Public Relations consisting of 1.Research 2.Action Planning 3.Communication 4.Evaluation. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the work in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords: Production and Posters Publishing / Public Relations / Klongsan district office.

[fruitful_tab title=” The production and distribution the folder for public relations an after- hours clinic of Somdech Phra Pinklao Hospital B.E. 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The production and distribution the folder for public relations an after-hours clinic ofSomdech Phra Pinklao Hospital B.E.2016are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study Procedure of using the media for public relation consist of 4 steps: 1.) Planning stages. 2.) Explore the area that’ll be used for install the media. 3.) Collect the media that used for public relation. 4.) Installed the media that used for public relation. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords :Somdech Phra Pinklao Hospital,Public Relation,Folder

[fruitful_tab title=” Process of activity to show responsibility to social with supporting and learning about the place important history in Klongsan District of Klongsan District Office,2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education “Process of activity to show responsibility to social with supporting and learning about the place important history in Khlongsan District of Khlongsan District Office ” : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study found that the procedures and processes and processes in the event of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand have a 3-step procedure of Public Relations consisting of 1)Preparation 2)Operation 3)Evaluation From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the work in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords: Events / Public Relations / KhlongSanDistrict office.

[fruitful_tab title=” The process of production vinyl banners for publicity project Against the Drug of Bangkhae district office year 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative The process of production vinyl banners for publicity project “Drugs” of Bangkhae district office year 2016.: are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study the production of Vinyl for Public relations. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Key words: public relations/media production to the public Relations/Vinyl

[fruitful_tab title=” The Production and distribution the map of Somdech Phra Pinklao Hospital B.E. 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The Production and distribution the map of Somdech Phra Pinklao Hospital B.E.2016. are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study Procedure of using the media for public relation consist of 4 steps: 1.) Planning stages. 2.) Explore the area that’ll be used for install the media. 3.) Collect the media that used for public relation. 4.) Installed the media that used for public relation. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords :Somdech Pinklao Hospital,Public Relations,Poster

[fruitful_tab title=” The Special Event For Public Relations Make Merit of Kasemrad Bangkae Hospital” ]


The main objective of the special event for KasemradBangkae Hospital the project of “A day to Make Merit” are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education to study the production of media releases and brochures cover Facebook fanpage to spread the new of the enterprise through online media. Facebook company From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solve problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate
academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Key words : The organization of special event / KasemradBangkae Hospital/ Public relations

[fruitful_tab title=” The Special Event for Responsibility to The Society “Help Patients Thian Fah Foundation Project” of Chadarakdecoration Company” ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The special event for responsibility to the society “Help patients Thian Fah Foundation Project” of Chadarakdecoration company are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relation, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working to study the step special events for responsibility to the society From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of the cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the work in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords: public relation/corporate social responsibilit /special events

[fruitful_tab title=” Production of leaflets for Public relations about information of immigration” ]


The main objective of the cooperative education Production of leaflets for Public relations about information of immigration are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education to study Production of brochures for public relations. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solve problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Key words: public relations/media production to the public Relations/Leaflets

[fruitful_tab title=” The Special Event for Public Relations “Past Present and Future of State Railway of Thailand” ]


The report of cooperative education practice, the title is The organization of special event for public relations “Past Present and Future of State Railway of Thailand” which consists of 3 main methods; 1. Preparation stage 2. Managing stage 3. After event organizing stage State Railway of Thailand is a state enterprise in the Ministry of Transport operating the train of Thailand. As the learner had practiced cooperative education at State Railway of Thailand and was designed to work in “general staff” position for public relations division. The main tasks were to write public relations news, spread documents, spot radio for State Railway of Thailand, assisting associated events occurring inside and outside venue also performing special activity occasionally. So this helped the work and building up benefits to the company. During the period of Cooperative education practice for 16 weeks, developing career skills were added as well as skills on the reality also integrating knowledge from the university to the workplace which is a preparation before entering to a professional work in the future.

Keywords: The organization of special event / State Railway of Thailand / Public relations

[fruitful_tab title=” The Activity Events to Public Relations the monthly promotions July 2559 TOT Public Company Limited Thonburi” ]


The report of cooperative education practice, the title is “The Activity Events to Public Relations the monthly promotions July 2559 TOT Public Company Limited Thonburi.” which consists of 3 main methods; 1. Preparation stage 2. Managing stage 3. After event organizing stage During the period of Cooperative education practice for 16 weeks, developing career skills were added as well as skills on the reality also integrating knowledge from the university to the workplace which is a preparation before entering to a professional work in the future.

Key words: Public relations /Special events for the public relations /Sales promotion.

[fruitful_tab title=” The event to show social responsibility Share the Warmth Foundation the younger from the older to the younger children of Prevaa Ltd. Company in 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative educationActivities CSR “project share the warmth from the older to younger” Foundation for Slum Child Care Srinakarin of Prevaa Ltd. companyare to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative educationto study the activities to help the society. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solve problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Key words: Public relations /Activity CSR/Evaluation Public Relations

[fruitful_tab title=” Production of catalogs to promote products and services of Lynnae Beauty Combination in 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education Production of catalogs to promote products and services of Lynnae Beauty Combination in 2016 are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to study the production catalogue to promote information products and services to the company. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solve problems and making
teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Key words: public relations/media production to the public Relations/Catalogue

[fruitful_tab title=” Special events to public relations promote the product brand Prevaa in Baby&Kids Best Buy in 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative educationSpecial events to public relations promote the product brand Prevaa in Baby&Kids Best are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education to study the special events to public relations to promote the products of the company From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solve problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Key words: Public relations /Special events / promote the product

[fruitful_tab title=” Writing for public relations through the website Faculty of Medical Science in Mahidol University” ]


The main objective of the cooperative education Public Relations journalism through the website faculty of medical science in Mahidol University are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study and to study write press release via media website in From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and
integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future

Keywords: Press release / Public Relations / media website

[fruitful_tab title=” The special event public relations for Candle parade in Bucha Day and Buddhist Lent Day in 2016 of Sammitr motors manufacturing public company” ]


The main objective of the cooperative education for The special event public relations for Candle parade in Bucha Day and Buddhist Lent Day in 2016 of Sammitr motors manufacturing public company to study the process of Event planning, implementation, and evaluation of public relations. From the experiences, I worked with Sammitr motors manufacturing public company limited as an internship student. I have assigned to work withSammitr sang suk and CSR department. The responsibility on event location, design media relations, event evaluation survey, taking a photograph. Moreover, I also provides assistance to collaborators to benefit the organization. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks. was not only to develop of professional skills already but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the world of professional work in the future.

Keywords : Public Relations / Event / Candle parade in Bucha Day and Buddhist Lent Day

[fruitful_tab title=” Writing television Scripts for public relations : Items discussed Friday Heart disease Through television to faculty of madicine siriraj hospital,mahidol University of the Year2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education aspart of the educational curriculum in the operational framework of cooperative education semester of 2558 three-year undergraduate degree. The objective is to bring awareness. And learning skills in the operation of the Faculty of Medicine. Is responsible for providing services to the people who came to work and public relations. A hub for information services on media in multiple formats for quick, timely and accurate to the service both inside and outside the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, including the rights of sponsors, donors who have made useful. the Faculty And special events To promote cultural and publisher emeritus of the Faculty. The spirit of service continues. To give an impression to the service. It brings faith and contributing to the faculty. As well as knowledge transfer Experience in the public relations agencies. To the personnel and the general public with the release of the Faculty of Medicine. The result of cooperative education project in this presentation is assigned to perform a task. In the TV clip to be used in the project has been gathering information to plan the work and determine the scope of work. In operation, this time with the use of tools. By writing Scripts to publicity. The writer is a clip used in the transaction must be written to be creative with target audiences. Dialogue must be substantive And simplification The media will provide information on how to prevent disease. Media was held in order to create a good image for the organization and the public to gain knowledge of and turned to health care. This knowledge can be put to practice by. Write a list Scripts found. The project will measure the perception. Items discussed today happy Heart disease Using questionnaires, interview staff and residents within the hospital number 20, which we put on the prepared percent, which resulted in the recognition that the knowledge of the staff and the people within the hospital is. in a way that is very good for the purposes specified.

Keywords: writing a TV Scripts / Faculty / Public Relations.

[fruitful_tab title=” The Special Event for Public Relations 100 Years Bangkok station of The State Railway of Thailand 2016″ ]


The preparation of the project of cooperative education . Event 100 Station in Bangkok for Public Relations On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the railway station in Bangkok, Thailand an object of art, thanks to the implementation of special events For Public Relations Which consists of three main steps: 1 ) preparation , 2) operations 3 ) The special event station 100 years Stations in Bangkok State Railway of Thailand Enterprises in the Ministry of Transport Oversees the operation of the train . From the worker cooperative education at the State Railway of Thailand, who is assigned to the jobStaff ( Public Relations Division ), with the main responsibility . Is the leading news source boards published papers Submit as many rooms as an assistant. Event held various agencies both in and out of place . Including the special events on the occasion , etc. , which help lighten the workload and make a positive contribution to the organization The duration of the worker cooperative education for 16 weeks in addition to the development of professional skills already. Has also developed performance skills authentic. And knowledge of education to work in the establishment. This is the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords: event 100 years, Bangkok Station / Railway of Thailand / PR.

Author: Putita Seepankmon
Co-operative Education Preparation: Chutipa Singsaksevi
Major: Public Relations
Bachelor degree: Communication Arts
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2559

[fruitful_tab title=” The Special Event for Public Relations The Project of Campaign Creating Safety and Reducing Accidents area An Intersection Equaling Railway–Vehicles Street Level at Bangkok Railway Station of The State Railway of Thailand 2016″ ]


The implementation of cooperative education in a title of The Special Event for Public Relations The Project of Campaign Creating Safety and Reducing Accidents area An Intersection Equaling Railway–Vehicles Street Level at Bangkok Railway Station of The State Railway of Thailand 2016 aimed to integrate the instructions of Public Relations Department, Faculty of Communication Arts, Siam University to operate in cooperative education and study the implementation of special events for public relations consisting of three main steps as follows: 1) Preparation step 2) Operational step and 3) Step after Evaluation. The State Railway of Thailand is an enterprises in the Ministry of Transportation and Communications which has responsibilities to supervise the railway business of Thailand. From the operations in cooperative education at the State Railway of Thailand, the author was assigned to operate in a position of General Staff (Public Relations Division) with main responsibilities to write radio spots, make accounts of Public Relations Division, issue book accession no., record information in book accession no., broadcast news through wire broadcasting, be an assistant in
several events that the organization held both on and off site including deal with special events on occasions, etc. All these responsibilities could help lighten the workloads and create a positive contribution to the organization as well.
The study results and the actual operations could gain work experiences in processes of thinking, analysis and face-problem solving as well as working as teamwork in the organization in a systematic way. Throughout the period of working in the cooperative education for 16 weeks, in addition to the development of professional skills, it could also develop performance skills in real conditions and integrate knowledge gained from the education to work in an establishment.
This is the preparation prior to entering a professional work in the future.

Keywords:State Railway of Thailand / Public Relations / Special Events

[fruitful_tab title=” The public relations planning “Walk-Run 9 steps project 2016” by the Faculty of Medical Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University” ]


The Walk – Run project is a report for planning strategy and efficiency in bringing information to the Walk – Run 9steps Project 2016. The target goal of Walk-Run, is to develop the abilities of students studying at the Faculty of Communication Arts to be able to manage and make this project as successful as they can. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future

Keywords : Planning for Public relations/Project/ images

[fruitful_tab title=” The Special Event For Public Relations Build Relation in 2016 of Petkasem 2 Hospital” ]


The report of cooperative education practice, the title is “The Special Event For Public Relations build relation in 2016 of Petkasem 2 Hospital ” which consists of 3 main methods; 1.Preparation stage 2. Managing stage 3. After event organizing stage Petkasem 2 Hospital is a hospital operating health service. As the learner had practiced cooperative education at Petkasem 2 Hospital and was designed to work in “general staff” position for public relations division. The main tasks were to write public relations news, spread documents, spot radio for Petkasem 2 Hospital, assisting associated events occurring inside and outside venue also performing special activity occasionally. So this helped the work and building up benefits to the company. During the period of Cooperative education practice for 16 weeks, developing career skills were added as well as skills on the reality also integrating knowledge from the university to the workplace which is a preparation before entering to a professional work in the future.

Keywords: public relations / special events / Petkasem 2 Hospital

[fruitful_tab title=” Media Production to Video for Public Relations Which Codify Photo Gallery Activity of the State Railway of Thailand 2016″ ]


Reporting in cooperative education is Media Production to Video for Public Relations which codify photo gallery activity of the State Railway of Thailand. The purpose of these are publicize information awareness make a relationship good both inside and outside the organization. That have effected in a positive image of the organization with the production of various forms of media such as video (VDO) etc. Procedures and operations are divided into four major steps below:-1.) Research 2.) Action Planning 3.) Communication 4.) Evaluation. The worker cooperative educations at the State Railway of Thailand, acts produce media video for Public Relations, codify photo gallery activity. And perform in the position general staff (Public Relations Division), Its main function is Production media relations, writing press releases, writing radio spots, published papers. As helped organize the activities of the organization both in and out of place. Including conducting special events on the occasion, etc. Which is to help ease the workload and result in benefit to the organization. The operated work cooperative education for 16 weeks. In addition to the development of professional skills, it also develops performance skills authentic. By the integration of knowledge from education to work in the establishment. Which is the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keyword: Media Production Video /Public Relations /State Railway of Thailand

[fruitful_tab title=” The Production Leaflet for Public Relations of Encourage Healthy Project in 2016 Petkasem 2 Hospital” ]


The report of cooperative education practice, the title is “The Production Leaflet Public Relations of Encourage Healthy Project in 2016 Petkasem 2 Hospital .” which consists of 3 main methods; 1. Preparation stage 2. Managing stage 3. After event organizing stage Petkasem 2 Hospital is a hospital operating health service. As the learner had practiced cooperative education at Petkasem 2 Hospital and was designed to work in “general staff” position for public relations division. The main tasks were to write public relations news, spread documents, spot radio for Petkasem 2 Hospital, assisting associated events occurring inside and outside venue also performing special activity occasionally. So this helped the work and building up benefits to the company. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 this weeks, In addition to the developing of professional skills . Also develop skills performance according to the actual state. And to integrate education with work in the workplace. which is the preparation before stepping into the professional work in the future.

Keywords: Media production / Petkasem 2 Hospital / Public Relations

[fruitful_tab title=” The Production of Advertisement Poster for True visions Promotion 2016 of True Distribution & sale Co., Ltd. (True shop Tesco Lotus Bangyai)” ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The Production of Advertisement Poster for Trur visions Promotion 2016 of True Distribution & sale Co., Ltd. ( True shop Tesco Lotus Bangyai ) : are to intrgrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to studyProcess of producing posters for public relations. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace com potencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords : Media Prodution /Poster /Public relations

[fruitful_tab title=” Production of leaflets , to publicize the information’s health assurance of Thai Life Assurance Public Company” ]


The main objective of the cooperative education Production of brochures , to publicize the information’s health assurance of Thai Life Assurance Public Company are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education to study the production of leaflets for Public relations. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solve problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Key words: public relations/media production for public Relations/media Leaflets

[fruitful_tab title=” Production of brochures to promote the campaign monthly promotions July 2559 TOT Public Company Limited Thonburi” ]


The main objective of the cooperative educationProduction of brochures to promote the campaign monthly promotions July 2559 TOT Public Company Limited Thonburi. are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education to study the production of media publicity brochure for the promotion of company. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solve problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Key words: Public relations / Brochures/ Sales Promotion

[fruitful_tab title=” Producing radio spot for public relation Hand, foot and mouth disease the Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj hospital, Mahidol University 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education Producing radio spots for public relations Hand, foot and mouth disease the Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital. Mahidol University 2016 : are to integrate of the process implementation for public relation, Which consists of four main steps: 1) preparation, 2) operation, 3) Manufacturing 4) evaluation. From the worker cooperative education in the public relations agency of the siriraj hospital be assigned to work in the position. Assistant Public Relations is responsible for the design, journalism, media websites. Banner design, photography, publishing, news media websites and writing, spot news releases, it also has other tasks. To provide assistance to employees, consultants and collaborators others. According to one this is to help ease the burden and benefit to the organization. The duration of cooperative education at this week’s 16 addition to the development of professional skills already Has also developed performance skills authentic and restoration of cognitive studies with work in the establishment. This is the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords: producing radio spots / Public Relation / Faculty of Medicine,Siriraj Hospital

[fruitful_tab title=” The Role of Co – Production Manager Manager in Advertising Films of Mustard Films Company Limited (2015)” ]


Report on the work process of cooperative education about being in charge of managing the commercial film that is owned by Mustard Film. The purpose is to learn further about beneficial techniques of the work in commercial film production which contains two main steps. To begin with, the first step is learning about role of manager in the commercial film production. Secondly, the operation of making a commercial film Mustard film company is a business company that works in the field of producing a commercial film in layout. From working as a cooperative educator in Mustard Film, I was responsible for the role of manager in the commercial filming set, coordinating to find materials, props master for the shoot and being a camera man in casting for actors and actresses, concluding the total budget. Additionally, also, I have done some additional works such as helping the advisor and other co-workers or doing some selected activities amid my developed ability and that can ease out some of their work to be less and help the organization beneficially. From the cooperative education training, I have known that being a manager in the set is to pursue for managing the film set systematically. 1) giving more convenience for the process in the work 2) to efficiently manage the fixed budget to find materials to film and my role as a manager involves around two significant steps of production process which are 1) the process before beginning the shoot and 2) The process while shooting from 17 August to 4 December 2015, the cooperative education had given me improvements through working in the real workplace so that I can adapt the skillful inwardness to the real work life in the time ahead. Besides getting improvements both in career purpose and real life purpose, I also got upgraded knowledge from the real workplace. By that, this sensible experience can be else broadened to expertly use in the future career of mine

Keyword : Co-Production Manager / The Role / Production Advertising Film

[fruitful_tab title=” The special event for corporate social responsibility “Safe electricity use in the community” for the provincial electricity authority of Sampran District,2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The Special Event For Corporate Social Responsibility: are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study The Special Event For Corporate Social Responsibility “Safe electricity use in the community” For The Provincial Electricity Authority Of Sampran District 2016. To build a good relationship between organizations and people. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords : The Special Event / Corporate Social Responsibility / Public Relations.

[fruitful_tab title=” The public relations of the library of Provincial electricity Authority (C3)(2016)” ]


The main objective of the cooperative education Public libraries with in the PEA project” of Provincial electricity Authority (C3)are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations Communication Art Faculty in Siam University to cooperative education working and to study the duty of Liberian In public relations in library ,by promoting public relations Invitiing personnrl in organization to access library services even more and to change the appearance the old library for better looks and more attractive. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only
to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge in to the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords: Poster / Public relations / radio

[fruitful_tab title=” Media Production for Public Relations of The 11thMEA Sports Day 2016 in Metropolitan Electricity Authority” ]


The main objective of the cooperative education Media Production for Public Relations of “The 11th MEA Sports Day 2016” in Metropolitan Electricity Authority: are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study about the process of internal communication for “The 11th MEA Sport Day 2016”, to communicate encourage and convince MEA’s employee to join “The 11th MEA Sport Day 2016” From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords: Media Production / Internal Public Relations / Metropolitan Electricity Authority

[fruitful_tab title=” The Internal Public Relations Video Production of “MEA NEWS REVIEW”in Metropolitan Electricity Authority,2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The internal Public Ralations Video Production of “MEA NEWS REVIEW” in Metropolitan Electricity Authority, 2016 : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations , Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study The internal Public Ralations Video Production of “MEA NEWS REVIEW” in Metropolitan Electricity Authority, and finally to communicate the news among Metropolitan Electricity Authority employees. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks
was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords : The internal Public Ralations Video Production / Internal communication

[fruitful_tab title=” News Release about Safety Electricity via Facebook of Metropolitan Electricity Authority, 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education News Release about Safety Electricity via Facebook of Metropolitan Electricity Authority, 2016 : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study The Public Relations News via Social Media Facebook From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 15 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keyword : Journalism / Social Media / Public Relations

[fruitful_tab title=” The special event for corporate social responsibility “Safe electricity use in the community” for the provincial electricity authority of Sampran District,2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The Special Event For Corporate Social Responsibility: are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study The Special Event For Corporate Social Responsibility “Safe electricity use in the community” For The Provincial Electricity Authority Of Sampran District 2016. To build a good relationship between organizations and people. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords : The Special Event / Corporate Social Responsibility / Public Relations.

[fruitful_tab title=” Special publication production for public relations in Sampran provincial Electricity Authority,2016″ ]


Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) , Sampran under the ministry of interior combines with many department and devisions. The organization is divided into departments clearly To facilitate the coordination of personnel within the enterprise and power users The vision of the organization is ” service with integrity , transparency, anti- corruption” As part of building confidence and awareness of the organization and colleagues. Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) recognizes the importance of using media to better understand the policy of the manager and the project or activity for to recognize title/program period create activities to make the event a smooth transition and to achieve the goals public relations is necessary for the activities and operations of the organization will be held. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only tp develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keyword: Production Media / Special Publications / Public relations

[fruitful_tab title=” The Special Event For Public Relations “The save of kids”Of the Provincial Electricity Authority Of Sampran District, 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The Special Event For Public Relations : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam university to the cooperative education working and to study The Special Event For Public Relations “The save of kids” of The Provincial Electricity Authority Of Sampran District, 2016.To build a good relationship between organizations and people. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords : The Special Event / Corporate Social Responsibility / Public Relations.

[fruitful_tab title=” The publicity campaigns for the referendum about the constitution of the kingdom of Thailand of Suanlhuang district office 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The publicity campaigns for the referendum about the constitution of the kingdom of Thailand of Suan Lhuang district office 2016: are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study To study process to produce and distribute brochure for knowledge information about Thailand’s constitution referendum.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords: Public relations/The Campaign/Referendum

[fruitful_tab title=” The public relations advertorial banner production and publicity “Safety and Saving of Electricity in New 108 Newspaper” of Metropolitan Electricity Authority,2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The public relations advertorial banner production and publicity “Safety and Saving of Electricity in New 108 Newspaper” of Metropolitan Electricity Authority, 2016.: are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study the production and dissemination of MEA news to the public. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keyword:Public Relations/production/Advertorial Banner for Public Relations

[fruitful_tab title=” The public relations video production process to inform about “Electricity stable,Service excellence,Social responsibility” of Metropolitan Electricity Authority in 2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The public relations video production process to inform about “Electricity stable , Service excellence , Social responsibility” of Metropolitan Electricity Authority in 2016 : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public relations , Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study The process releases , Image , Media production From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords : The process releases / Image / Media production

[fruitful_tab title=” The Special Event for Public Relations “ Yes Rubber Yes RAOT” of Rubber Authority of Thailand,2016″ ]


The main objective from the course of 2559 The Special Event for Public Relations in “ Yes Rubber Yes RAOT” of Rubber Authority of Thailand 2016 are to integrate of knowledge academic form the course public relations communication Art Faculty in siam university to the cooperative education working and to study . Making a report for studies method include advantages and disadvantages by making an activity. It can be a way that the organization planned public relations in future. And others want to study making a special event for promoting can research from this report Reporter studied a lot detail of principles and theories about made a special event, kind of activities, communication tools, public relations,image. Including theories association used for promoting activity this time. Practice’s result made a special event this time by special event news with. Mass media’s acceptance is good . Mass media is interest before this activity started between it had start and when event end. The suggestion in reporter’s opinion founded that government enterprise had a budget problem they had to administrate budget. Include public relations personal’s decision can’t do what they want. It has to permission by rule of the organization. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking analyzing , solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 14 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the work in the establishment , which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keyword: Government Enterprise / Public Relations / Special Event

[fruitful_tab title=” The special Event for public Relations in Foundation day celebration of Rubber Authority of Thailand 2016″ ]


The main objective from the course of2559 The special Event for public Relations in Foundation day celebration of Rubber Authority of Thailand 2016 are to integrate of knowledge academic form the course public relations communication Art Faculty in siam university to the cooperative education working and to study.Making a report for studies method include advantages and disadvantages by making an activity. It can be a way that the organization planned public relations in
future. And others want to study making a special event for promoting can research from this report Reporter studied a lot detail of principles and theories about made a special event, kind of activities, communication tools, public relations,image. Including theories association used for promoting activity this time. Organizer made a statement, coordinated mass media, prepared souvenirs and welcomed mass media. Practice’s result made a special event this time by special event news with. Mass media’s acceptance is good . Mass media is interest before this activity started between it had start and when event end. The suggestion in reporter’s opinion founded that government enterprise had a budget problem they had to administrate budget. Include public relations personal’s decision can’t do what they want. It has to permission by rule of the organization. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking analyzing,solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 14 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the work in the establishment , which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future

Keyword : Government Enterprise / Public Relations / Special Event

[fruitful_tab title=” The public relations journal production process of“ RAOT journal Vol.2 2016” of Rubber Authority of Thailand” ]


Rubber Authority of Thailand is state enterprise that roles as centre organization that be responsible to manage on rubber all of Thailand, complete systems. Rubber Authority of Thailand is combined three organization; Office of the Rubber Replanting Aid Fund, Rubber Estate Organization, Rubber Research. Therefore, public relation department has the primary role in the dissemination of news, corporate information. Then, it is made the journal ‘RAOT journal volume 2, 2016 of Rubber Authority of Thailand’. It is because of the first volume of journal, it is made for publishing to farmer and employee of Rubber Authority of Thailand. ‘The process of producing printed materials for public relations ‘the journal RAOT journal
volume 2, 2016’ Rubber Authority of Thailand’ cooperative education reporting able to take the process of producing printed materials for public relations theory. It has four main algorithms; planning, preparation, production, and evaluation. Researching about the process of producing printed materials for public relations to make ‘the journal RAOT journal volume 2’. When the journal has printed, it is ready to publish to farmer and employee of Rubber Authority of Thailand.
‘The process of producing printed materials for public relations ‘the journal RAOT journal volume 2, 2016’ Rubber Authority of Thailand’ is journal that makes benefit to farmer and employee of Rubber Authority of Thailand. It can call that one of tools being important for internal and external Rubber Authority of Thailand’s organization communicating. Due to the pending approval by the hierarchy of the organization, the state enterprise still has a problem of journal’s period of time to make. In addition, it has other responsibilities; help consultants, and has benefited organization too.

Keywords : journal / public relations / state enterprise

[fruitful_tab title=” The publicity campaigns for the referendum regarding the constitution within the kingdom of Thailand, Prawet district office 2016″ ]


The main objective of the work placement/ cooperative education ‘The publicity campaigns for the referendum’, regarding the constitution within the kingdom of Thailand, Prawet district office 2016: Are to integrate academic knowledge from the courses of Public Relation and Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University and apply it the working environment during work placement assignment, which will mainly focus on publicity campaigns for the referendum with regards to the constitution of the kingdom. Experience gained whilst at work placement, has allowed more insight on how the establishment operates, in turn developing personal skill which will be utilized. During work placement at Prawet District Office, the aim was to develop professional skills and workplace competencies, by integrating academic knowledge into a working environment. In preparation for entering professional organizations in the near future.

Keywords : public relation/compaign/ referendum/event

[fruitful_tab title=” The Video production for Public Relations in topic “Frozen Shoulder” of Vichaivej International Hospital Omnoi,2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The Video production for Public Relations in topic “Frozen Shoulder” of Vichaivej Internationnal Hospital Omnoi ,2016. : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study The Video production for Public Relations. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords : The Video production for Public Relations / Public Relations / Frozen Shoulder

[fruitful_tab title=” The Poster production for Public Relations in Vichaivej International Hospital Omnoi ,2016″ ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The Poster production for Public Relations in Vichaivej International Hospital Omnoi ,2016 : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study The Poster production for Public Relations. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords : The production / Poster / Public Relations

[fruitful_tab title=” The Special Event For Public Relations Responsibility “Green Roof Project Princess Pa Foundation for honor Prince Sirindhorn” of TV360 Entertainment in 2016″ ]


The objective of making this cooperative education report ,“The Special Event For Public Relations Responsibility Green Roof Project Princess Pa Foundation for honor Prince Sirindhorn By TV360 Entertainment in 2016”, is to study the special event for public relation. Because of the experienced staff members in the organization ,who have an experience in creating T.V. programs and news productions for more than 20 years, 360 Entertainment Co., Ltd has been broadcasting a lot of productive T.V programs on the main channel such as Thai Television Channel 3, Bangkok Broadcasting Television Channel 7, Royal Thai Army Radio & Television and National Broadcasting Services of Thailand
(NBT). From there, the organization eventually becomes professional in mass communication and program creating ,including making many productive works such as T.V. Program, Documentary, Variety Show, Presentation Media, Printing Media. Moreover, they also do the activities for marketing public relations and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Having been making cooperative education for totally 16 weeks, We had gained a lot of new professional skills and also developed the practically working skill that can definitely be used in a real life. Additionally we have learned how to integrate the academic knowledge with the professional work in the future.

Keywords : Event / 360 Entertainment Co.,Ltd. / Public Relations

[fruitful_tab title=” The Special Publication Production for Public Relations “JS NEWS Booklet Vol. 66 2016” Joseph Upatham School” ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The Special Publication Production for Public Relations “JS NEWS Booklet Vol. 66 2016” Joseph Upatham School : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public relations, Communication Arts Faculty inSiam University to the cooperative education working and to study Production Media for Public Relations From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords : JS NEWS/ The Special Publication Production for Public Relations / Public relations

[fruitful_tab title=” The Special Event for Public Relations “Mother’s Day 2016” of Phra Pradaeng District Office” ]


The main objective of the cooperative education The Special Event for Public Relations “Mother’s Day 2016” of Phra Pradaeng District Office. are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education to study the special events to public relations Mother’s day to create a good image for the organization. From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solve problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords: Public relations /Special events /Evaluation Public Relations

[fruitful_tab title=” The Special Event for public relations Celebrate the Candle Festival of the year 2017 of the municipality of Bangkruay” ]


This report is part of the curriculum study in the Cooperative Education Program. Bachelor’s Degree From the practice of co-operative education in the “Celebrate the Candle Festival of the Year 2017” of Bang Kruat Municipality. The purpose is to study special activities for public relations. It consists of 3 main stages: 1) Preparation 2) Stage 3) After Special Event Including the learning of the position of assistant public relations officer to the future, which Bang Kruat municipality. Is a government agency To serve under the municipal law, BE 2496, Amended to the 12th edition, 2009 Because of the cooperative education at the Bang Kruat municipality. The organizer is assigned to work as a public relations assistant (Academic and Planning Division). Publish document Poster design for vinyl billboards of Bang Kruat municipality. To assist in the organization of activities in both organizations. And off-site Including the implementation of special events on various occasions, etc., to help ease the workload. And benefit the organization
as well. Study results and performance.
• Acknowledged the process of working as a public relations assistant.
• Study and learn special activities in the project. “Celebrate the Candle Festival of the
year 2017″ of the municipality of Bangkruay.
• Learn to solve problems. And practice the patience to deal with the pressure.
• Learn to live a real life. And to know friendships in work
Because of this practice. Get a real work experience. Both in terms of process, thinking, planning, problem solving. Including working with others in the organization systematically. This results in a working experience. To work professionally in the future.

Keywords : Event / Bangkruai Municiplity / Public Relations

[fruitful_tab title=” The Special events to promote the Grand Opening in 2017 at Robinson Phetchaburi” ]


This project is part of the study based on professional internship course for year 2017 in bachelor’s degree. From internships of cooperative education on the topic. “Special events to promote the Grand Opening at Robinson Phetchaburi”. The objective is to bring the knowledge gained from practical learning, special events for the public relations event and learning function of the position coordinate to use in the future. Luckdee’s company is a business organizer that do special events, such as event, press conferences, beauty contest and more. From the study found that special events should be considered as the main target group to clear and special events , should be a modern concept to be of interest to the target group. The area of activity should be appropriate to the parallel to the convenience and security of the customer. The study and what you get from the practice. -Know about the working process in the position General coordinator. -Learn the special events from practice. – Learn to problem solving and endurance training to cope with the pressure.
-Get to know the real working life and friendships from working. From this internship, it makes the experience of working both in the process of thought and problem solving, including working with others in the organization system. It has resulted in a preliminary experiences in working to work effectively in the future.

Keywords Special event/ Grand opening/ Public relations

[fruitful_tab title=” The Special Event for Public Relations “Forest&check dam 2017” Thai Railway of Thailand” ]


This project is part of the study based on professional internship course for year 2017 in bachelor’s degree. From internships of cooperative education on the topic. “The special event for public relations in 2017 “THE STATE RAILWAY OF THAILAND”. The objective is to bring the knowledge gained from practical learning, special events for the public relations event and learning function of the position coordinate to use in the future. From the study found that special events should be considered as the main target group to clear and special events , should be a modern concept to be of interest to the target group. The area of activity should be appropriate to the parallel to the convenience and security of the customer. The study and what you get from the practice.
-Know about the working process in the position General coordinator.
-Learn the special events from practice.
– Learn to problem solving and endurance training to cope with the pressure.
-Get to know the real working life and friendships from working.
From this internship, it makes the experience of working both in the process of thought and problem solving, including working with others in the organization system. It has resulted in a preliminary experiences in working to work effectively in the future.
Keywords Special event/ Activity / Public relations.


[fruitful_tab title=” The Special event for public relations social activity in 2017 of O.K.D company” ]


This project is part the study based on professional internship for year 2017 in behelor’s degree. The practice cooperative in It’s to help Encourage public use of the product in the company. This can be a good image for the organization. And enhance Religion This makes the intern understand the special events to promote the organization. A study of workers in cooperative management of this special event to promote the donation of materials to Plugmailai Temple and School in the countryside The event was a special event should be sincere in the main event. This creates a good image is only profitable to get. But the real joy is in this specialevent. The results of the study and what has been the practice.
– Be aware of the special events to promote the organization.
– Have a flair for problem solving the problems that arise.
– Know the Is a delight to be back.
– A view to public realation of the new format.
From an operational and training cooperative in this. Make it known to work together as a team. The system enables management to achieve maximum efficiency in their work. The practice of critical thinking to resolve issues raised by the unknown. and the most important Advocates also note that there is no need to focus on issues that have nothing to do. But let us look at what others have done nothing more than ” More give More I get.”

Keywords : Public Relations / Event / cooperative

[fruitful_tab title=” The special event for public relations “Grand Opening Rabinson Petchaburi 2017” of Lukdee Company” ]


This project is part of the study based on professional internship course for year 2017 in bachelor’s degree. From internships of cooperative education on the topic. “Special events to promote the Grand Opening at Robinson Phetchaburi”. The objective is to bring the knowledge gained from practical learning, special events for the public relations event and learning function of the position coordinate to use in the future. Luckdee’s company is a business organizer that do special events, such as event, press conferences, beauty contest and more. From the study found that special events should be considered as the main target group to clear and special events , should be a modern concept to be of interest to the target group. The area of activity should be appropriate to the parallel to the convenience and security of the customer. The study and what you get from the practice.
-Know about the working process in the position General coordinator.
-Learn the special events from practice.
– Learn to problem solving and endurance training to cope with the pressure.
-Get to know the real working life and friendships from working.
From this internship, it makes the experience of working both in the process of thought and problem solving, including working with others in the organization system. It has resulted in a preliminary experiences in working to work effectively in the future.

Keywords Special event/ Grand opening/ Public relations

Author: Ketdawan Suprum
Co-operative Education Preparation: Chutipa Singsaksevi
Major: Public Relations
Bachelor degree: Communication Arts
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2559

[fruitful_tab title=” The Planing for Public Relations LONGSERVICE 2017 BANG OF AYUDHYA of Lukdee Company” ]


This project is part of the study based on professional internship course for year 2017 in bachelor’s degree. From internships of cooperative education on the topic. “The Public Relations Planning Longservice Bang of Ayudhya 2017 By Lukdee Organizer” . The objective is to bring the knowledge gained from practical learning, special events for The Public Relations Planning and learning function of the position Account Executive to use in the future. Luckdee’s company is a business organizer that do special events, such as event, press conferences, beauty contest and more. From the study found that special events should be considered as the main target group to clear and special events , should be a modern concept to be of interest to the target group. The area of activity should be appropriate to the parallel to the convenience and security of the customer. The study and what you get from the practice.
-Know about the working process in the position General coordinator.
-Learn the special events from practice.
– Learn to problem solving and endurance training to cope with the pressure.
-Get to know the real working life and friendships from working.
From those experiences, I it makes the experience of working both in the process of thought and problem solving, including working with others in the organization system. It has resulted in a preliminary experiences in working to work effectively in the future.

Keywords : Planning for Public relations/ Event/ images
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[fruitful_tab title=” 1. The Special event for Public Relations by Thai Airways International Public Co.,Ltd for Korea Nazarene University of South Korea 2015″]


The Objective of the cooperative education work report The Special events for Public Relations by Thai Airways International Public Company Limited For Korea Nazarene University of South Korea was to help student gain the experience and improve their professional skill in the establishment and be the way to help student study the problem and know how to fixed the problem in reasonable, responsible and efficient to work with others.
Thai airways engaged the business of airways Safety and delivery are the unique of Thaiways.The author’s cooperative education assignment was an assistant of activing in the organization. The major are the unique of Thaiairways. The author’s cooperative education assignment was an assistant of activity in the organization. The major responsibility of this assignment involved assiting contact to other organization including Paticipate with the activity in and out the organization. Additional responsibilities included asstiting the job super visor and others by ability to lighter the workload and to bring benefits to the organization
During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace compedtencies and integrate academic knowledge into the work in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the world of professional work in the future.

Keywords : Unique / Safety / Great Dalivery

[fruitful_tab title=” 2. The Public Relation for Corporate Branding Thai Airway International Public Co.,Ltd”]


Abstract The objective of are about learning on public relations process and how “THE PUBLIC RELATION FOR CORPORATE BRANDING OF ORGANIZATION” Corporate Branding Department is so important for an organization as well as knowing the problem and how to solve it. Thus, the training process gave a lot of knowledges, experienced and also how to work on team with other people.
Thai Airways International Public Co.,Ltd engaged the business of airline and responsibility of social and environment. The activities are support and encourage society. Trainee works an Assistant of Corporate Branding Department Manager. The responsibilities are about communication in organization or communication to other organization and made the imaginary of organization also the documents in organization. It is learned that the actual work load and also to the service organization.
During to performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the world of professional work in the future.

Keyword: Media of public relation/ Corporate Branding /Business

[fruitful_tab title=” 3. The Production of Print Media in Order to Publicize of the RTJ Advertising Co.,Ltd”]


The objective of the cooperative education work report: “The Production of Print Media in Order to publicize of the RTJ ADVERTISING CO.,LTD” are intended to produce promotional materials. Which consists of three main steps: 1) pre-production, 2) production 3) post-production.
RTJ. ADVERTISING CO.,LTD Limited manufacturing businesses inside and outside signage solutions including inkjet vinyl banners, stickers, banners, light boxes, acrylic and so on. From that cooperative education in the company’s RTJ ADVERTISING CO.,LTD states that the report is assigned to work in graphic design. The primary responsibility on the media in addition, a variety of other tasks. Additional responsibilities included assisting the job supervisor and others by ability to lighten the workload and to bring benefits to the organization.
During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the world of professional work in the future.

Keywords: Public Relations / Media Production / Graphic Design.

[fruitful_tab title=” 4. The Special Event and Sale Promotion Home Fresh Mart Family Eun Fair 2015 Limited Partnership K Plus Two”]


This report cooperative education is a part of cooperative education program in operation in 2015 bachelor degree. The objective for direct knowledge and learning skills in system of “limited partnership k plus two”. Which is a company receive organized special events marketing in various formats and advertising in various formats to achieve a good response back to the client. And provide customers with the most impressive creative work.
The purpose of the preparation this report was prepared for the learn step planning to use media in “Home Fresh Mart Family Fun Fair 2015 “and for learn step event ” Home Fresh Mart Family Fun Fair 2015 ” the creative event that customers want. Check the composition appropriate for event before sending to the step further. The event was very well due to cooperation of many parties.
After finished this cooperation studied in this work experience and learn the steps to create jobs. Planning before you do, and each job is different, so we have learned the difficulty of the job. Aware of the issues with each other and solving problems as well as solve the problems in the well.

Keyword: Public Relations / The Special events for Public Relations

[fruitful_tab title=” 5. Mass media relations to promote the Mix Magazine Issue 113 March 2016″]


The main objective of the cooperative education “Mass media relations to promote the magazine Mix cover Gwang Wanpiya Oamsinnoppakul (Gwang The Face): are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working are to study on the relationship between the organization and the mass media in the propagation of the organization.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solve problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Key words: public relations / mass media relations / evaluation relations

[fruitful_tab title=” 6. Writing For Public Relations of Central Pattana Public Company Limited”]


The main objective of the cooperative education Writing for public relations of Central Pattana Public Company Limited (CPN): are to intergrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to thee cooperative education working and to study about Writing for public relations is a main of tools and a center of communication from company to target that makes a relations was happened ,contribution and have decided to be a shopper. Especially in the present times have high competition between Shopping mall at center of downtown cause many activities organize by the company also makes customers are interested. Activities example Chinese new year, summer fashion show, chocoholic’s party.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically, During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords : writing for public relations / public relations

[fruitful_tab title=” 7. The Production Media to Leaflet Retirement preparing for Department of Special Investigation in2016″]


The main objective of the cooperative education The Production Media to leaflet Retirement preparing for Department of Special Investigation in 2016 : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of public relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to studyProduction brochure of for public relations.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 14 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.
PR (Public Relations) to communicate to the public by the organizations involved. The feedback from the public and the referendum on the organization . The objective is to create a credible image and correct errors in the matter
Leaflet for Public Relations The publication containing news Text and images The organization wants to publish Information on the various communities can hold more data . And portable
The Department of Special Investigation is a leading the investigation that is standard in the international level and has been the confidence in the enforcement of the law by the fairness prevent suppression investigation and prosecution of the special performance. With a fair

Keyword : Public Relations / Leaflet for Public Relations / Department of Special Investigation

[fruitful_tab title=” 8. Community relations of Police Bangmod Metropolitan Police Ststion for the year 2016″]


The main objective of the cooperative education Community Relation Activity of Bangmod Police Station for the year 2016 : are to integrate of Knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study raise awareness and relations between police and public.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and Making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks Was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords : event community relations / police bangmod /public relations

[fruitful_tab title=” 9. The special events for public relation campaign Prevention and control of influenza strains 4 by Vichaivej International Nongkhaem Hos”]


The main objective of the cooperative education The special events for campaign Prevention and control of “influenza strains 4” by Vichaivej International Nongkhaem Hospital 2016: are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study Create the special events for promote and provide acknowledgement to people outside the organization.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords : The special events /Public relations / Vichaivej International Hospital

[fruitful_tab title=” 10. Production of radio spots for public relations with in the organization of the Department of special Investigation in 2016″]


The main objective of the cooperative education Production of radio spots for public relations with in the organization of the Department of special Investigation in 2016: are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of public relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to studyProduction of radio spots for public relations.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.
Radio broadcast is Public relationsPublished information and And entertainment in order to personnel or the people Information and essence.
PR (Public Relations) to communicate to the public by the organizations involved. The feedback from the public and the referendum on the organization . The objective is to create a credible image and correct errors in the matter.
The Department of Special Investigation is a leading the investigation that is standard in the international level and has been the confidence in the enforcement of the law by the fairness prevent suppression investigation and prosecution of the special performance. With a fair

Keyword : Radio broadcast/Public Relations/ Department of Special Investigation

[fruitful_tab title=” 11. The Special Evants For Public Relation Good Health Good Day Of Chaophaya Hospital Public Company Limited in 2016″]


The main objective of the cooperative educationTheSpecial Events “Good Health Good Day” of Chaophya Hospital Public Company Limited in 2016 : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study Special Events for Public Relation Good Health Good Day lent of Chaophya Hospital Public.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords : The Special Events / Public Relations / Integration

[fruitful_tab title=” 12. Publication Media Production for Public Relations Invite institutions, community development of Vichaivej International Hospital Nongkha”]


The main objective of the cooperative educationPublication Media Production for Public Relations Invite institutions, community development of Vichaivej International Hospital Nongkhaem for the year 2559 are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations , Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study.
From those experiences , I obtained logical thinking , analyzing , solving problems and making teamwork systemically . During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment , which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords : Media/Public Relations/Publication Media Productionto the Public Relations

[fruitful_tab title=” 13. The Writing for Public Relations Office of Metropolitan Waterworks Authority for the year 2016″]


The main objective of the cooperative education Writing for Public Relations Office of Waterworks : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study thoughts and writing can be put into practice.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords: Writing for Public Relations / Public Relations / Metropolitan Waterworks Authority

[fruitful_tab title=” 14. Production of vinyl for Public Relations Project Cheer football Don’t bet.of Police Station Bangrak in 2016″]


The main objective of the cooperative educationProduction of vinyl for public project “Cheer football Don’t bet.” of police station Bangrakare to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education to study the production of Vinyl for Public relations.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solve problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Key words: public relations/media production to the public Relations/Vinyl Media

[fruitful_tab title=” 15. Public Relations Planning Clean Hand Save Health Project Of Chaophya Hospital Public Company Limited in 2016″]


The main objective of the cooperative education Public Relations Planning Clean Hand Save Health Project of Chaophya Hospital Public Company Limited in 2016 : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study , to prevent the spread of germs in Chaophya Hospital
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future

Keyword : Public Relations Planning /Clean Hand Save Health Project /Chaophya Hospital Public Company Limited in 2016

[fruitful_tab title=” 16. The Media Production for Public Relations Stop Drinking Start Living Project of Chaophya Hospital Public Company Limited in 2016″]


The main objective of the cooperative education The Media Production for Publicize Relation Stop Drinking Start Living Project of Chaophya Hospital Public Company Limited in 2016 : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to studyMedia Production for Relation Stop Drinking Buddhist Lent of Chaophya Hospital Public.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 14 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future

Keyword : The Media Production for Publicize Relation / Stop Drinking Start Living Project / Chaophya Hospital Public Company Limited in 2016

[fruitful_tab title=” 17. The Media Production for Public relations on Department of Special Investigation’s electronic board in 2016″]


The main objective of the cooperative education (The media production for Public relations on Department of Special Investigation’s electronic board.) : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study media production for Public relations on the Electronic boards media.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education 14 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.
The Department of Special Investigation case, it was the leading Organizations in investigation in the standard international and has faith in law with the action, Prevent, Suppress, Investigate and special litigation efficiently.
Electronic is technology related to Circuit Include electrical equipment that is active component such as Vacuum tubes, Transistor, Diodes and parts passive such as Superconductors, Capacitors and coil Nonlinear. Behavior of active component and Ability electron flow control enable signal enlarge to up for communication the picture and sound such as Telegram, Phone, Radio and Television.
Public relations is Communication Comments message and facts to the public Strengthen relations and Understanding between the Departments with public to aspire in cooperation.Public support include Contributed Enhance the image to the agency give the popular piety as well as searching for Eliminate sources of misunderstanding and help negate issues, To make a success in the operation of the agency.

Keyword: Department of Special Investigation’s/Electronic/Public Relations.

[fruitful_tab title=” 18. The Writting for Public relation on Social Media of The Department of Special Investigation’s in 2016″]


The main objective of the cooperative education (The Writing for Public relations on Social media of the Department of Special Investigation’s in 2016): are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study Writing for Public relations on Social media.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.
The Department of Special Investigation case, it was the leading Organizations in investigation in the standard international and has faith in law with the action, Prevent, Suppress, Investigate and special litigation efficiently.
Public relations is Communication Comments message and facts to the public Strengthen relations and Understanding between the Departments with public to aspire in cooperation.Public support include Contributed Enhance the image to the agency give the popular piety as well as searching for Eliminate sources of misunderstanding and help negate issues, To make a success in the operation of the agency.

Keyword: Department of Special Investigation’s/Electronic/Public Relations.

[fruitful_tab title=” 19. The special event for responsibility to the society of The Department of Special Investigation The DSI celebration on the auspicious oc”]


The main objective of the cooperative education The special event for responsibility to the society of The Department of Special Investigation “The DSI celebration on the auspicious occasion of the 84th (7th circle) Birthday Anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit , 12 August 2016” in 2016 : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study The special event for responsibility to the society.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.
CorporateSocial Responsibility the Commitment of the international business that will develop sustainable economic growth as well as by the administrator of the organization as well as the families of the people as well as the community and society is aimed at improving the quality of life of these men,
Public Relations to communicate to the public by the organizations involved. The feedback from the public and the referendum on the organization. The objective is to create a credible image and correct errors in the matter.
Special Events Event in a special occasion or special days to publish the policy and the performance of the organization to the public to make people satisfied with impressive and the most popular faith per organizational unit.
Keyword: Corporate Social Responsibility, Public relations, Special Events

[fruitful_tab title=” 20. Media production brochure for public relations projects White House safe drug of Police Station Bangrak for 2016″]


The main objective of the cooperative education Media production brochure for public relations projects “White House safe drug,” of police station Bangrak for 2016 of police station Bangrak are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education to study the production of leaflets for Public relations.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solve problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 14 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Key words: public relations/media production to the public Relations/ brochure

[fruitful_tab title=” 21. The Media Production to Video for Public Relations to introducing information center of the Department of Special Investigation in 2016″]


The main objective of the cooperative education The media production to video for public relations to introducing information center of the Department of Special Investigation in 2016: are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of public relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study The media production to video for public relations.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.
Publie ellation means communieation communts,message,fact etc to national leaugue for strengthen recationships and understanding between department or organization with the target group and concerned citizens.
depaetmpent of special investigation government sector is belong to ministry of justice , for prevent, suppression and to control crime which is serious effect to econamy, society , stability and international relations.
media video is mean an image or a thing which is elated to in term of computer, it refers to devices which is help to make the picture on screen, on matter program on (mage,disk image processor it is processing to the picture, we often use this word as a prefixed words like video disk,video conference etc.

Keyword : Public Relations , Depaetmpent of Special Investigation , Media video

[fruitful_tab title=” 22. The Production Media to Leaflet Retirement preparing for Department of Special Investigation in2016″]


The main objective of the cooperative education The Production Media to leaflet Retirement preparing for Department of Special Investigation in 2016 : are to integrate of knowledge academic from the course of public relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to studyProduction brochure of for public relations.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 14 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.
PR (Public Relations) to communicate to the public by the organizations involved. The feedback from the public and the referendum on the organization . The objective is to create a credible image and correct errors in the matter
Leaflet for Public Relations The publication containing news Text and images The organization wants to publish Information on the various communities can hold more data . And portable
The Department of Special Investigation is a leading the investigation that is standard in the international level and has been the confidence in the enforcement of the law by the fairness prevent suppression investigation and prosecution of the special performance. With a fair

Keyword : Public Relations / Leaflet for Public Relations / Department of Special Investigation

[fruitful_tab title=” 23. The Writing Project for Public Relations via Online for Marry Plaza Studio in 2016″]


The main objective of the cooperative education The Writing Project for Public Relation via Online Media for Marry Plaza Studio in 2016 : are to intergrate of knowledge academic from the course of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and study Public Relations writing.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplaces competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the work in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords : Public Relations Writing , Article, Online Media

[fruitful_tab title=” 24. The Media Production Vinil and Handbill for Public Relations Of Metropolitan waterworks Authority2016″]


The main objective of the cooperative education: The Media Production Vinil and Handbill for Public Relations of Metropolitan waterworks Authority 2016: are to integrate of knowledge academic from the of Public Relations, Communication Arts Faculty in Siam University to the cooperative education working and to study thoughts and Recover Data can be put into practice.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was preparation before entering the professional work in the future.

Keywords: The Media Production Vinill and Handbill for Public Relations / Public Relations / Metropolitan Waterworks Authority


[fruitful_tab title=”25. The special event for public relations Grand Opening Rabinson Petchaburi 2017 of Lukdee Company”]


This project is part of the study based on professional internship course for year 2017 in bachelor’s degree.
From internships of cooperative education on the topic. “Special events to promote the Grand Opening at Robinson Phetchaburi”. The objective is to bring the knowledge gained from practical learning, special events for the public relations event and learning function of the position coordinate to use in the future. Luckdee’s company is a business organizer that do special events, such as event, press conferences, beauty contest and more.
The study found that special events should be considered as the main target group to clear and special events , should be a modern concept to be of interest to the target group.
The area of activity should be appropriate to the parallel to the convenience and security of the customer.
From this internship, it makes the experience of working both in the process of thought and problem solving, including working with others in the organization system. It has resulted in a preliminary experiences in working to work effectively in the future.

Keywords: Special event/ Grand opening/ Public relations
[fruitful_tab title=”26. The Special event for social activity in 2017 of O.K.D company”]


This project is part the study based on professional internship for year 2017 in behelor’s degree.
The practice cooperative in special events to promote the donation of materials to Plugmailai Temple and School in the countryside. It’s to help Encourage public use of the product in the company. This can be a good image for the organization. And enhance Religion This makes the intern understand the special events to promote the organization.
A study of workers in cooperative management of this special event to promote the donation of materials to Plugmailai Temple and School in the countryside The event was a special event should be sincere in the main event. This creates a good image is only profitable to get. But the real joy is in this special event. The results of the study and what has been the practice. – Be aware of the special events to promote the organization. -Have a flair for problem solving the problems that arise.
-Know the is a delight to be back. -A view to public relations of the new format. From an operational and training cooperative in this. Make it known to work together as a team. The system enables management to achieve maximum efficiency in their work. The practice of critical thinking to resolve issues raised by the unknown. and the most important Advocates also note that there is no need to focus on issues that have nothing to do. But let us look at what others have done nothing more than ”
-Know the is a delight to be back. -A view to public relations of the new format. From an operational and training cooperative in this. Make it known to work together as a team. The system enables management to achieve maximum efficiency in their work. The practice of critical thinking to resolve issues raised by the unknown. and the most important Advocates also note that there is no need to focus on issues that have nothing to do. But let us look at what others have done nothing more than ” More give More I get.”

Keywords: Public Relations / Event / cooperative

Author: Kunakon Taweechaiwat
Co-operative Education Preparation: Chutipa Singsaksevi
Major: Public Relations
Bachelor degree: Communication Arts
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2559
[fruitful_tab title=”27. The special event for public relations New Look Offer Central Department store 2017 of Lukdee Company”]


This project is part of the study based on professional internship course for year 2016in bachelor’s degree.From internships of cooperative education on the topic. “Special events for the public relations activities new look offer at Central department store of Luckdee company. The objective is to bring the knowledge gained from real world to learn about the various steps in special events to public relations and learn about the work of the position of General coordinator to continue in the future. Luckdee’s company is a business organizer that do special events, such as event, press conferences, beauty contest and more.
From the study found that Special public relations activities must consider the target to work to clear and needs of customers as the core. The concept must be direct and to the desired audience And exotic modern. It is the main factor that makes the task success and customer satisfaction.
The results of the study and what has been the practice.
1. Know about special events for the public relations work.
2. Know how to fix the situation.
3. Know about working with others and endurance training in the work.
4. Know about the working process in the position General coordinator.
The result of study and the actual work to gain experience from work. The study and practical experience of the work,both sides thought processes, problem solving, planning, analysis, working with others in the organization system and increase of experience, expertise in the work. and be prepared to work in the future.

Keywords: Special event/ Central department store/ Public relations.
[fruitful_tab title=”28. The Public Relations for Planing LONGSERVICE 2017 BANG OF AYUDHYA of Lukdee Company”]


This report is a part of Public Relations Project of Cooperative Education, Bachelor’s Degree of Faculty of Communication Arts, Siam University.
The main objective of the study was to the project planing of Special Events Plan For Public Relations Longservice Award Bang of Ayudhya 2017 by Lukdee Organizer And other objective about the working process of event and responsibility as customer coordinator assistant.
The finding indicate that the project planing should be maintain customer focus, target group, conceptual and etc. to be attractive of target audience including area suitable for the scale of project in order to facilitate and security.
The results of the study were follow :
1. The responsibility of customer coordinator assistant.
2. Studied to process of planing the event project.
3. Learned to solve the problems and practice patience with coping.
4. Get to know the work life and teamwork.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future

Keywords : Planning for Public relations/ Event/ images

Author: Nattakitta Bunsan
Co-operative Education Preparation: Chutipa Singsaksevi
Major: Public Relations
Bachelor degree: Communication Arts
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2559
[fruitful_tab title=”29. The Special Event for Public Relations Forest&check dam 2017 Thai Railway of Thailand “]


This report is a part of Public Relations Project of Cooperative Education, Bachelor’s Degree of Faculty of Communication Arts, Siam University.
The main objective of the study was to the project planing of Special Events Plan For Public Relations Longservice Award Bang of Ayudhya 2017 by Lukdee Organizer And other objective about the working process of event and responsibility as customer coordinator assistant.
The finding indicate that the project planing should be maintain customer focus, target group, conceptual and etc. to be attractive of target audience including area suitable for the scale of project in order to facilitate and security.
The results of the study were follow :
1. The responsibility of customer coordinator assistant.
2. Studied to process of planing the event project.
3. Learned to solve the problems and practice patience with coping.
4. Get to know the work life and teamwork.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future

Keywords : Planning for Public relations/ Event/ images
[fruitful_tab title=”30. The Public Relations for Planing NEW YEAR PARTY KHAOYAI AYUDHYA CAPITAL SERVICES CO.,LTD 2017 of Lukdee Company”]


This report is a part of Public Relations Project of Cooperative Education, Bachelor’s Degree of Faculty of Communication Arts, Siam University.
The main objective of the study was to the project planing of 2017 New Year Party at KhaoYai for Ayudhya Capital Services co.,ltd by Lukdee Ltd., (Organizer and Event services). The finding indicate that the project planing should be maintain customer focus, target group, conceptual and etc. to be attractive of target audience including area suitable for the scale of project in order to facilitate and security.
The results of the study were
1. The responsibility of customer coordinator assistant.
2. Studied to process of planing the event project.
3. Learned to solve the problems and practice patience with coping.
4. Get to know the work life and teamwork.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future

Keywords : Planning for Public relations/ Event/ images

Author: Sureeporn Ketkumjone
Co-operative Education Preparation: Chutipa Singsaksevi
Major: Public Relations
Bachelor degree: Communication Arts
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2559

[fruitful_tab title=”31. The special event for public relations “New Look Offer Central Department store 2017” of Lukdee Company” ]


This project is part of the study based on professional internship course for year 2017 in bachelor’s degree. From internships of cooperative education on the topic. “Special events for the public relations activities new look offer at Central department store of Luckdee company. The objective is to bring the knowledge gained from real world to learn about the various steps in special events to public relations and learn about the work of the position of General coordinator to continue in the future. Luckdee’s company is a business organizer that do special events, such as event, press conferences, beauty contest and more. From the study found that Special public relations activities must consider the target to work to clear and needs of customers as the core. The concept must be direct and to the desired audience And exotic modern. It is the main factor that makes the task success and customer satisfaction.
The results of the study and what has been the practice.
1. Know about special events for the public relations work.
2. Know how to fix the situation.
3. Know about working with others and endurance training in the work.
4. Know about the working process in the position General coordinator.
The result of study and the actual work to gain experience from work. The study and practical experience of the work, both sides thought processes, problem solving, planning, analysis, working with others in the organization system and increase of experience , expertise in the work. and be prepared to work in the future.

Keywords Special event/ Central department store/ Public relations.

Author: ่Jerataa Aukkarajarukit
Co-operative Education Preparation: Chutipa Singsaksevi
Major: Public Relations
Bachelor degree: Communication Arts
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2559
[fruitful_tab title=”32. The Special Event for Public Relations Celebrate the Candle Festival of the Year 2017 of Bang Kruai Municipality”]


This report is part of the curriculum study in the Cooperative Education Program. Bachelor’s Degree From the practice of co-operative education in the “Celebrate the Candle Festival of the Year 2017” of Bang Kruat Municipality. The purpose is to study special activities for public relations. It consists of 3 main stages: 1) Preparation 2) Stage 3) After Special Event Including the learning of the position of assistant public relations officer to the future, which Bang Kruat municipality. Is a government agency To serve under the municipal law, BE 2496, Amended to the 12th edition, 2009
Because of the cooperative education at the Bang Kruat municipality. The organizer is assigned to work as a public relations assistant (Academic and Planning Division). Publish document Poster design for vinyl billboards of Bang Kruat municipality. To assist in the organization of activities in both organizations. And off-site Including the implementation of special events on various occasions, etc., to help ease the workload. And benefit the organization as well.
Study results and performance.
1. Acknowledged the process of working as a public relations assistant.
2. Study and learn special activities in the project. “Celebrate the Candle Festival of the year 2017” of the municipality of Bangkruay.
3. Learn to solve problems. And practice the patience to deal with the pressure.
4. Learn to live a real life. And to know friendships in work
Because of this practice. Get a real work experience. Both in terms of process, thinking, planning, problem solving. Including working with others in the organization systematically. This results in a working experience. To work professionally in the future.

Keywords : Event / Bangkruai Municiplity / Public Relations

Author: Kannieka Juntongnem
Co-operative Education Preparation: Ekkasit Auychaiwat
Major: Advertising
Bachelor degree: Communication Arts
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2559

Communication Arts – Public Relations