Co-op Business Administration – Accounting

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Co-op Business Administration – Accounting

[vc_toggle title=”2013 /2556″]

  1. Accounting for business purchases to sell
  2. Accounting Processes
  3. Accounting program WIN Speed
  4. Accounting System and Accountancy by Accounting Program
  5. Accounts receivable system, Accounts payable system
  6. Audit contractor landfill Audit income and expenses
  7. Audit Program for Trade Account Receivables
  8. Audit techniques, construction materials trading business
  9. Auditing Tactics Past 1
  10. Auditing Tactics Past 2
  11. Basic auditing
  12. Basic auditing and preparation of the paper
  13. Bookkeeping in Express Programming
  14. Cost of Production
  15. Filling Process P.N.D 50 How to audit
  16. Input and Output tax by CD-Organizer Program
  18. Payment of electricity bills by Direct Debit account
  19. Procedures set financial documents submitted to the government
  20. Receivables cycle
  21. Recording of Petty Cash in the Express Accounting program
  22. Software Express Accounting recording sell on credit
  23. Substantive Test of Accounts Receivable
  24. Tax Filings
  25. Tax Invoice
  26. The company accounts for Fusion Industries Limited
  27. The Comparison Of Income Between Gas Company
  28. The preparation of personal income tax withholding ( PND 3 and PND 53 )
  29. The process of document the Financial Statement Submission Form
  30. The program “my account” for accounting
  31. To check the validity of the document before the record
  32.   Transaction Cycle Audits
  33. Types of Auditor’s report
  34. Value add Tax System for Company
  35. Value Added Tax
  36. Value Added Tax 1
  37. Withholdiing Tax
  38. Withholding Tax 2
  39. Withholding Tax 3
  40. Working Paper

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  1. Preparation to Return Clients’ Accounting Evidences and Documents
  2. The audit in the supplementary food business
  3. Substantive Test for Asset
  4. Inspection Techniques of Jewelry Business Income Cycle
  5. Audit Procedures of Revenue and Expenditure Cycles [fruitful_sep]
  6. Documents Required to Prepare Account Casestudy S.P.T. Network Co.,LTD
  7.   Implementing job-order costing system case study of Fusion Ivdustry Co.,Ltd
  8. Step transitional withholding tax
  9. The accounting of income and expanses and tax filings
  10. The comparson of revenue recognition between restaurants and gas company
  11. The recognition of income and expenses of stone logistics
  12. Withholding tax Management
  13. Account receivable for Kasememrad Hospital
  14. Booking Keeping basic audit

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[fruitful_tab title=”1. WITHHOLDING TAX”]


According to co-operated education program, we have a chance to perform in Eva Accounting company limited, an accounting company. We were assigned to work as an accountant. My responsibility is auditing that include posting to the ledger, posting to Express program from the document, inventory record and Bank Reconciliation Statement. Furthermore, we have also performed concern with tax payment field such as withholding Tax payment, online tax submission, withholding tax classify, tax calculation etc. As we have performed completely in this real field, all experiences and abilities would be advantage of us in our real work.
[fruitful_tab title=”2. Value Added Tax By Express Accounting Software”]


Abstract Asia Law And Accounting Co.,Ltd. The Company that provided accounting and taxation such as business registration, accounting services, accounting dudit, accounting adviser and tax consultion. Administrative and accounting within the company using Express Accounting Software Program. The Program is a part of the preparation of the accounts and works with multiple systems such as a purchase and sales system.
For this reasons, Students co-operative perform are interested in purchase and sales system because most businesses that operate under Thai Accounting Standards must to pay valueadded tax (VAT) so it is necessary to use the program to improve work efficiency increased

Key words : Accounting Services / value added tax / Express Accounting Software

[fruitful_tab title=”3. Forbidden Input VAT In The Value Added Tax System”]


Dheeraharm Law and Account office Co., Ltd. I has two operations–the Accounting work and Law work mutually.There are many advantages but most of the works will be performed to the account things, starting from recording purchase and selling to the customers throughout the various tax filling customers. It has individual, various groups or liability limited company and consulting on accounting for those who are interested and above all is the Law works ,which are engaged with counselling about that. During the internship work ,the author was assigned with the various tasks, such as recording accounting by program, purchase-sales tax reports and recording monthly expense etc. During the operation, we had a problem and errors to record an expense for customer. We found that part of the purchase tax in each tax invoice .It can be a tax to be claimed or refundable, some is not refundable. It is called “Forbidden Input VAT” .This causes mistakes to claim for the sales tax deduction ,which is acceptably required by The Revenue Department or including loss of money and tax penalty. So, We are much interested in this topic and aim for studying in details, bring applicable knowledges later.The author truely hopes that knowledges We got in studying through various formats will obtain maximum benefits.

Key words : Forbidden input vat / Loss of money / Revenue Department / Law office
[fruitful_tab title=”4. Accounting and Tax for Establishment”]


KNK Consultantcy company Limited is an accounting office and provided management accounting audit accounting , consulting taxation, Financial planning ,Monthly tax, Get listed companies and partnerships in the field of business acquired – sales, service, manufacturing, construction, etc., which are communicating between International accounting firm Bookkeeping outsourcing company Government agencies such as the Department of Commerce and Department of Revenue. In this inturn, the report is assigned a task. Especially on taxes such as income tax withholding fills both individual and corporate (PND 1, 3, 53) fill out the tax returns of the Form VAT ( 30) for submission to the Department. The tax preparation is very important. Sometimes, an error in the filing of such a tax to be paid is wrong, enter customer details are incomplete or incorrect documentation. This caused problems for all parties concerned. I decided to implement of such a solution by the method of calculating the tax. That’s how to complete a list as well as the authenticity of the documents. This will greatly reduce the error. Can run fast this solves the problem.

Keywords: withholding tax / income tax withholding (PND.1, 3, 53) / Value Added Tax Return under the revenue code(PP.30)


Local product Pantainorasingh Industry Limited Company is a company operating for more than 45 years as a business of production and distribution of household, chili sauce and various kinds of sauce that widely known until now. Within the company has a policy of control system, inventory management that is an efficient operation of the company, prevent and eliminate the problems such as corruption, lost, old-fashion, the expiration or deterioration of inventories.
Studies about the accounting of inventories is aim to learn about the inventory control system, inventory accounting methods and how to monitor the inventory: a case study of Local product Pantainorasingh Industry Limited Company by study from the documents, operational requirements that the company actually used with observation, to inquire from the employees. The study found that this company can comply with the principle of internal control systems effectively with the rapid turnover of goods which is planned to produce in accordance with customer requirements (Forecast) as a consumer. While the responsibility for the product, the company has insurance to protect consumers by ensure the product certification by many organizations for quality and information systems with secure access to the database. The results of the inventory control system make they learn the process since the purchase of materials, packaging to finished goods, know how to check the inventory in stock of the company that how is the step working according to the purpose of the researcher.

Keywords : Inventory Control System / Internal Control System
[fruitful_tab title=”6. Value Added Tax”]


The objective of the cooperative of education work report : Purchase – sale tax report of Thanajaren Account and Law,B.E. 2557 was to study the Purchase – sale tax report by study of how to checking tax invoice and also study step the Purchase – sale tax report starting from step the obtain tax invoice form the company customers to investigate the accuracy according to the law the set until the preparation of the Purchase –sale tax report for in preparation for submission of vat ภ.พ.30 During the performance of cooperative education for 16 week was not only to develop the professional skills but also experience new in to the works Purchase – sale tax report and get study system works of organization and get know works cooperate others get to was latency of thing that get inform extremely in to the work and case be precise at prolong and have case be responsible to the duty in to the works more and more but also develop the workplace competencies and intergrate academic knowledge in to the work in the establishment which was the preparation before entering the world of professional work in the future.

Keywords : Value added tax / Purchase –sale tax report
[fruitful_tab title=”7. Audit Principle”]


The KA auditing group company limited is sevices about auditing and advice for company, limited partnership, foundation, association etc. Checking account by standard profession account which receives for certain and clears to business, institute and accomplice. If there are mistakes or problem, Audit can advise solution to company for convenience to work and reduce risk from mistake of operation. Main substance example; deposit account, investment, bank loan creditor, accrual income and accrual expense, remain goods, assets, depreciation etc. The company infomation example; withholding tax, account receivable and accout payable after checking and adjust will take data to do the correct financial budget.
[fruitful_tab title=”8. Some Changes in Issue 5 and 8 of the Financial Reporting Standards “]


This research is to study and research about companies Nyc Managed Limited conducted seminars on accounting, auditing, accounting, taxation all those, This research illustrates the importance of financial reporting standards. The practitioner should be aware of the account to be used in the preparation of the financial report that is required by the standard. This research aims In order to have knowledge Understanding of the financial reporting standards Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations. As well as to provide a better understanding on the part of financial reporting standards implementation to perform correctly in accordance with generally accepted financial reporting and to anyone who has studied this project, a more accurate insight in the preparation of financial reports that studies by the methodological assumptions. Temporary or answer by trial study that the response of the project is going to be like. Concluded by the preparation of a project report. This may be a new problem arises and study a problem that should be corrected or not. To anyone who has studied this project with the understanding that more accurate. In summary, the importance of this practice that has been aware of the process. It is based on fact. And continuous process improvements. The division of authority And responsibilities By known procedures And calculation methods The amount paid will be inclusive of all tax rates. Finally, before handing over the receipt, customers must have a valid VAT number validation before it.
Keywords: Financial Reporting Standards, 5 standard financial reporting issue 8, Changes TFRS 2557.
[fruitful_tab title=”9. Maneuver the voucher system with accounting software Express”]


S-Line Accounting Limited Company is account company been maneuver is widely known. The operation in company taken ready-made accounting program come in to use was maneuver accounting. For the main job assigned is payment voucher recording with accounting software Express. Which while working found mainly problem is payment voucher have a lot document incorrect and incomplete. And user inexperienced and skill in use accounting software Express. So we are present “Maneuver the voucher system with accounting software Express” Objective is
1. For increase efficiency in record payment voucher to correct and complete.
2. For payment voucher record easily and quickly punctual.
3. For increase skillful and expert include learning how to and step maneuver ready-made accounting system with Express Program.
Useful of The voucher system with accounting software Express” is 1. Can information record in payment voucher with correct and completed. 2. Can information record in payment voucher with easily and quickly punctual. 3. User have a skillful and expert know how to and step of record payment voucher with accounting software

Express. Key words : Voucher System / Accounting Software Express
[fruitful_tab title=”10. The auditting of Sirimongkol Certified Public Accounting Office”]


Sirimongkol Certified Public Accountant Office is auditing service for company and partnership firm. Service concern about checking document and evidence for record to accounting book for preparation of the financial report that is required by the auditing standard. The Auditing and opinion to financial statement to demonstrate the financial position and the operation results of the business that are required by generally accepted accounting principles, remarks to the executive about the internal control deficiencies, present the necessary information to enable users of financial statements. Each business has the difference auditing method. The study reason for present the policy account and proposed the idea of a performance audit manual. The useful of financial statements are present the financial position as one day and the results of operations of the business as one year. The shareholders or investors can understand the financial statements for ability to investing. Including operational risks that may arise in the future can also comparison of business in the same time of last year can also comparison with the other business? In addition to the financial statements to business analysis. The investor or the other should be a priority of the auditor’s report and notes to the financial statements because difference business is different accounting policies. The Accounting Standards Assigned to each entity’s accounting policies disclosed in the notes to the financial statements for transparency, clear accountability, and should consider the opinion of the auditor may present something unusual in account occur of the financial statements.

[fruitful_tab title=”11. Payment System”]


Fancy Art Co., Ltd. is the production and sale of garments, including products Gift Shop. Ticketmaster purchases are copyrighted by grant from Walt Disney distribution both domestically and abroad. The company purchases raw materials and equipment from several acquisitions, both cash and credit for producting. As a result, payment systems and preparing the company’s accounts. The documents relating to payment systems have a lot of mistake and the document is not correctly. As the result, we interesting in payment systems. The payment systems begin by provide information on pay systems. Scan documents from the receipt of the billing. The accounting with the Boss Devoloper accounting software until payment. A systematic and step have purpose to provide employees working with circumspection and perform a systematic procedure. Including for using an accounting program to help to make pay systems of the company are accurate quickly or errors minimal.
[fruitful_tab title=”12. The Accounting Sustem and Internal Contrals”]


The study on the accounting system and internal controls production of a company, which operates Limited printing of publications. Divided into publications for advertising. The publication is worth Internal affairs and publications by registering as a trader registered for VAT. Therefore, it is obliged to submit a report by the tax code and responsible for preparing financial statements in accordance with accounting standards. For submission to the IRS and the Department of Commerce. The purpose of the study is to understand the nature of its operations. Production accounting systems and internal controls of the company. To perform an accounting system, and internal controls appropriate to the nature of the business. For prepare a report on the affairs of accounting and financial reporting of financial position of the Company. As results of operations accurately and reliably. The data collected comes from observing the operation and interviews.
The study found that the company has no organizational structure and division of responsibilities clearly. The accounting systems and internal controls are not effective enough to provide completely financial statement. The manager can not take the information for used to make decisions. The study suggested the organizational structure and responsibilities. Designing accounting documents And improve document flow passage as well as offering guidelines for internal control systems, production accounting principles of good internal control and suitable to accommodate the expansion of the business in the future.

Keywords : Manufacturing accounts system / Internal Control / Manufacturing accounts system and Internal Control
[fruitful_tab title=”13. The company should submit to the tax Revenue Department”]


FIRSTNET ACCOUNTING OFFICE CO.,LTD a company that provides accounting Service. Internal audit,Accounting System, Commercial Registration, Tax consultancy and comprehensive quality at a fair price. Adherence to ethics, Honesty, Implement the law effectively. Accuracy, Fidelity, Completely. The team of professional service for the customers satisfaction. The development potential of the company’s personnel continued. In order to have an internal control System to better comply with the accounting Standards of the Federation. And in order to convey the experience or develop intern accounting profession continues. Reduce the risk of errors that occurred during the operation to prevent damage to a minimum. Customers and tax return forms correctly and timely to reduce detection of Revenue Department.

[fruitful_tab title=”14. Manual for recording purchase tax and sales tax Mac 5 program”]


The working group in compliance regarding the cooperative education program at Piboonchai Maepranom Chili Paste Co.,Ltd. Manufactures, which has been producing instant seasonings such as chili paste and various kinds of dipping which is a well-known company. Its trading volume is very high in each month. Therefore, the accurate accountancy is very important including input tax and output tax reporting of the company in each month which the mistakes are found very often. As the recording are found very often, it makes confused and took a long time to solve it correct. By solving this problem, we created the manual of recording input tax and output tax via Mac 5 program. The manual of recording input tax and output tax via Mac 5 program can reduce the mistakes and increase efficiency on work. Which indicates the methods and processes of preparation input tax and output tax thoroughly. It can be used to the new generation of apprentices and new staff to gain their work understanding and reduce the mistakes on their work. Regarding the cooperative education program as the manual of recording input tax and output tax via Mac 5 program, which makes the working group got advantage for acclimatize to social of working with colleague. It makes to know liking skill in account working. It can bring knowledge from education applied with working, it makes we have patience and responsibility in working.

Key words : Input Tax, Output Tax
[fruitful_tab title=”15. Thai Financial reporting standard 13 fair value measurement”]


NYC Management Co., Ltd is a company organized in accounting, auditing, accounting seminars, and taxation; the organizer has seen the importance in the new issue of the Thai Financial Reporting Standard’s (TFRS) fair value measurement, which is an interesting financial reporting standard. The organizer saw that the personnel do not have enough knowledge and understanding of the TFRS’s fair value measurement. The study’s objectives were to apply the knowledge gained from research studies of the TFRS’s fair value measurement to future works of the organizer and other individuals, and for the authorities in the organization and the organizer to have the knowledge and understanding of this issue of the TFRS as well. Study results discovered that this organization’s employees still lacked knowledge and understanding about the TFRS 13’s fair value measurement and this issue of the TFRS is still a new one. Thus, the student suggested the provision of TFRS 13’s fair value measurement reports as manuals and reports for the organization’s employees and the student himself to study and research. The organization’s employees will also gain knowledge and understanding of TFRS 13’s fair value measurement as well.
[fruitful_tab title=”16. Value added tax auditing and the preparation of the from VAT”]


Rungrueng Accounting & Lawyer Co., Ltd. is an effective organization that holds experiences in accounting work. It provides completely services both accounting and taxation such as consulting accounting and taxation, accounting service, accounting audit, business registration, distribution and training of accounting program (EXPRESS), include submission of tax to the Revenue Department representing clients. From the internship experience under a cooperative education program of Siam University, I was assigned to various jobs in corporate tax department. Consequently, I have learned about Value Added Tax Audit and The preparation of the Form VAT. Also, I studied about Value Added Tax Audit and The preparation of the Form VAT. From such studies allows the preparation for further duties in order to reduce errors to occur.

Key words : Value Added Tax/ The preparation of the Form VAT/ Revenue Department
[fruitful_tab title=”17. Accounting change and accounting record program express”]


Rung Raung Accounting and lawyers company limited. The quality accounting office to provided accounting and business consulting. The company have certified by Ministry of industry. As a supplier and training how to use accounting software “Express”. The organization uses the “Express” program as the main accounting record and opportunities for student, who are interested to find experience in accounting. Each year, there are many students in the interested someone have knowledge of the “Express” program, someone don’t have organizer to detailed accounting change and accounting record program express for allow the student to read and make understood before the actual operation.

Keywords : Department of business development/Ministry of commerce /Accounting change
[fruitful_tab title=”18. The accounting records in journals on express accounting program”]


Rung Rueng Accounting & Lawyer Company limited is a accounting company been maneuver is widely know and provides legal services to meet the needs of customers such as Juristic Person Registration, accounting service, tax service, audit accounting, computer accounting on program express in addition the company to distribute this program and training to usedetc. In company operations to use accounting program express help to accounting. The trainees are most assigned is record accounting in journals on express accounting program. Which problem between work is most document, incorrect and recorder have low skill to used program. Each year outsider come to learned make to employee teach to same format and long time to teach this is the reason trainees realize the importance to explanation how to record accounting in journals on express accounting program and usability tools for the basic to be operation manual for future trainees.

Keyword : The accounting record in journals/Express accounting program

[vc_toggle title=”2015 /2558″]
[fruitful_tabs type=”accordion” width=”100%” fit=”false” closed=”false”]
[fruitful_tab title=”1. Guideline for construction work in progress account in SAP system of Provincial Electricity Authority Nakhon Pathom”]


Provincial Electricity Authority of Nakhon Pathom Province, is state enterprise unit that is belonged to Ministry of Interior. This unit will has the duty to render services to distribute electric currents to household sectors, business sectors, government sectors and other industrial factories. Currently, Provincial Electricity Authority has brought SAP (Systems Applications Program), (package software system) to be used in managing all systems including accounting job since B.E. 2554 onwards. Benefits of using SAP for accounting included more convenient and faster accounting operations, as well as error reduction on the organization’s budgeting.
Co-operative Education operation has been used to study accounting system of construction work in progress account since the stage of preparing the budget until to closing the financial statement of construction work in progress account in SAP (package software system). The officer is needed to have the guideline for holding as the operational guideline in working operation. Hence, in order to help the officer to have knowledge and understanding correctly related to the stage of working operation. The organizer has studied and gathered information, the stage of working operation of construction work in progress account, primary financial statement of electricity users order to better understand construction-in-progress processes in SAP, and then published operational guidelines for those who want to work correctly, efficiently, and effectively.

Important terms: Construction work in progress account,SAP (package software system)

Author: Nattaya Pumkumarn
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mayuree Wongjarutkasem
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Adminstration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558

[fruitful_tab title=”2. Studying of Purchas Order System of Express Program”]


Global Medical (Thailand) Company Limited provides the production of health, skin and beauty products under the good standard of every process. The scientists, the expertise of various fields including the marketing consultant focus on being the leader of technology and leading innovation of the country for sustainable growth on the health and beauty business in order to deliver the efficient and safety product to the customers.
Then, the researchers have realized the importance of Global Medical (Thailand) Company Limited’ s accounting system , so we have studied the process of purchase order by starting from the method of issuing document of purchase order, goods receive, goods delivery, the method of goods’ checking, document classifying and invoice of both domestic and international. The company uses Express program for this operation to get the work systematic and easy for retrieving or ingesting the information of purchase order process. We have done this report in order to study the document and relationship of document among many departments by Express program, and the detail of each process can be learnt from this report.

Keywords: Purchase order system, accounting’s document, accounting program

Author: Phiyaporn Chanhai, Thichakorn Oupatham
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mayuree Wongjarutkasem
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Adminstration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558

[fruitful_tab title=”3. Purchase accounting system for industrial enterprise”]


Mahanakorn Accounting Company provides a wide-range of services such as accounting, bookkeeping, tax auditing, personnel compensation and salary system, managing accounting system, finance and tax and others. It was registered as a legal entity with the Department of Business Development on February 15, 1995.
During the Cooperative Education, we found problems regarding business management with complicated procedures that is affecting the delay of documents. We gave sample of Cable Houseware Co., Ltd.’s “Buying System for Industrial Company” which states the operational procedures and right buying systems. We also needed to make agreement on the registration of arriving documents and recording in the Express Program to solve the problems in the delayed documents and to avoidfilling the form of PP30.
With regard to the stated problem, the solution was assigning accountants to call customers in advance to prepare correct and complete tax invoices. For hiring the company to do bookkeeping, the company should explain to and make agreement with the customers to send all documents for recording in Express Program; and cover the tax reports for convenience of taxpayers and for the correct and on schedule payment of tax.

Keywords : Buying report recording procedure, tax report using Express Program, filling Value Added Tax (PP 30)

Author: Thanaporn Nilsri, Wiphada Wannakhan
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mayuree Wongjarutkasem
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Adminstration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558

[fruitful_tab title=”4. Controlling Construction Account in Progress of Provincial Electricity Authority Sam Pharn”]


Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) at Samphran district, Nakronprathom, Thailand is a department of the third area of Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) that operates on distributing electricity and manages the use of electricity in Samphran district. Since Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) has adapted the software called “System Application Products (SAP)” in order to replace the old system of managing computer data, SAP is a ready to use computer software or program that records all of expenses occur during the construction; such as labor cost, or can also be called as an “Controlling Construction Account in Progress” Therefore, this project has gathered accounting for constructing process on SAP data base which will be convenient and easily to track with the process. Also, this project will be beneficial to users in terms of well-understood of duties and works during the construction, in order to avoid any mistakes and defects of working system.

Keyword: Controlling Construction Account in Progress

Author: Chalita Wongnoi, Cheeranan Pheerawan
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mayuree Wongjarutkasem
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Adminstration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558

[fruitful_tab title=”5. Study the accounting of Microsoft Office Excel”]


SIM Account Company Limited is accounting financial audit and professional tax assistance practical communication between companies auditor and revenue department. Contact accountancy tax, personal income tax, corporate income tax, value added tax and withholding tax. Introduction of accounting software package is Microsoft Office Excel software to use in the workplace. Project management team organizers do research to use the software Microsoft Office Excel to facilitate accounting and preparing financial statements.
The resultsby the software packages accounting Microsoft Office Excel can be used to actually work in the future. Can be used in the education of students in the majorof accounting and accountant. Which allows for a better understanding of the operations and reduce mistake in the operations.

Key words: Accounting entry/ Software package accounting Microsoft Office Excel

Author: Phattraphorn Uamkrathok, Ploypilin Polwattana, Nattaporn Sawangrueng
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mayuree Wongjarutkasem
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Adminstration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558

[fruitful_tab title=”6. Comparison of revenue recognition of Provincial Electricity Authority, Krathumbaen between Electricity Authority and PEA Shop”]


Provincial Electricity Authority(PEA) in Krathum Baen District covering 132 sq. km. area has the boundaries in three provinces, Samut Sakhon, Nakhon Pathom and Bangkok, under the Provincial Electricity Authority District 3 of central part in Nakhon Pathom. At the present, Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) in Krathum Baen District has launched PEA Shop at Tesco Lotus in Krathum Baen on 1 of March 2016 in order to facilitate the user on electricity payment.
Provincial Electricity Authority(PEA) brings SAP (System ApplicationProduct) software to use in information management and the existing computer system uses BPM (Bill Printing and Payment Management) which is the tool for management about daily revenue and expense of PEA and PEA Shop. The researchers have collected data and done the document for operation process of revenue recognition. BPM focuses on the main revenue of PEA which is the revenue from electricity sale by considering the difference between the office and PEA Shop for benefits on using, easy understanding, decrease error and complexity and increase the efficiency on operation.

Keywords: Revenue Recognition/ Main Revenue / Bill Printing and Payment Management / PEA Shop.

Author: Saithanthip Nachan, Sunisa Palsut, Banyathip Khamnokdee, Phattaraon Yangwanichasas
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mayuree Wongjarutkasem
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Adminstration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558
[fruitful_tab title=”1. The Public Relations for Planing “NEW YEAR PARTY KHAOYAI AYUDHYA CAPITAL SERVICES CO.,LTD 2017″ of Lukdee Company”]


This report is a part of Public Relations Project of Cooperative Education, Bachelor’s Degree of Faculty of Communication Arts, Siam University.
The main objective of the study was to the project planing of 2017 New Year Party at KhaoYai for Ayudhya Capital Services co.,ltd by Lukdee Ltd., (Organizer and Event services). And other objective about the working process of event and responsibility as customer coordinator assistant.
The finding indicate that the project planing should be maintain customer focus, target group, conceptual and etc. to be attractive of target audience including area suitable for the scale of project in order to facilitate and security.
The results of the study were follow :
1. The responsibility of customer coordinator assistant.
2. Studied to process of planing the event project.
3. Learned to solve the problems and practice patience with coping.
4. Get to know the work life and teamwork.
From those experiences, I obtained logical thinking, analyzing, solving problems and making teamwork systemically. During the performance of cooperative education for 16 weeks was not only to develop the professional skills but also develop the workplace competencies and integrate academic knowledge into the works in the establishment, which was the preparation before entering the professional work in the future

Keywords : Planning for Public relations/ Event/ images


[fruitful_tab title=”2. Express Accounting Software for sales of goods and services”]


The researchers have operated the Co-operative education at Dulyakij Accounting Company Limited that provides the accounting service and other works that related to company and general public. The company uses Express software for operation such as recording of receipt voucher and payment vouher, recording of input tax invoice and output tax invoice, recording the cash sales and credit sales, etc. From the Co-operative education, the researchers know the importance of using Express software program in many fields in this company, we select to study Express Accounting Software for sales of goods and services, which indudes the detail of sales process starting from receiving the document from the customers, checking the accuracy of document until recording the cash, sales credit sales and payment from accounts receivable on Express software program. Due to sales is the important part for business operation, the researchers have done this report to be the knowledge for people who are interested in product and service sales process by using Express software program.

Keywords : Express software program / Express Accounting Software for sales of goods and services / Business Operation / Cash sales / Credit sales / Payment from account receivable.

[fruitful_tab title=”3. Process of Expenditure in Phayathai 2 Hospital by Oracle Program”]


Phyathai 2 Hospital Company Limited is a private hospital that provides the service of health care by using Oracle program in book keeping. The researchers have learnt how to use Oracle program from co-operative education operation at accounting department and found the problem of error in recording which often happened during operation. Then, the researchers see that choosing the appropriate and efficient program will make the operation more accurate. The result from studying Oracle program in operation found that the using of Oracle program is convenient and easily understanding. The operation system is not complicated and can reduce the error in accounting record, and the researchers can operate effectively.
Key words: Process of expense/ Oracle program/ Book keeping

[fruitful_tab title=”4. The Procedure for income and expense of trading business”]


R.P.S. Accounting and BusinessCo., Ltd. is an outsource of accounting services firm that providing clients with range of integrated services -Tax, Accountingsystemsand Advisory. There are2 types of clients in firm including Trading and Service business. The firm prepare the financial statement of client by classified 5 groups as Asset, Liabilities, Equity, Revenues and Expenses, that under the IFRS and GAAP. This report has a scope only trading firms – Revenue and Expense cycle. The problems of accountingentry are fixed by correctlysolutions – under IFRS & GAAP by the head of department. Finally, Internship program provides good experience. Sincerely hope that this report be useful.

Key words : income/expense/tradingbusiness

[fruitful_tab title=”5. Fixed Asset Accounting for Tax Benefit according to the Notification of the Director-General of Revenue Department No.266″]


Bumrungrad Hospital Public Company Limited (the “Company”) operates a private hospital business in Bangkok. According to the Notification of the Director-General of Revenue Department on income tax on May 17 2016 (No. 266). Rules, Procedures, and Conditions of Corporate Income Tax Exemption on income which is spent for capital expenditure, or expenditure incurred in addition, alteration, extension or improvement of properties, not being repairs for their maintenance in accordance with Section 65 ter (5) of the Revenue Code, due to a great amount of investment of the company and a number of benefits that the company will get, the company has to greatly emphasize the importance of this issue. So, in the case of using the right or any privilege, users have to make an inclusive list that shows the detail of used possessions which are exempt and the related documents. All the documents must be arranged and ready to summit to The Revenue Department to check.

Key words : Notification of the Director-General of Revenue Department on income tax on May 17 2016 (No. 266)

[fruitful_tab title=”6. Purchase accounting system and repayments integrated in the software Express Accounting”]


Dulyakij Accounting Office Company Limited is the company providing services of account bookkeeping, business registration, taxation, financial and law. The company is the quality accounting office that is the certified by Department of Business Development, so the company chooses the quality and efficient accounting software program such as Express program which is the effective, accurate, easy for searching, and convenient. This program is standard because it is used widespread in many companies.
This report is presenting the techniques of using Express program in purchasing system which is the important part of purchase list and payment voucher. People who are interested in this studying can bring these techniques to use for further study or increase in work efficiency and can be one source of knowledge for others.

Keywords: Account Bookkeeping/ Credit / Payment/ Express Program

[fruitful_tab title=”7. Inventory Report Recording”]


Soneva (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. runs business about resort management and export equipment and decoration of resort. We attended cooperative education project, Siam University and worked at Soneva (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. as assistant accountant in Accounting Department. We were assigned to record receiving and selling inventories, record report of ending inventories and provide document files of product. Therefore we prepare the report of Inventory Report Recording to study step of receiving and selling inventories, recording ending inventories, preparing stock cards, and solve problem which may happen during work in order for more efficiency of work. Details and process can be learned from this report.

Keyword: Report of ending inventories / record of receiving and selling inventories

[fruitful_tab title=”8. Input Vat Apportion”]


Thaniya Co., Ltd. is a company conducting rental of immovable assets business such as office, shopping mall (focusing on golf equipment) It is located in central of Bangkok which can be easily assessed by either BTS-Bangkok Transit System or MRT-Mass Rapid Transit. There are 3 sections altogether which are comprised of
1. Car park (5 story)
2. Shopping Mall (4 story)
3. Office (21 story)
The service include common infrastructure such as electricity, water supply, telecom, cleaning , security, car park, fuel and etc. to facilitate all lessees.
This kind of business has both VAT exemption business (rental of immovable assets) and VAT business (all other common services). Thus, certain kind of input VAT must be apportioned by terms and conditions prescribed in Director-General Notification on VAT (no.29) of the Revenue Code.

Key words : Input Vat Apportion/ Section 82/6 Code of Revenue

[fruitful_tab title=”9. Accounting software My Account”]


KPJ Business Company Limited provides the accounting service, submission for corporate income tax, personal income tax and monthly tax, payroll service and submission to Social Security Office etc.
The researchers have operated this study following co-operative education of Siam University atKPJ Business Company Limited, we worked as the assistant to the accountant which our duties emphasized on study of the basic knowledge about book keeping by My Account Program, for example; credit sales, purchase on credit collection, settlement , sale day book, bought day book.
This study interested the researchers about the process of accounting service and we hope this research will be useful for the graduates and other people who are interested in process of bookkeeping by My Account Program, and the bookkeeping of raw material purchasing from this company can be useful in the future
Keyword: Bookkeeping, My Account Program

Title: Accounting software My Account
Author: Sudawan Aimarom, Karnmanee Aimjai, Nucharin Chuenkaew
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Kittisak Sorapat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”10. Record of selling and purchasing account in Express Program”]


Kamolnarong Account and Law Co.,Ltd provides accounting services with standard accounting and provides advices about accounting, law tax of revenue code, providing forms for paying taxes and social security. Kamolnarong Account and Law Co.,Ltd has been assured the quality by Accounting office of Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce. The main services of company are preparing account, providing business advices and social security.
Therefore, the manipulator realizes the importance of accounting system of company. Kamolnarong Account and Law Co.,Ltd focuses on process of recording account of purchasing by cash and credit and selling products by cash and credit by using Express program as a tool to help recording account to be convenient, quick and to save more time.

Keyword: Recording account / selling and purchasing account / recoding account express program

Title: Record of selling and purchasing account in Express Program
Author: Nantana Prasitworawit, Pacharat Rungklang
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Kittisak Sorapat, Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”11. Monitoring the disbursement of lace material”]


Mastex Co.,Ltd runs business about producing lace to export to other countries and produce to sell in Thailand. The manipulators attended cooperative education project, Siam University and we worked at Mastex Co.,Ltd as assistant producing staffs. We were assigned to record bringing in yarn and sending yarn to use to produce lace as per order of clients. This will bring to step of exporting. The manipulators provided the report “system of bringing in and taking out material of lace”. There were step of recording receiving and sending products and amount of yarn which was used to producing lace and solve problem which may occur during operation to be more efficient. The details and steps are able to study from this report.
Keyword: Report of sending material and record of bringing in material / record of receiving – sending products.

Title: Monitoring the disbursement of lace material
Author: Sirilak Aiemchu, Thanya Kwanmueng
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Kittisak Sorapat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”12. VAT and income tax withholding”]


L & B Service Co., Ltd. is engaged in the construction of public and private sector. The company specializes in making synthetic turf soccer field and outdoor. Indoor and covered with a steel roof.From the organizing committee to do an internship at the company was assigned to employees, consultants, many of whom do not feel the interest on VAT. He chose to make this project work. For submission to the next board.
In a report on VAT. The important thing to note in the filing of tax information about tax. Employees account in calculating taxable correctly. Therefore, it must be recorded to be successfully completed if the wrong information could affect the cost to taxpayers of the crash were taken to solve the problem. By checking the sales receipt. Every invoice Match Report For accuracy and precision
Keywords : tax invoice / account adviser / Revenue Department

Title: VAT and income tax withholding
Author: Charuwan Tippawang, Pradonchai Oukam
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Kittisak Sorapat
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”13. Check the business and to The general management of cooperatives”]


Montri Audit and Law Co., Ltd. services created Account Planning, accounting system, to create and submit the tax, check the company account registered partnership association of the Thai Appraisal Foundation savings cooperatives, Cooperative Credit Union cooperatives, shops and cooperative service as a consultant to improvise verses Financial Accounting, Internal Control and Risk Management and Tax.
The Objective is to verify your account and the consolidated financial statements for the accounting profession in the account that the general Certificate. There has been a divide the category of assets and liabilities of the shareholders. the cost of sales and the management of each company and cooperatives in the performance of the company and cooperatives. There are problems that may occur is not the same as that the Problem Solving Method is up to the user to help the auditor will select the way in solving the problems of operations is the work experience and know how to work as a team from this report can be used to research for people who are concerned about the internal control cooperative systems.

Key word :Check the business and to The general management of Cooperatives.

Title: Check the business and to The general management of cooperatives
Author: Sukanya Tuamsuk, Pimchanok Yimyolyos
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Kittisak Sorapat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”14. The process of accounting records for Account receivables and Account payable of Hospital Kasemrad Rattanatibeth”]


Kasemrad Hospital Rattanatibeth used SSB accounting software to manage accounts receivable and accounts payable. It was interesting to study working procedures of this software. Moreover, to increase using accounting software skill by studying properties of accounting software, all system of SSB accounting software were work coherently. It could calculate total information correctly, reduce delays, risks, confusing in data recording, and prevent errors data.
This study revealed that people who used SSB accounting software should have basic accounting knowledge that make people understand how to use it clearly. In addition, SSB accouting software had working procedures that easy to use and convenience, and also had service assessment that reduce period of work. The recorded information was correct, accurate, and complete, it could eliminate errors in accountancy.
Keywords: Accounts receivable and accounts payable management / Management program of SSB (Bangkok) Co.,Ltd / Kasemrad Hospital Rattanatibeth

Title: The process of accounting records for Account receivables and Account payable of Hospital Kasemrad Rattanatibeth
Author: Pakphirom Choknavywattana, Yuparas Pomrad
Co-operative Education Preparation: Kittisak Sorapat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”15. Receivable Accounts”]


The researchers have studied and operated following co-operative education at Kamolnarong Accounting and Law Office Co.,Ltd. This company provides the services of company’s registration, the company’s liquidation registration, social security registration for employer and employee, annual and monthly book keeping for submitting to Department of Business Development and The Revenue Department, tax avoidance, other services that related to accounting system and business consulting. The researchers realized the importance of accounting records by accounting software named EXPRESS.
EXPRESS program is very useful because it can help accounting record accurately following accounting principles, convenient and rapidly. The work flow of this program is arranged properly by the sequences of work on each day, so it can control the operation effectively.
From the co-operative education for list of account receivable, the bookkeeping of EXPRESS makes the researchers have understanding the features of bookkeeping system and the researchers can bring this knowledge and experience from the co-operative education to use in the real work place as an accountant including the people who are interested in studying of bookkeeping of EXPRESS can use it for further study.

Keywords: account receivable, record of account receivable and EXPRESS program

Title: Receivable Accounts
Author: Natthaporn Muakmeumg, Nishakorn Kamoubol
Co-operative Education Preparation: Kittisak Sorapay, Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”16. A transfer case with government spending”]


After completing Co-op Education Program at Disbursement Section of Controlling Budget Division, Naval Finance Department, the author found that the funds transfer arrangement to public sectors involves several steps; all of which are prone to error. Therefore, the knowledge to perform primary functions of this arrangement is required. The assigned personnel should study and be acquainted with disbursement process of public sectors, government accounting, document verification and approval process (P1 & P2), and other involved public sectors. Only when the mentioned knowledge is acquired, will that personnel be able to work effectively, learn the work structure, and understand the flow of document throughout the disbursement process thoroughly. When any error emerges, it can be solved easily.
Therefore, there exist Standard Operating Procedure and validation process in place to convince the accuracy of the funds transfer arrangement. This arrangement is a crucial process since it will turn payment request from other divisions into a payment schedule, later used by the Accounting Division. It also serves as the final step of the funds transfer request managed by Controlling Budget Division. Any errors arise from this transaction can severely impact the requested divisions.
Key words: Disbursement process of public sectors/ government accounting/ approval of disbursement (P1&P2)

Title: A transfer case with government spending
Author: Woorapol Roekwiree
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Kittisak Sorapat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558

[fruitful_tab title=”17. The procedure of accounting record and disburse foreign travel expenses, case study of Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand”]


The objective of project : The procedure of accounting record and disburse foreign travel expenses, case study of Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, to learning the procedure for disburse and accounting record to foreign travel expenses of EGAT’s employee; Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand’s employee, been to foreign. As a result of that find; the disbursement foreign travel expenses of Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand to compliance with Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand’s statute(EGAT’s statute) in the matter of the disbursement to foreign travel expenses by using 2 accounting systems, the first system is called “Web Application” for save approval the debt of foreign travel expenses and the second system is called “SAP” for the accounting record or the debt of foreign travel expenses to depending on the case together with making payment orders for summarize foreign travel expenses of EGAT’s employee been to foreign.

Keyword : accounting record, disburse, foreign travel expenses, Electricity Generating
Authority of Thailand (EGAT)

Title: The procedure of accounting record and disburse foreign travel expenses, case study of Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand
Author: Sukontha Danwilai
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Kittisak Sorapat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”18. Accounting system for purchasing process and delivery process personal income tax and corporate income tax case study Amarin Television Co.,Ltd”]


Amarin Television is a high contrast digital TV station with professional producers. When I wasan internship student in Accounting Department, a part of my job was studying purchasingprocess by using accounting system. This system stores purchasing data base such , suppliernames, product names and other information. It helps company to reduce step of work processand simplify the usage of database Including increasing. bookkeeping efficiency.

Title: Accounting system for purchasing process and delivery process personal income tax and corporate income tax case study Amarin Television Co.,Ltd
Author: Natthapich Naphasitjinda, Wanasanan Panklan
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Kittisak Sorapat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”19. My Account Case Studies Company Auditors PSR”]


The objective of studies an accounting software “My Account’’ in this time, use for cast study P.S.R. Co., Ltd.
Provider use the data of each program systems from accounting software “My Account’’ program such as payable, receivable from creditor and debtor, which we bring documents from every company that P.S.R. Co., Ltd. collected to record the data by using accounting software “My Account’’ and provider search for an extra knowledge from asking an accountant staff during the time that we join a cooperative from June 1st, 2016 to August 31st, 2016.
A result from studied an accounting software “My Account’’. Case study P.S.R. Co., Ltd., can apply with the next generation students and a new employees. Which provide knowledge in the job and reduce mistake.

Title: My Account Case Studies Company Auditors PSR
Author: Atthapol Pongtharaporn, Chakkris Chasadakarun
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Kittisak Sorapat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”20. The process of documenting allowance travel to the government”]


Producerwasworkedfollow.Cooperation Education project at the Department conducts and services about benefiltsand finance MedicalFeestudyfeeforchildconfirmation fee Rents transportation cost and give an advice about The role of financial for official in division . producer think about the important of creating transportation. Withdraw
To creating transportation is very useful because we document will know about the document information that any of role about withdraw and Using Computer program for help about work and human relation with people in and out of division about coordinate position and must create the correct document careful about the mistake for make efficacy for work.
From this Cooperative about creating transportation. step makes benefits for producer about Readiness and understand work system form and can bring this knowledge and experience from thiscoope project Can use it in real life to career in the future and people who interresting to study about creating transportation. Can apply this project for education futuring.

Key: Creating transportation withdraw Document

Title: The process of documenting allowance travel to the government
Author: Tienchai Tahin
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Kittisak Sorapat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”21. Software Express Accounting”]


Company See Mit Mahachai Ltd. the Company has to buy – sell. Whether buying cash buying on credit sales to cash sales on credit, so choosing the right programs and effective and unique way. It allows to do Work is going smoothly and fast course. For example, Express Software That can be used effectively, accurate and easy-to-search is assured. The program has a standard because it is prevalent in many businesses.
Company See Mit Mahachai Ltd. The company sells a motorcycle. The organization will use the Express program as the primary data recorded by each of the parties to a system of record does the same.

Keywords: Finance / repayment RE / Software Express.

Title: Software Express Accounting
Author: Pratin Phumisang
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Chaysak Lairatanakul
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”22. Account Payable”]


Toyoda Gosei Rubber (Thailand) Co., Ltd is the company which engages in manufacturing premium quality rubber parts used for cars assembling such as glazing rubber, window rubber, rubber hose, &c. The company has the standard manufacturer and modern machinery which are used for manufacturing various parts to all of the customers which are mostly the Japan companies.
In practicing and working, there are many things to practice, including placing the billing note, arranging the invoice, sorting out the invoice, arranging invoice used for transporting products, verifying receipt, verifying tax invoice, sorting out tax invoice and putting to the file before sending to The Revenue Department.
In practicing these works as mentioned above, the trainee can get real experiences of working which will be used to be the way of working in the future, learns how to work with others and to accept the idea of others, learns to adapt to the environment of work and contributing to the development in the work.

Title: Account Payable
Author: Sumitra Hwangtor, Panachkorn Kumraksa
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Chaysak Lairatanakul
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”23. Withholding Tax”]


Landco Sports & Musical Co., Ltd. is a leading exporter and distributor of sports equipment of all kinds and have a Thai instruments and international music complete. Landco Sports & Musical
Co., Ltd has supplied products in the country and abroad. From the internship experience under a cooperative education program, was assigned to various job in the position of assistant staff accounts payable. The performance had a chance learned about the process of accounting for account payable.
To provide knowledge and understanding about the process of accounting for account payable and key data accpac application to the correct procedure is scheduled. Data from the study will enable the organizers to reduce errors that occur. The performance of this quality and increase efficiency.
Keywords : Accounting for account payable / key data program accpac.

Title: Withholding Tax
Author: Thanida Saeirw, Shasikarn Wibunkul, Isaraporn Bunsansee
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Chaysak Lairatanakul
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”24. The process of accounting for account payable Case study : Landco sport & musical co,.ltd.”]


Landco Sports & Musical Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer and distributor of musical instruments and sports distribution both domestically and abroad, from which the performance of Cooperative Education in Landco Sports & Musical. Ltd has been assigned to work in the accounting department. The department is very important to the company. In order to perform the task. The study in the accounting by studying how the review document adopted accounting. And recording data in program Accpac and tax systems to ensure compliance with accounting standards as well. Learn about the problems in the preparation of income tax withholding to bring the knowledge gained to future careers.

Keyword : Preper tax withholding/Recording data in program Accpac.

Title: The process of accounting for account payable Case study : Landco sport & musical co,.ltd.
Author: Srilanee Namasrila, Wisanee Nuchsuwan
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Chaysak Lairatanakul
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”25. Natural Rubber Report”]


Bando Manufacturing Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd. The company is producing belts for motorcycles. machinery industry Agricultural and Mechanical You have to prepare the tires up. To know that a withdrawal tire rubber tire out more or less. So the organizers can collect information and documentation on the steps to perform tasks. By order of bookkeeping tires. To benefit the user. Easy to Understand To reduce complexity and errors, and increase operational efficiency.

Title: Natural Rubber Report
Author: Atcharaporn Chawtai
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Chaysak Lairatanakul
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”26. Software Na-vision Accounting: tax invoice/receipt (payment)”]


Thaiyarnyon Company Limited is the import and distribution company of various brands of car, for example; Cherry, Volkswagen, Ford, Mitsubishi, Mazda, and is the sole reseller of BMW in Thailand. Then, the appropriate program with efficiency and specialty for work will help the operation smooth, convenient and fast. The Microsoft Dynamics Navision is the accounting program that is efficient, accurate and easy for retrieving. It’s assured as it’s the standard program that using extensively in many business. For co-operative operation, the researchers are assigned to tax invoice, receipt (payment) with Microsoft Dynamics Navision Program.
There might have a mistake or an error from using this program as the staff and researchers lack of knowledge for using it, and it delay the record process. Then, there should have the training of Microsoft Dynamics Navision Program for the new employed staff, and the trainer can be the experienced staff in the company.

Keyword: tax invoice/receipt (payment), Microsoft Dynamics Navision Program

Title: Software Na-vision Accounting: tax invoice/receipt (payment)
Author: Naprawee Bunyanich
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Chaysak Lairatanakul
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”27. The process buy-sale of Express accounting systems”]


The organizer has a good change to trained in co-op program at home account999 company ,which services were about the account in the monthly and yearly .It made me realized about the important of account recording by Express Accounting program.
The express accounting program is so valuable because it’s helpful, convenient and expedition to record account correctly also the program was operate step by step every each day .That make the controlling has efficiency.
Form the co-op program about how to make account by express system made me get more advantage and understand about marking system also I can bring knowledge and experience form co-op program to adapt to real life for working in accounting position.

Key Word : Account record correctly

Title: The process buy-sale of Express accounting systems
Author: Naruemon Lortong
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Chaysak Lairatanakul
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”28. Receive & Take away the Glass Bottle to verify the Original”]


Namtarnsod Sterilized Partnership Ltd. is the company where produces beverage of vegetables, fruits, and herbs in bottle and its bottle is the bottle which is provided from the recycle bottle. Most of the bottles are purchased from the used glass-bottle store and the used glass-bottle will have already been cleaned before selling to its customers.
Each order of the glass-bottle must be purchased in huge volume which causes the problem of quality inspection right after receiving, therefore, the inspection have to do after receiving-in which causes the higher expense in managing the low quality of the used glass-bottle. For example, dirty, chipped, and broken and especially, unable to inspect and separate the suppliers.
Here to make the project of the checking of receiving-in and taking-out the glass-bottle to verify its sources to reduce the low quality of the used glass-bottle.
As studied the system of working which starts from ordering, counting and taking-out for checking the quality, it appeared that the company have no paper evidence to control its procedure such as the checking of the counting of receiving-in the glass bottles from the suppliers, the quality inspection and the record of each suppliers in supplying their products
This project can assist the company in having the evidence in checking the counting of the purchased used glass bottles and able to investigate the record of glass-bottle suppliers and its order date by arranging the glass-bottle label and tag it on pallets for checking the quality of the used glass-bottle, however, if the low quality used glass-bottle is found, it will be immediately known that which supplier who supplies those low quality used glass-bottle to, so that the low quality ones will be returned to the right suppliers and here is the way to reduce wastage.
Remark: The Glass-Bottle Label, the Low Quality Glass-Bottle Control Sheet, the Record of Glass-Bottle Supplier

Title: Receive & Take away the Glass Bottle to verify the Original
Author: Krongkaew Limpaibul
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Chaysak Lairatanakul
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”29. Recording payment for a new car – parts,labor Cost into Account program WIN-SPEED”]


Totota Mahanakorn Limited operates a car dealership Toyota brand. A distributor of spare parts and equipment. Components of such goods of all kinds, including cutting spray Appliance repair all kinds of cars. Exchange all kinds of cars as well as auto insurance and insurance agency operations for road vehicle inspection. Certification according to the law on road transport. And under the car The accounting department had to recording payment for a new car-record load the parts into accounting software system WINSPEED The financial services department. The front body and paint repair. To control the flow of money – paid for by the posting by using the account “WINSPEED” And to help verify the denprtment has brought forward a day.

Kewwords : Recording payment for a new car –record load the parts into accounting
Software system WINSPEED.

Title: Recording payment for a new car – parts,labor Cost into Account program WIN-SPEED
Author: Kunnatharee Plabwichai
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Chaysak Lairatanakul
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”30. Savings accounts Get the money – pay”]


According to the organizers perform apprenticein cooperative education at Montri auditing & law Co.,Ltd. The company operates service registration company and social security of employer and employee , Preparation of annual accounts and monthly submit toDepartment of Business Development and Revenue Department , Consulting Businessand Including Internal Audit of Saving CooperativesThe organizers do recognize the importance of the internal audit and the audit of Saving Cooperatives, the proceeds – to pay.
Saving Cooperativesas a legal entity. The implementation of Saving Cooperatives to perform a task within the scope of the objectives set out in the articles of Saving Cooperatives and Check-funded interest income. Have proof of valid And a full accounting of interest in the book, the daily summary. Check the record book costs a daily digest and accuracy completeness of the evidence and determine the pay plan or revenue estimates of the Commission. Comparing revenues that are true to plan and forecast the revenue to fund the implementation and correct it.

Keywords: checking accounts, savings cooperatives. Get the money – pay

Title: Savings accounts Get the money – pay
Author: Kanokwan Noppatompong, Tasanewan Srichaiyapom, Yuwadee Wongkaew
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Chaysak Lairatanakul
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”31. Inventories”]


L & 3B Co.LTD. Do business with buying and selling of shoes product. Company sell quality pommercial in the name of “BM Collection”. The important of account company system is focus on record of good item and check remaining products by using program of Express Accounting. This account equipment helps more convenience saves you time.

Keywords : Accounting / Inventories / Accounting Software

Title: Inventories
Author: Nathathinee Pimdee, Kornchawan
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”32. Government Fiscal Management Information System : GFMIS”]


In the Present day, Government is Assigning the Policies for developing the countries, which provide public services for the public in many ways. In those mission requires the use of many budget. Bureau of Finance is responsible for providing financial services to The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education.
In which I have Chosen this bureau to study GOVERNMENT FISCAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (GFMIS), consisting of sales ledger processes and documentation. From this operation, I have known the sales ledger recording, update, and can be seen working system. The purpose of this report is performing a manual published knowledge, and used as guidelines for working GFMIS system to get the most effective results.

Title: Government Fiscal Management Information System : GFMIS
Author: Chutimon Kongtien
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”33. Payable Cycle”]


C.S.B drug factory Co.,Ltd is the company that produce and sell Thai traditional medicine and ginseng drink under the brand named Som gaoli tang kuy jab tra praeng si fan khu. This brand is a well-known brand in the beverage market. The provider of the project had participated in the cooperative project as a credit account executive that has responsibility to manage the company’s document of payment, purchase order, product order, product receiving order, repayment, etc. So, the provider of this project were interested to study and create the project about the payable cycle to study the process of work and how to improve is process for the benefit of those who interest in this project in the future.

Key words : Payable Cycle

Title: Payable Cycle
Author: Kanyarat Tangpakvan
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”34. Value Added Tax”]


Kamolnarong Accounting and Tax Management Company services accounting and taxing jobs. The company gives advices about implementing database and accounting system together with registering new business and brands. Kamolnarong company includes the service of accountings and a standardized taxation. After being a part of cooperative education project, students were assigned to be accountant’s assistance, in a department seen to be significant to the business.
In order to reduce errors and work effective, different tasks were studied, from the process of requesting tax forms from customers for legal editing to preparing tax filing Phor.Por.30 . In practice , it will contribute to the preparation of tax efficiency and reduces errors in the operation as well.

Title: Value Added Tax
Author: Sithicha Sangmangmee, Phataraporn Pitayakij, Chirarat Kanha
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”35. Fixed Assets Checking Technics”]


NYC management Co.,Ltd is an accounting company who provide a full accounting service for instance create accounting system and financial statement, financial transaction management, financial analysis, training seminars approved by federation of accounting professions(FAP) and give an advice about asset audit.
According to a cooperative education program, an assignment is to be an auditor at NYC management Co.,Ltd and the responsibilities are asset audit, stock checking and add tag to asset. Asset audit could solve a cheat problem in company and decrease a chance of losing asset. Benefit of bringing tag into an audit process is to make a process faster and more accurate.

Key words : Fixed Assets/ Fixed Assets Audit /Stock Checking

Title: Fixed Assets Checking Technics
Author: Chanya Noklak, Patchaya Chiwka
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”36. The process of accounting for payments to trade creditors – payment of accounts receivable”]


Narong Accounting Office as a standard. They has been certified by the Department of Bussiness Development,Ministy of Commerce. Narong Accounting Office is consulting on accounting,tax and social security. Therefore, Recognize the importance of Narong Accounting Office’s accounting systems. Which focuses on the process of accounting and the process pf accounting for the payments. Because of the debt were paid to make loans payable were reduced. By using accounting software packages for efficiency.

Key words : payment / repayment / software packages for accounting / accounts receivable and accounts payable.

Title: The process of accounting for payments to trade creditors – payment of accounts receivable
Author: Jirapach Kinsamon, Sutheera Wasanakamol
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”37. Customer Invoice to charge for TV advertising”]


MCOT Public Company Limited is a state enterprise . In the form of a public limited company ( PLC) and a business journalism under the auspices of the Government of Thailand . Operates television analog and digital technology as broadcast . The main business operations of major producers and control broadcasting 24 hours a day . From the head office in Bangkok Station network in 53 provinces nationwide stations which broadcast TV revenue of MCOT Public Company Limited from advertising on television programs .
Thus, Provider realize the importance of accounting systems of MCOT Public Company Limited , focusing on the subject. Customer Invoice to charge for TV advertising. By using accounting software packages (AFIS Accounting and Financial Information System) is a tool for recording . So with ease And saving even more time .

Keywords: invoice / Trade / accounting software

Title: Customer Invoice to charge for TV advertising
Author: Natruja Jitchaya
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”38. Receivable in Express Accounting”]


The company N.R. Group Advisory Limited is a company that provides accounting standards accounting. Provide consulting services accounting and taxation according to the code. Service design and submit tax all types and social security work. A checking account and social security work. The N.R. Group Advisory Co., Ltd., focusing on accounting purchase for sale for cash /sale for credit and account receivable. Through the program Express Accounting. Is a tool that helps in the account record to provide convenience.

Keywords : credit sales, Microsoft Accounting.

Title: Receivable in Express Accounting
Author: Jiraporn NoyJan
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”39. Withholding Tax & Commission”]


U&ME MATERIALS CO., Ltd as a business on importing, Selling and after sell service of “Media material.” Such as selling the material of billboard, selling the material of ink jet printer, repairing the printer etc. Be done by the position, Assistant accounting and Sale. Assigned on selling, calculating the withholding tax and calculating the commission. From this duty made knowledge about “calculating the withholding tax” which different from the income, so it much be to calculate correctly following the law. So who made it interesting to study the data and make a report on “Tax Withholding” to investigate the crash happened and is beneficial to those interested in learning as well.

Title: Withholding Tax & Commission
Author: Thanin Romjaroen
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”40. Input Tax and Output Tax”]


Bangkok Audit And Tech Consultants Co.,Ltd. Is an establishment that provides audit, the accounting system and Consultant account and Finance. Because of, in practicing work the Co-operative Education:Co-op. the organizer has practiced the work in Input VAT and Output VAT and Output VAT in company, then do project education beneath the heading “Input Tax and Output Tax” the organizer has the objective for enhances the understanding about the process of preparing Input VAT , how to check invoices/invoice from and the study and practice can lead the knowledge will have that to come to use in solve a problem tax way to will have met to meet in the future next efficiently.

Keywords : The process of preparing Input VAT and Output VAT , How to check invoices / invoice from

Title: Input Tax and Output Tax
Author: Supharas Sahakulbunyarak
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”41. The process of accounting for the improved sales invoices – invoice”]


Narong Accounting Office, an office that provides services related to the audit to review the accounting profession generally accepted accounting standards. And as to the validityof transparency. And individuals involved If there are errors or problems accountants can advise how to fix the problem. To facilitate the work. And reduce the risk of errors in the operation.
So who do you realize the importance of the accounting system of the accounting office campaign by focusing on improving tax invoice -. Memo from trade receivables due to the amortization and payment is made payable and accounts receivable less prepared. Studies have improved sales invoices . Credit Bureau of campaign accounts. By using the Gram finished when lodging accounting (SS) is a tool to aid in accounting with ease. And were part of an industry even more time.

Keywords: improve tax invoice / credit / accounting software packages.

Title: The process of accounting for the improved sales invoices – invoice
Author: Marisa Thanombun
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”42. To save money with the program SYmainRMS”]


L.P.N. DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED provide condominiums the target level middle to lower Under the “livable communities” with the implementation of their “corporate values” Development and sustainable growth Taking into account the balance of returns the quantity and quality of stakeholder groups It also takes into account the responsibility to Environmental and social performance under good governance defining the mission each year to reflect the environment change powered by (LPN Way) The forging of experience in the business this report is for participating coop systems in the position the employee account responsible for revenue recognition for the company The recorded revenues of company and documenting the recognition of revenue and we are interested The process of recognition of income there is tightness in the accounting records or not If an error in the accounting records the result has been more of a recognition of the error the education system in the program can also increase performance and reduce the steps and time to work for less.
The use of accounting software packages used to store the company’s revenue information will be The document will be brought to account each other very much this document must be accounted for in the program and in order to separate the document is set to be a category and a number of documents you do not need to write down information by hand. This saves time at work by the staff to print documents from any program the downside is The accounting records may not be written to this will make the total does not match the reality. This will have to solve in the new system.

Keyword : to save money with the program SYmainRMS / the revenue recognition / accounting

Title: To save money with the program SYmainRMS
Author: Wantasit Kiewsan
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”43. Financial Statement Electronic Submission (e-Filing)”]


The Government, legally encourage the entrepreneurs or business making sector make the single account and financial statements, which will be represented a real growth in their business. A measurement on single account has been signed in law, a Royal Act on a tax exemption and support in terms of a taxation, as well as, in a Royal Decree in terms of decreasing and exemption on Revenue Code (issue on 595), B.E. 2558. Inside, the important point is an exemption on retroactive tax investigation, particularly in case of improving the old and error account to be a new and real one.
The Revenue Department, hopefully encourage the entrepreneurs make the single account. Therefore, a training and easy-to-use accounting program will be available for them and SMEs. As a role in creation team; a participation in training an accounting program for them, so, an education report and project is set up under the title “An easy-to-use accounting program for SMEs, according to a single account measurement, the Revenue Department.” On a concreted project training, we have recognized how this program is important for them. It will truly develop and top up a new knowledge and accounting skill to apply this program for enhancing their making business and benefit for SMEs.
On behalf of a creation team, hopefully, we expect that a valuable experience on training and skill on a single account, will be useful for an education sector, as well as for who are in accounting works and careers.

Keywords: easy-to-use accounting program, single account, SMEs

Title: Financial Statement Electronic Submission (e-Filing)
Author: Mathawee Suwannawong
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Ittisak Rattanakijyon
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”44. Accounting Processes”]


Jaturat Accounting and Tax co., is the company that provide you the accounting and taxation service with received certified quality accounting office from Department of Business Development and the Main work are Accounting procedures , Give counsel accounting and Taxation according to the standard set and Law revenue code.
From the project field working from Siam University at Jaturat Accounting and Tax Co., this time as the position of Accounting assistance and the worked assigned are dealing with accounts such as paper work differentiation and putting the information in the Accounting programme and Work in the field added on Value add tax (Vat) so that make the producer is aware of the importance and benefit and that causes the inter est under the topic of “Accounting Processing” in which the detailed study about the account Processing such as audit the Value add tax (Vat) Document it correct according to the law and accounting procedures by use the accounting programme (formula wi nning) and reporting the Input Tax , Output Tax for the preparation filing From Value add tax return (P.P. 30)
The Producer hope that this trainee on Co- operative education project. and are ableto apply knowledge and experiences gained for practical operation in accounting profession. This study will also yield benefits for others who might take this project for their own studies in the future.

Key word : Accounting Processing / Accounting Program / Value add tax (Vat)

Title: Accounting Processes
Author: Thitisuda Srisamran
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Ittisak Rattanakijyon
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”45. Export business’s income and expenses audit”]


Kamol Bavorn Audit Office Co.,Ltd has been providing auditing service in the area of account auditing, standard auditing of fiscal year, account auditing systems and other taxes.
Audit programs, a tool for creation of audit plan and control, consists of purpose of each area audit, auditing method, audit technique, and definition of audit framework and others. This audit programs helps in the process which achieves audit evidence that will help the auditor to determine the framework of audit by comparing contradictory data and falsify key information so that the standard of audit is formed.
Product teams recognized the important of audit income and expenses, so we have studies this project following the Co-operative Education project under the topic “Export business’s income and expenses audit”
By joining this cooperative education project, Product team learned the nature and importance of the audit work and are able to apply knowledge and experiences gained for practical operation in accounting profession. This study will also yield benefits for others who might take this project as a guideline for their own studies in the future.

Keyword: Audit Programs/ Audit income and expenses / Accounting Professions

Title: Export business’s income and expenses audit
Author: Wacharee Manadee, Warunee Sriprasoed
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Ittisak Rattanakijyon
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”46. The audit of practices to monitor the income of businesses; sold and imported machinery”]


Kamol Bavorn Auditing Office Company Limited provides the services of book keeping, auditing and legal consultant. The auditing report of auditor can be built the trust on the user of financial statement that consists of the result of operation and the correct financial status which is credible and not against to the facts following the standard of auditing.
To build the trust on auditing, auditors to focus on the method of auditing in order to get enough evidence, to evaluate the risk of auditing to the low level and proper level that is acceptable . This affects how the method of auditing to avoid the mistake from audit or auditing without fault information that against the facts which will finally lead to the corruption.
Production teams foresee the importance of these points, so we have studies this project following the co-operative education under the topic “ Audit program for revenues of import and sales business machines” This project showed the purposes of audit, scopes of audit, techniques of audit, timing of audit, index for reference, signature of auditor, and finish dated of audit. Also, however the plan determination by the audit method makes the auditor feel trust on the result of auditing operation from assistant of auditor that it follows the right policy and the way of evidence acquiring by standard auditing.

Keywords: Audit Program method, Techniques of Audit, Standard of Audit

Title: The audit of practices to monitor the income of businesses; sold and imported machinery
Author: Supichaya Pachoud, Falida Jaroen, Nopparat Pararak
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Ittisak Rattanakijyon
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”47. An easy-to-use accounting program for SMEs, according to a single account measurement, the Revenue Department”]


The Government, legally encourage the entrepreneurs or business making sector make the single account and financial statements, which will be represented a real growth in their business. A measurement on single account has been signed in law, a Royal Act on a tax exemption and support in terms of a taxation, as well as, in a Royal Decree in terms of decreasing and exemption on Revenue Code (issue on 595), B.E. 2558. Inside, the important point is an exemption on retroactive tax investigation, particularly in case of improving the old and error account to be a new and real one.
The Revenue Department, hopefully encourage the entrepreneurs make the single account. Therefore, a training and easy-to-use accounting program will be available for them and SMEs. As a role in creation team; a participation in training an accounting program for them, so, an education report and project is set up under the title “An easy-to-use accounting program for SMEs, according to a single account measurement, the Revenue Department.” On a concreted project training, we have recognized how this program is important for them. It will truly develop and top up a new knowledge and accounting skill to apply this program for enhancing their making business and benefit for SMEs.
On behalf of a creation team, hopefully, we expect that a valuable experience on training and skill on a single account, will be useful for an education sector, as well as for who are in accounting works and careers.
Keywords: easy-to-use accounting program, single account, SMEs

Title: An easy-to-use accounting program for SMEs, according to a single account measurement, the Revenue Department
Author: Walinda Suratod, Arisa Suksamosorn, Waranya Jadang
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Ittisak Rattanakijyon
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”48. Auditing for Value Add Tax Refund”]


Revenue offices of areas 28 agency are responsible for service. The distributed information. And understanding of Taxation to the operators, which monitors taxes. The supervision of the taxpayer’s revenue officials. How closely supervise taxpayers. By regulators, according to the risk level of each group entity different criteria defined by law.
The working of the Co-operative education project in revenue office of areas 28 assigned to the plan . And evaluation , such as inspection Report tax and Tax invoice, Output tax – Input tax , The tax leaves forging and Value added tax (VAT) PP 30 , And so on the purpose of the tax audit. To supervise operation enterprises tax practice or treat the tax returns. In accordance with the requirements of regulation law code.
Co-operative education project, such as Production team know the importance, advantages and understanding from the examination of tax return value increases, and the increase of know ledge, work experience through practice union activities. The production team that report is useful for learning can bring the experience has been used to benefit in the further study. The accounting profession.

Key words :Taxpayer’s / Tax audit / Output tax – Input tax

Title: Auditing for Value Add Tax Refund
Author: Wanida Phajongkijakan, Make Bannasak
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Ittisak Rattanakijyon
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”49. Auditing account document and Record by Express Accounting Software”]


SAC Management Co., Ltd. the company business accounting services According to the practice of cooperative education author Assistant accountant. Assigned to the data recording program accounting. “Express Accounting Software” early performance takes quite a lot. Due to the lack of understanding about accounting documents. And the computer application accounting.
So the party organizer was interested and report on “, check the accounting documents. Notes and accounts with the express “program for students to United business the next study before working. And help the work efficiency high.

Key words document account / auditing / program Express Accounting Software

Title: Auditing account document and Record by Express Accounting Software
Author: Jatupom Banchuen, Kittipan Intachot, Nawarat Saeang
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Ittisak Rattanakijyon
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”50. Express Software Express Accounting”]


NonNaWaKit Account and Tax Company Limited is the company Provides accountingand tax services Audit And business registration From where I went to work and assigned to accounting with accounting software Express. The first phase of the operation takes a lot of work not completed in the allotted time Due to lack of knowledge about the program before. So I was interested to learn about how to use accounting software Express. To guide interested parties and students to go out to work.

Title: Express Software Express Accounting
Author: Anupong Phajan
Co-operative Education Preparation: Ms.Siwilai Saibuayong
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”51. Tax exemption procedure of petroleum products supplied to aircraft traveling abroad and performing customs formalities at Suvarnabhumi Airport”]


Suvarnabhumi Airport Cargo Clearance Customs Bureau is in charge of performing
customs formalities, collecting duties and other incomes, giving duty refunds, controlling cargos, as well as clearing imported, transit and transshipment cargos in Suvarnabhumi Airport. It also supervises bonded warehouses and Free Zone within the area.
As the organizer involved in Customs service division 2, I found that many Oil companies process the customs formality in order to get tax exemption therefore, The organizer conducted the project “Tax exemption procedure of petroleum products supplied to aircrafts traveling abroad and performing customs formalities at Suvarnabhumi Airport” in order to study performing customs formality and related regulations, The information of this study will give the proper guidelines for performing customs formality and it beneficial will be for Oil companies and other interested people.

Key words : Taxation / Petroleum products supplied to aircrafts / Tax exemption

Title: Tax exemption procedure of petroleum products supplied to aircraft traveling abroad and performing customs formalities at Suvarnabhumi Airport
Author: Akapol Riantrakul
Co-operative Education Preparation: Ms.Siwilai Saibuayong
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”52. Payment System”]


Ratcthani Leasing Public Company Limited provides hire-purchasing, leasing, refinancing of car, pick-up, truck for commercial and crane truck , backhoe and other cars for every industries. From co-operative education operation in Ratcthani Leasing Public Company Limited, the researchers are assigned about in account payment record in Oracle program. The researchers have completed the project under the topic of accounting system on account payment and hope that this project will be useful for people who are interested in accounting by using Oracle program.

Title: Payment System
Author: Acharaporn Woranapan, Suphachok Saekao
Co-operative Education Preparation: Ms.Siwilai Saibuayong
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”53. Accounts Received Voucher in Ratchtani Leasing Public Company limited”]


Ratcthani Leasing Public Company Limited provides hire-purchasing, leasing, refinancing of car, pick-up, truck for commercial and crane truck , backhoe and other cars for every industries. From co-operative education operation in Ratcthani Leasing Public Company Limited, the researchers are assigned about in account receivable record Oracle program. The researchers have completed the project under the topic of accounting system on account receivable and hope that this project will be useful for people who are interested in accounting by using Oracle program.

Title: Accounts Received Voucher in Ratchtani Leasing Public Company limited
Author: Nammon Tiangboribun, Sinenat Jantara
Co-operative Education Preparation: Ms.Siwilai Saibuayong
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”54. Manual Tally Accounting Software”]


Sara’s Energy Ltd. is a company generating electricity from the one I go to practice cooperative accounting department, using software Tally to record data from the performance that students and staff have a problem. To use the application, and the user manual in English, work delays and potential errors.
So I have to study and prepare a manual Expo Graeme Tally to the individuals involved or interested people can use as a guideline to enhance performance.

Keywords: Program Tally.

Title: Manual Tally Accounting Software
Author: Pech Saetang
Co-operative Education Preparation: Ms.Siwilai Saibuayong
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”55. Document preparation for accounting”]


Rungrueng Accounting and Lawyer Company Limited; Has provided the accounting and business consulting. The company was registered as a legal entity. From long experience in providing professional accounting profession more than 25 years, we arecommitted to creating quality professional services to meet customer standards. Department of Commerce and Department of Revenue is primarily derived from the actual turnout. Assistant accounting staff. The assigned work on. Preparing documents In order to account for the Express program from starting operations. Staff are knowledgeable in the preparation of documents for the purpose of accounting. To check the authenticity of the document is incomplete and incorrect accounting principles.
Therefore, the preparation of such a study and prepare a report on the accounting documentation. To guide new knowledge and benefits to those participating in cooperative education in the next generation. To get an introduction to the performance. The document, according to the group accounts.

Title: Document preparation for accounting
Author: Praphapan Phakdee, Thidatip Yusiri, Phuriwit meenat
Co-operative Education Preparation: Ms.Siwilai Saibuayong
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”56. Stock Aging Report”]


Witcorp Products to engage in the marketing of industrial raw materials used in fundamental industries. At present, our product portfolio ranges from chemicals, lubricants to steel & Ferro alloys, marketed domestically and internationally through our global network. Mostly of Chemical Products has an expiry date it necessary to hiring a company get eliminate expired product that lead to made a hazardous substance cost. to solve the problem. then we make expired date document / Sheet to show guantity of near expired product one by one expired . Sheet will help to solved problem and let us control warehouse with more performance.

Key words : Hazardous Substance cost /Stock Aging Report / Warehouse Management

Title: Stock Aging Report
Author: Sriwarin Keusurong
Co-operative Education Preparation: Ms.Siwilai Saibuayong
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”57. Software Express Accounting”]


Company See Mit Mahachai Ltd. the Company has to buy – sell. Whether buying cash buying on credit sales to cash sales on credit, so choosing the right programs and effective and unique way. It allows to do Work is going smoothly and fast course. For example, Express Software That can be used effectively, accurate and easy-to-search is assured. The program has a standard because it is prevalent in many businesses.
Company See Mit Mahachai Ltd. The company sells a motorcycle. The organization will use the Express program as the primary data recorded by each of the parties to a system of record does the same.

Keywords: Finance / repayment RE / Software Express.

Title: Software Express Accounting
Author: Pratin Phumisang
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Chaysak Lairatanakul
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”58. Account Payable”]


Toyoda Gosei Rubber (Thailand) Co., Ltd is the company which engages in manufacturing premium quality rubber parts used for cars assembling such as glazing rubber, window rubber, rubber hose, &c. The company has the standard manufacturer and modern machinery which are used for manufacturing various parts to all of the customers which are mostly the Japan companies.
In practicing and working, there are many things to practice, including placing the billing note, arranging the invoice, sorting out the invoice, arranging invoice used for transporting products, verifying receipt, verifying tax invoice, sorting out tax invoice and putting to the file before sending to The Revenue Department.
In practicing these works as mentioned above, the trainee can get real experiences of working which will be used to be the way of working in the future, learns how to work with others and to accept the idea of others, learns to adapt to the environment of work and contributing to the development in the work.

Title: Account Payable
Author: Sumitra Hwangtor, Panachkorn Kumraksa
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Chaysak Lairatanakul
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”59. Withholding tax”]


Landco Sports & Musical Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer and distributor of musical instruments and sports distribution both domestically and abroad, from which the performance of Cooperative Education in Landco Sports & Musical. Ltd has been assigned to work in the accounting department. The department is very important to the company. In order to perform the task. The study in the accounting by studying how the review document adopted accounting. And recording data in program Accpac and tax systems to ensure compliance with accounting standards as well. Learn about the problems in the preparation of income tax withholding to bring the knowledge gained to future careers.

Keyword : Preper tax withholding/Recording data in program Accpac.

Title: Withholding tax
Author: Thanida Saeirw, Shasikarn Wibunkul, Isaraporn Bunsansee
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Chaysak Lairatanakul
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”60. The process of accounting for account payable Case study : Landco sport & musical co,.ltd.”]


Landco Sports & Musical Co., Ltd. is a leading exporter and distributor of sports equipmentof all kinds and have a Thai instruments and international music complete. Landco Sports & MusicalCo., Ltd has supplied products in the country and abroad. From the internship experience under acooperative education program, was assigned to various job in the position of assistant staff accountspayable. The performance had a chance learned about the process of accounting for account payable.
To provide knowledge and understanding about the process of accounting for account payable and keydata accpac application to the correct procedure is scheduled. Data from the study will enable theorganizers to reduce errors that occur. The performance of this quality and increase efficiency.

Keywords : Accounting for account payable / key data program accpac.

Title: The process of accounting for account payable Case study : Landco sport & musical co,.ltd.
Author: Srilanee Namasrila, Wisanee Nuchsuwan
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Chaysak Lairatanakul
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”61. Natural Rubber Report”]


Bando Manufacturing Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd. The company is producing belts for motorcycles. machinery industry Agricultural and Mechanical You have to prepare the tires up. To know that a withdrawal tire rubber tire out more or less. So the organizers can collect information and documentation on the steps to perform tasks. By order of bookkeeping tires. To benefit the user. Easy to Understand To reduce complexity and errors, and increase operational efficiency.

Title: Natural Rubber Report
Author: Atcharaporn Chawtai
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Chaysak Lairatanakul
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”62. Software Na-vision Accounting: tax invoice/receipt (payment)”]


Thaiyarnyon Company Limited is the import and distribution company of various brands of car, for example; Cherry, Volkswagen, Ford, Mitsubishi, Mazda, and is the sole reseller of BMW in Thailand. Then, the appropriate program with efficiency and specialty for work will help the operation smooth, convenient and fast. The Microsoft Dynamics Navision is the accounting program that is efficient, accurate and easy for retrieving. It’s assured as it’s the standard program that using extensively in many business. For co-operative operation, the researchers are assigned to tax invoice, receipt (payment) with Microsoft Dynamics Navision Program.
There might have a mistake or an error from using this program as the staff and researchers lack of knowledge for using it, and it delay the record process. Then, there should have the training of Microsoft Dynamics Navision Program for the new employed staff, and the trainer can be the experienced staff in the company.

Keyword: tax invoice/receipt (payment), Microsoft Dynamics Navision Program

Title: Software Na-vision Accounting: tax invoice/receipt (payment)
Author: Naprawee Bunyanich
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Chaysak Lairatanakul
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”63. The process buy-sale of Express accounting systems”]


The organizer has a good change to trained in co-op program at home account999 company ,which services were about the account in the monthly and yearly .It made me realized about the important of account recording by Express Accounting program.
The express accounting program is so valuable because it’s helpful, convenient and expedition to record account correctly also the program was operate step by step every each day .That make the controlling has efficiency.
Form the co-op program about how to make account by express system made me get more advantage and understand about marking system also I can bring knowledge and experience form co-op program to adapt to real life for working in accounting position.

Key Word : Account record correctly

Title: The process buy-sale of Express accounting systems
Author: Naruemon Lortong
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Chaysak Lairatanakul
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”64. Receive & Take away the Glass Bottle to verify the Original”]


Namtarnsod Sterilized Partnership Ltd. is the company where produces beverage of vegetables, fruits, and herbs in bottle and its bottle is the bottle which is provided from the recycle bottle. Most of the bottles are purchased from the used glass-bottle store and the used glass-bottle will have already been cleaned before selling to its customers.
Each order of the glass-bottle must be purchased in huge volume which causes the problem of quality inspection right after receiving, therefore, the inspection have to do after receiving-in which causes the higher expense in managing the low quality of the used glass-bottle. For example, dirty, chipped, and broken and especially, unable to inspect and separate the suppliers.
Here to make the project of the checking of receiving-in and taking-out the glass-bottle to verify its sources to reduce the low quality of the used glass-bottle.
As studied the system of working which starts from ordering, counting and taking-out for checking the quality, it appeared that the company have no paper evidence to control its procedure such as the checking of the counting of receiving-in the glass bottles from the suppliers, the quality inspection and the record of each suppliers in supplying their products
This project can assist the company in having the evidence in checking the counting of the purchased used glass bottles and able to investigate the record of glass-bottle suppliers and its order date by arranging the glass-bottle label and tag it on pallets for checking the quality of the used glass-bottle, however, if the low quality used glass-bottle is found, it will be immediately known that which supplier who supplies those low quality used glass-bottle to, so that the low quality ones will be returned to the right suppliers and here is the way to reduce wastage.

Remark: The Glass-Bottle Label, the Low Quality Glass-Bottle Control Sheet, the Record of Glass-Bottle Supplie

Title: Receive & Take away the Glass Bottle to verify the Original
Author: Krongkaew Limpaibul
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Chaysak Lairatanakul
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”65. Recording payment for a new car – parts,labor Cost into Account program WIN-SPEED.”]


Totota Mahanakorn Limited operates a car dealership Toyota brand. A distributor of spare parts and equipment. Components of such goods of all kinds, including cutting spray Appliance repair all kinds of cars. Exchange all kinds of cars as well as auto insurance and insurance agency operations for road vehicle inspection. Certification according to the law on road transport. And under the car The accounting department had to recording payment for a new car-record load the parts into accounting software system WINSPEED The financial services department. The front body and paint repair. To control the flow of money – paid for by the posting by using the account “WINSPEED” And to help verify the denprtment has brought forward a day.

Kewwords : Recording payment for a new car –record load the parts into accounting Software system WINSPEED.

Title: Recording payment for a new car – parts,labor Cost into Account program WIN-SPEED
Author: Kunnatharee Plabwichai
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Chaysak Lairatanakul
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”66. Savings accounts Get the money – pay”]


According to the organizers perform apprenticein cooperative education at Montri auditing & law Co.,Ltd. The company operates service registration company and social security of employer and employee , Preparation of annual accounts and monthly submit toDepartment of Business Development and Revenue Department , Consulting Businessand Including Internal Audit of Saving CooperativesThe organizers do recognize the importance of the internal audit and the audit of Saving Cooperatives, the proceeds – to pay.
Saving Cooperativesas a legal entity. The implementation of Saving Cooperatives to perform a task within the scope of the objectives set out in the articles of Saving Cooperatives and Check-funded interest income. Have proof of valid And a full accounting of interest in the book, the daily summary. Check the record book costs a daily digest and accuracy completeness of the evidence and determine the pay plan or revenue estimates of the Commission. Comparing revenues that are true to plan and forecast the revenue to fund the implementation and correct it.

Keywords: checking accounts, savings cooperatives. Get the money – pay

Title: Savings accounts Get the money – pay
Author: Kanokwan Noppatompong, Tasanewan Srichaiyapom, Yuwadee Wongkaew
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Chaysak Lairatanakul
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”67. Inventories”]


L & 3B Co.LTD. Do business with buying and selling of shoes product. Company sell quality pommercial in the name of “BM Collection”. The important of account company system is focus on record of good item and check remaining products by using program of Express Accounting. This account equipment helps more convenience saves you time.

Keywords : Accounting / Inventories / Accounting Software

Title: Inventories
Author: Nathathinee Pimdee, Kornchawan
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”68. Government Fiscal Management Information System : GFMIS”]


In the Present day, Government is Assigning the Policies for developing the countries, which provide public services for the public in many ways. In those mission requires the use of many budget. Bureau of Finance is responsible for providing financial services to The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Education.
In which I have Chosen this bureau to study GOVERNMENT FISCAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (GFMIS), consisting of sales ledger processes and documentation. From this operation, I have known the sales ledger recording, update, and can be seen working system. The purpose of this report is performing a manual published knowledge, and used as guidelines for working GFMIS system to get the most effective results.

Title: Government Fiscal Management Information System : GFMIS
Author: Chutimon Kongtien
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”69. Payable Cycle”]


C.S.B drug factory Co.,Ltd is the company that produce and sell Thai traditional medicine and ginseng drink under the brand named Som gaoli tang kuy jab tra praeng si fan khu. This brand is a well-known brand in the beverage market. The provider of the project had participated in the cooperative project as a credit account executive that has responsibility to manage the company’s document of payment, purchase order, product order, product receiving order, repayment, etc. So, the provider of this project were interested to study and create the project about the payable cycle to study the process of work and how to improve is process for the benefit of those who interest in this project in the future.

Key words : Payable Cycle

Title: Payable Cycle
Author: Kanyarat Tangpakvan
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”70. Value Added Tax”]


Kamolnarong Accounting and Tax Management Company services accounting and taxing jobs. The company gives advices about implementing database and accounting system together with registering new business and brands. Kamolnarong company includes the service of accountings and a standardized taxation. After being a part of cooperative education project, students were assigned to be accountant’s assistance, in a department seen to be significant to the business.
In order to reduce errors and work effective, different tasks were studied, from the process of requesting tax forms from customers for legal editing to preparing tax filing Phor.Por.30 . In practice , it will contribute to the preparation of tax efficiency and reduces errors in the operation as well.

Title: Value Added Tax
Author: Sithicha Sangmangmee, Phataraporn Pitayakij, Chirarat Kanha
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”71. Fixed Assets Checking Technics”]


NYC management Co.,Ltd is an accounting company who provide a full accounting service for instance create accounting system and financial statement, financial transaction management, financial analysis, training seminars approved by federation of accounting professions(FAP) and give an advice about asset audit.
According to a cooperative education program, an assignment is to be an auditor at NYC management Co.,Ltd and the responsibilities are asset audit, stock checking and add tag to asset. Asset audit could solve a cheat problem in company and decrease a chance of losing asset. Benefit of bringing tag into an audit process is to make a process faster and more accurate.

Key words : Fixed Assets/ Fixed Assets Audit /Stock Checking

Title: Fixed Assets Checking Technics
Author: Chanya Noklak, Patchaya Chiwka
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”72. The process of accounting for payments to trade creditors – payment of accounts receivable”]


Narong Accounting Office as a standard. They has been certified by the Department of Bussiness Development,Ministy of Commerce. Narong Accounting Office is consulting on accounting,tax and social security. Therefore, Recognize the importance of Narong Accounting Office’s accounting systems. Which focuses on the process of accounting and the process pf accounting for the payments. Because of the debt were paid to make loans payable were reduced. By using accounting software packages for efficiency.

Key words : payment / repayment / software packages for accounting / accounts receivable and accounts payable.

Title: The process of accounting for payments to trade creditors – payment of accounts receivable
Author: Jirapach Kinsamon, Sutheera Wasanakamol
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”73. Customer Invoice to charge for TV advertising”]


MCOT Public Company Limited is a state enterprise . In the form of a public limited company ( PLC) and a business journalism under the auspices of the Government of Thailand . Operates television analog and digital technology as broadcast . The main business operations of major producers and control broadcasting 24 hours a day . From the head office in Bangkok Station network in 53 provinces nationwide stations which broadcast TV revenue of MCOT Public Company Limited from advertising on television programs .
Thus, Provider realize the importance of accounting systems of MCOT Public Company Limited , focusing on the subject. Customer Invoice to charge for TV advertising. By using accounting software packages (AFIS Accounting and Financial Information System) is a tool for recording . So with ease And saving even more time .

Keywords: invoice / Trade / accounting software

Title: Customer Invoice to charge for TV advertising
Author: Natruja Jitchaya
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”74. Receivable in Express Accounting”]


The company N.R. Group Advisory Limited is a company that provides accounting standards accounting. Provide consulting services accounting and taxation according to the code. Service design and submit tax all types and social security work. A checking account and social security work. The N.R. Group Advisory Co., Ltd., focusing on accounting purchase for sale for cash /sale for credit and account receivable. Through the program Express Accounting. Is a tool that helps in the account record to provide convenience.

Keywords : credit sales, Microsoft Accounting.

Title: Receivable in Express Accounting
Author: Jiraporn NoyJan
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”75. Withholding Tax & Commission”]


U&ME MATERIALS CO., Ltd as a business on importing, Selling and after sell service of “Media material.” Such as selling the material of billboard, selling the material of ink jet printer, repairing the printer etc. Be done by the position, Assistant accounting and Sale. Assigned on selling, calculating the withholding tax and calculating the commission. From this duty made knowledge about “calculating the withholding tax” which different from the income, so it much be to calculate correctly following the law. So who made it interesting to study the data and make a report on “Tax Withholding” to investigate the crash happened and is beneficial to those interested in learning as well.

Title: Withholding Tax & Commission
Author: Thanin Romjaroen
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”76. Input Tax and Output Tax”]


Bangkok Audit And Tech Consultants Co.,Ltd. Is an establishment that provides audit, the accounting system and Consultant account and Finance. Because of, in practicing work the Co-operative Education:Co-op. the organizer has practiced the work in Input VAT and Output VAT and Output VAT in company, then do project education beneath the heading “Input Tax and Output Tax” the organizer has the objective for enhances the understanding about the process of preparing Input VAT , how to check invoices/invoice from and the study and practice can lead the knowledge will have that to come to use in solve a problem tax way to will have met to meet in the future next efficiently.

Keywords : The process of preparing Input VAT and Output VAT , How to check invoices / invoice from

Title: Input Tax and Output Tax
Author: Supharas Sahakulbunyarak
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”77. The process of accounting for the improved sales invoices – invoice”]


Narong Accounting Office, an office that provides services related to the audit to review the accounting profession generally accepted accounting standards. And as to the validityof transparency. And individuals involved If there are errors or problems accountants can advise how to fix the problem. To facilitate the work. And reduce the risk of errors in the operation.
So who do you realize the importance of the accounting system of the accounting office campaign by focusing on improving tax invoice -. Memo from trade receivables due to the amortization and payment is made payable and accounts receivable less prepared. Studies have improved sales invoices . Credit Bureau of campaign accounts. By using the Gram finished when lodging accounting (SS) is a tool to aid in accounting with ease. And were part of an industry even more time.

Keywords: improve tax invoice / credit / accounting software packages.

Title: The process of accounting for the improved sales invoices – invoice
Author: Marisa Thanombun
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”78. To save money with the program SYmainRMS”]


L.P.N. DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED provide condominiums the target level middle to lower Under the “livable communities” with the implementation of their “corporate values” Development and sustainable growth Taking into account the balance of returns the quantity and quality of stakeholder groups It also takes into account the responsibility to Environmental and social performance under good governance defining the mission each year to reflect the environment change powered by (LPN Way) The forging of experience in the business this report is for participating coop systems in the position the employee account responsible for revenue recognition for the company The recorded revenues of company and documenting the recognition of revenue and we are interested The process of recognition of income there is tightness in the accounting records or not If an error in the accounting records the result has been more of a recognition of the error the education system in the program can also increase performance and reduce the steps and time to work for less.
The use of accounting software packages used to store the company’s revenue information will be The document will be brought to account each other very much this document must be accounted for in the program and in order to separate the document is set to be a category and a number of documents you do not need to write down information by hand. This saves time at work by the staff to print documents from any program the downside is The accounting records may not be written to this will make the total does not match the reality. This will have to solve in the new system.

Keyword : to save money with the program SYmainRMS / the revenue recognition / accounting

Title: To save money with the program SYmainRMS
Author: Wantasit Kiewsan
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Suchat Theerasrisombat
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”79. Financial Statement Electronic Submission (e-Filing)”]


The Government, legally encourage the entrepreneurs or business making sector make the single account and financial statements, which will be represented a real growth in their business. A measurement on single account has been signed in law, a Royal Act on a tax exemption and support in terms of a taxation, as well as, in a Royal Decree in terms of decreasing and exemption on Revenue Code (issue on 595), B.E. 2558. Inside, the important point is an exemption on retroactive tax investigation, particularly in case of improving the old and error account to be a new and real one.
The Revenue Department, hopefully encourage the entrepreneurs make the single account. Therefore, a training and easy-to-use accounting program will be available for them and SMEs. As a role in creation team; a participation in training an accounting program for them, so, an education report and project is set up under the title “An easy-to-use accounting program for SMEs, according to a single account measurement, the Revenue Department.” On a concreted project training, we have recognized how this program is important for them. It will truly develop and top up a new knowledge and accounting skill to apply this program for enhancing their making business and benefit for SMEs.
On behalf of a creation team, hopefully, we expect that a valuable experience on training and skill on a single account, will be useful for an education sector, as well as for who are in accounting works and careers.

Keywords: easy-to-use accounting program, single account, SMEs

Title: Financial Statement Electronic Submission (e-Filing)
Author: Mathawee Suwannawong
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Ittisak Rattanakijyon
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”80. Accounting Processes”]


Jaturat Accounting and Tax co., is the company that provide you the accounting and taxation service with received certified quality accounting office from Department of Business Development and the Main work are Accounting procedures , Give counsel accounting and Taxation according to the standard set and Law revenue code.
From the project field working from Siam University at Jaturat Accounting and Tax Co., this time as the position of Accounting assistance and the worked assigned are dealing with accounts such as paper work differentiation and putting the information in the Accounting programme and Work in the field added on Value add tax (Vat) so that make the producer is aware of the importance and benefit and that causes the inter est under the topic of “Accounting Processing” in which the detailed study about the account Processing such as audit the Value add tax (Vat) Document it correct according to the law and accounting procedures by use the accounting programme (formula wi nning) and reporting the Input Tax , Output Tax for the preparation filing From Value add tax return (P.P. 30)
The Producer hope that this trainee on Co- operative education project. and are ableto apply knowledge and experiences gained for practical operation in accounting profession. This study will also yield benefits for others who might take this project for their own studies in the future.

Key word : Accounting Processing / Accounting Program / Value add tax (Vat)

Title: Accounting Processes
Author: Thitisuda Srisamran
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Ittisak Rattanakijyon
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”81. Export business’s income and expenses audit”]


Kamol Bavorn Audit Office Co.,Ltd has been providing auditing service in the area of account auditing, standard auditing of fiscal year, account auditing systems and other taxes.
Audit programs, a tool for creation of audit plan and control, consists of purpose of each area audit, auditing method, audit technique, and definition of audit framework and others. This audit programs helps in the process which achieves audit evidence that will help the auditor to determine the framework of audit by comparing contradictory data and falsify key information so that the standard of audit is formed.
Product teams recognized the important of audit income and expenses, so we have studies this project following the Co-operative Education project under the topic “Export business’s income and expenses audit”
By joining this cooperative education project, Product team learned the nature and importance of the audit work and are able to apply knowledge and experiences gained for practical operation in accounting profession. This study will also yield benefits for others who might take this project as a guideline for their own studies in the future.

Keyword: Audit Programs/ Audit income and expenses / Accounting Professions

Title: Export business’s income and expenses audit
Author: Wacharee Manadee, Warunee Sriprasoed
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Ittisak Rattanakijyon
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”82. The audit of practices to monitor the income of businesses; sold and imported machinery”]


Kamol Bavorn Auditing Office Company Limited provides the services of book keeping, auditing and legal consultant. The auditing report of auditor can be built the trust on the user of financial statement that consists of the result of operation and the correct financial status which is credible and not against to the facts following the standard of auditing.
To build the trust on auditing, auditors to focus on the method of auditing in order to get enough evidence, to evaluate the risk of auditing to the low level and proper level that is acceptable . This affects how the method of auditing to avoid the mistake from audit or auditing without fault information that against the facts which will finally lead to the corruption.
Production teams foresee the importance of these points, so we have studies this project following the co-operative education under the topic “ Audit program for revenues of import and sales business machines” This project showed the purposes of audit, scopes of audit, techniques of audit, timing of audit, index for reference, signature of auditor, and finish dated of audit. Also, however the plan determination by the audit method makes the auditor feel trust on the result of auditing operation from assistant of auditor that it follows the right policy and the way of evidence acquiring by standard auditing.

Keywords: Audit Program method, Techniques of Audit, Standard of Audit

Title: The audit of practices to monitor the income of businesses; sold and imported machinery
Author: Supichaya Pachoud, Falida Jaroen, Nopparat Pararak
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Ittisak Rattanakijyon
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”83. An easy-to-use accounting program for SMEs, according to a single account measurement, the Revenue Department”]


The Government, legally encourage the entrepreneurs or business making sector make the single account and financial statements, which will be represented a real growth in their business. A measurement on single account has been signed in law, a Royal Act on a tax exemption and support in terms of a taxation, as well as, in a Royal Decree in terms of decreasing and exemption on Revenue Code (issue on 595), B.E. 2558. Inside, the important point is an exemption on retroactive tax investigation, particularly in case of improving the old and error account to be a new and real one.
The Revenue Department, hopefully encourage the entrepreneurs make the single account. Therefore, a training and easy-to-use accounting program will be available for them and SMEs. As a role in creation team; a participation in training an accounting program for them, so, an education report and project is set up under the title “An easy-to-use accounting program for SMEs, according to a single account measurement, the Revenue Department.” On a concreted project training, we have recognized how this program is important for them. It will truly develop and top up a new knowledge and accounting skill to apply this program for enhancing their making business and benefit for SMEs.
On behalf of a creation team, hopefully, we expect that a valuable experience on training and skill on a single account, will be useful for an education sector, as well as for who are in accounting works and careers.

Keywords: easy-to-use accounting program, single account, SMEs

Title: An easy-to-use accounting program for SMEs, according to a single account measurement, the Revenue Department
Author: Walinda Suratod, Arisa Suksamosorn, Waranya Jadang
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Ittisak Rattanakijyon
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”84. Auditing for value add tax refund”]


Revenue offices of areas 28 agency are responsible for service. The distributed information. And understanding of Taxation to the operators, which monitors taxes. The supervision of the taxpayer’s revenue officials. How closely supervise taxpayers. By regulators, according to the risk level of each group entity different criteria defined by law.
The working of the Co-operative education project in revenue office of areas 28 assigned to the plan . And evaluation , such as inspection Report tax and Tax invoice, Output tax – Input tax , The tax leaves forging and Value added tax (VAT) PP 30 , And so on the purpose of the tax audit. To supervise operation enterprises tax practice or treat the tax returns. In accordance with the requirements of regulation law code.
Co-operative education project, such as Production team know the importance, advantages and understanding from the examination of tax return value increases, and the increase of know ledge, work experience through practice union activities. The production team that report is useful for learning can bring the experience has been used to benefit in the further study. The accounting profession.

Key words :Taxpayer’s / Tax audit / Output tax – Input tax

Title: Auditing for value add tax refund
Author: Wanida Phajongkijakan, Make Bannasak
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr.Ittisak Rattanakijyon
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”85. Auditing account document and Record by Express Accounting Software”]


SAC Management Co., Ltd. the company business accounting services According to the practice of cooperative education author Assistant accountant. Assigned to the data recording program accounting. “Express Accounting Software” early performance takes quite a lot. Due to the lack of understanding about accounting documents. And the computer application accounting.
So the party organizer was interested and report on “, check the accounting documents. Notes and accounts with the express “program for students to United business the next study before working. And help the work efficiency high.

Key words document account / auditing / program Express Accounting Software

Title: Auditing account document and Record by Express Accounting Software
Author: Jatupom Banchuen, Kittipan Intachot, Nawarat Saeang
Co-operative Education Preparation: Ms.Siwilai Saibuatong
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”86. Express Software Express Accounting”]


NonNaWaKit Account and Tax Company Limited is the company Provides accountingand tax services Audit And business registration From where I went to work and assigned to accounting with accounting software Express. The first phase of the operation takes a lot of work not completed in the allotted time Due to lack of knowledge about the program before. So I was interested to learn about how to use accounting software Express. To guide interested parties and students to go out to work.

Title: Express Software Express Accounting
Author: Anupong Phajan
Co-operative Education Preparation: Ms.Siwilai Saibuatong
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”87. Tax exemption procedure of petroleum products supplied to aircraft traveling abroad and performing customs formalities at Suvarnabhumi Airport”]


Suvarnabhumi Airport Cargo Clearance Customs Bureau is in charge of performing
customs formalities, collecting duties and other incomes, giving duty refunds, controlling cargos, as well as clearing imported, transit and transshipment cargos in Suvarnabhumi Airport. It also supervises bonded warehouses and Free Zone within the area.
As the organizer involved in Customs service division 2, I found that many Oil companies process the customs formality in order to get tax exemption therefore, The organizer conducted the project “Tax exemption procedure of petroleum products supplied to aircrafts traveling abroad and performing customs formalities at Suvarnabhumi Airport” in order to study performing customs formality and related regulations, The information of this study will give the proper guidelines for performing customs formality and it beneficial will be for Oil companies and other interested people.

Key words : Taxation / Petroleum products supplied to aircrafts / Tax exemption

Title: Tax exemption procedure of petroleum products supplied to aircraft traveling abroad and performing customs formalities at Suvarnabhumi Airport
Author: Akapol Riantrakul
Co-operative Education Preparation: Ms.Siwilai Saibuatong
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”88. Payment System”]


Ratcthani Leasing Public Company Limited provides hire-purchasing, leasing, refinancing of car, pick-up, truck for commercial and crane truck , backhoe and other cars for every industries. From co-operative education operation in Ratcthani Leasing Public Company Limited, the researchers are assigned about in account payment record in Oracle program. The researchers have completed the project under the topic of accounting system on account payment and hope that this project will be useful for people who are interested in accounting by using Oracle program.

Title: Payment System
Author: Acharaporn Woranapan, Suphachok Saekao
Co-operative Education Preparation: Ms.Siwilai Saibuatong
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”89. Accounts Received Voucher in Ratchtani Leasing Public Company limited”]


Ratcthani Leasing Public Company Limited provides hire-purchasing, leasing, refinancing of car, pick-up, truck for commercial and crane truck , backhoe and other cars for every industries. From co-operative education operation in Ratcthani Leasing Public Company Limited, the researchers are assigned about in account receivable record Oracle program. The researchers have completed the project under the topic of accounting system on account receivable and hope that this project will be useful for people who are interested in accounting by using Oracle program.

Title: Accounts Received Voucher in Ratchtani Leasing Public Company limited
Author: Nammon Tiangboribun, Sinenat Jantara
Co-operative Education Preparation: Ms.Siwilai Saibuatong
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”90. Manual Tally Accounting Software”]


Sara’s Energy Ltd. is a company generating electricity from the one I go to practice cooperative accounting department, using software Tally to record data from the performance that students and staff have a problem. To use the application, and the user manual in English, work delays and potential errors.
So I have to study and prepare a manual Expo Graeme Tally to the individuals involved or interested people can use as a guideline to enhance performance.

Keywords: Program Tally.

Title: Manual Tally Accounting Software
Author: Pech Saetang
Co-operative Education Preparation: Ms.Siwilai Saibuatong
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”91. Document preparation for accounting”]


Rungrueng Accounting and Lawyer Company Limited; Has provided the accounting and business consulting. The company was registered as a legal entity. From long experience in providing professional accounting profession more than 25 years, we arecommitted to creating quality professional services to meet customer standards. Department of Commerce and Department of Revenue is primarily derived from the actual turnout. Assistant accounting staff. The assigned work on. Preparing documents In order to account for the Express program from starting operations. Staff are knowledgeable in the preparation of documents for the purpose of accounting. To check the authenticity of the document is incomplete and incorrect accounting principles.
Therefore, the preparation of such a study and prepare a report on the accounting documentation. To guide new knowledge and benefits to those participating in cooperative education in the next generation. To get an introduction to the performance. The document, according to the group accounts.

Title: Document preparation for accounting
Author: Praphapan Phakdee, Thidatip Yusiri, Phuriwit meenat
Co-operative Education Preparation: Ms.Siwilai Saibuatong
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


[fruitful_tab title=”92. Stock Aging Report”]


Witcorp Products to engage in the marketing of industrial raw materials used in fundamental industries. At present, our product portfolio ranges from chemicals, lubricants to steel & Ferro alloys, marketed domestically and internationally through our global network. Mostly of Chemical Products has an expiry date it necessary to hiring a company get eliminate expired product that lead to made a hazardous substance cost. to solve the problem. then we make expired date document / Sheet to show guantity of near expired product one by one expired . Sheet will help to solved problem and let us control warehouse with more performance.

Key words : Hazardous Substance cost /Stock Aging Report / Warehouse Management

Title: Stock Aging Report
Author: Sriwarin Keusurong
Co-operative Education Preparation: Ms.Siwilai Saibuatong
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2558


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[fruitful_tab title=”1. The Hospital’s Budgetary Accounting System and Creditor and Debtor Account”]


Sirirat PiyamaharajKarun hospital is a hospital undertaking the treatment of out-patients and inpatients. The hospital earned income and spent costs attributable to their cure.
The objective of study is to exumine information relating to the withdrawal of the Hospital’s budget as well as its creditor and debtor accounts. A finding of the study indicuted that a procedure for budgetary withdrawal, the Hospital’s budgetary withdrawal is required to be carried out two years in advance. The hospital has adopted the SAP System as its accounting system. In respect of the creditor account, the hospital has two creditor sectors, i.e., external creditors such as medication costs, medical instrument costs, material and equipment costs, etc. and internal creditors, namely, remunerations for physicians curing patients, hospital’s room fees, tool and instrumental costs. Payments for the foregoing costs will be allocated to the internal creditor in return for treatment of 1 patient pursuant to the prescribed proportion. The rest will be the Hospital’s revenue.

Title: The Hospital’s Budgetary Accounting System and Creditor and Debtor Account
Author: Ancharika Jaihow, Wilaipoen Prechakasamkij, Nawaporn Kreukaew
Co-operative Education Preparation: Ms.Jittra Srisaan
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2559


[fruitful_tab title=”2. Accounting System of Construction Material Business”]


Thada Law Firm and Accounting Company Limited is a firm undertaking preparation of the account, setting the accounting system, performing the trade register and calculating taxes for trading businesses. Hirers have brought in accounting-related documents without detailed itemization. A project management panel itself must have sorted out the said documents based on their categories. In particular, the project management panel has been entrusted to prepare the account for the shop selling building materials, so the project management panel perceives significance of setting the preliminary accounting system for the shop vending building materials.
The purpose of this study to investigate why the business owner lacks knowledge on the account and documentary sorting. Accordingly, the proposal management panel has designed the purchase book of account, sale book of account, cash receipt journal, cash disbursement journal and book of general entry of the business selling building materials and classified the shop’s accounts into five chapters, namely, the asset chapter, liability chapter, owner’s equity chapter, revenue chapter and expenditure chapter. Moreover, the set accounting system has been taught to the proprietor of the shop selling building materials for application in recording its preliminary transactions.
The results found that when the panel has designed the preliminary accounting system for the owner engaging in a building business, the business owner is found capable of personally recording and classification of its accounting transactions.

Keywords : accounting , and accounting system

Title: Accounting System of Construction Material Business
Author: Oubolrat Buasatien, Wissuta Nittim, Sririlak Puengsomya, Suphawadee Thammanuyakul
Co-operative Education Preparation: Ms.Jittra Srisaan
Major: Accounting
Bachelor degree: Business Administration
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2559


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