Transforming learning for sufficiency economy philosophy and sustainable development through the triangle of living learning lab

Last modified: November 1, 2024
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Title: Transforming learning for sufficiency economy philosophy and sustainable development through the triangle of living learning lab
Researcher: ศ.กิตติคุณ ดร.ชนิตา รักษ์พลเมือง – Prof. Emeritus Dr.Chanita Rukspollmuang
Degree: Ph.D. in Educational Administration Innovation
Major: Doctor of Philosophy Program in Educational Administration Innovation
Faculty of study: บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School)
Academic year: 2567 (2024)
Published: Asia Pacific Education Review, 19 November 2022 Volume 23, pages 595–610.    Click


With recognition to the importance of the royal initiative Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) as the guiding principle of national development and its role as a main driver to accomplish the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs), Siam University decided to repositioning our institution, education program, and learning ecosystem accordingly. It was agreed that our students needed to learn more about how to apply SEP in practice and that they need to be nurtured and educated more about sustainable development. A research team was then appointed with 2 missions (1) to investigate students’ key competencies for sustainability in the 21st Century as needed by students and instructors and (2) to design and propose a model to transform general education program and learning for SEP and sustainable development (SD). A mixed methods approach, using document research, questionnaire, and focus group discussion, was employed. Five domains and 30 characteristics were identified as key competencies for sustainability in the 21st Century. Needs assessment questionnaire was distributed to 440 students and 160 instructors and analyzed by Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI Modified). It was found that both students and instructors ranked “appreciation, understanding, and commitment to apply the principle of sustainable development (SD) and Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) in daily life and global/social issues” as first priority (PNI Modified = 0.17, 0.36), “appreciation and preservation of Thai identity and Thai culture” as second (PNI Modified = 0.15, 0.34), and “concern, awareness and understanding global/social issues, and their impacts” as third (PNI Modified = 0.14, 0.28). Results of the study were then used as a basis in designing our general education program. The Triangle of Living Learning Lab model was then proposed as a model to transform GE program and learning for SEP and SD.

ศ.กิตติคุณ ดร.ชนิตา รักษ์พลเมือง – Prof. Emeritus Dr.Chanita Rukspollmuang. 2567 (2024).Transforming learning for sufficiency economy philosophy and sustainable development through the triangle of living learning lab. บทความ (Paper). บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School). ปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต สาขาวิชานวัตกรรมการบริหารการศึกษา – Doctor of Philosophy Program in Educational Administration Innovation. ปร.ด. นวัตกรรมการบริหารการศึกษา – Ph.D. in Educational Administration Innovation. Bangkok: Siam University

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