Bio-fermented water project

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Project Title  :  Bio-fermented water project
By                   :  Suttida charoensri, Thunyarat konklang, Nichakorn Krityamsaluan, Wipaporn Supakorn, Ms.Sani Sadakorn
Advisor          :  Ms.Sani Sadakorn
Degree           :  Bechelor of Arts in Hotel Studies
Major             :  Hotel Studies
Faculty          :  Liberal Arts
Semester / Academic year   :  2 /2016


Narai Hotel is a four-star hotel located in Bangkok. The organization operated the business for a long time. The hotel provides accommodation services for potential customers. The facilities such as modern stylish room, swimming pools, restaurants, health care and meeting rooms.

The authors have been assigned duties as trainees for the cooking department in the hotel, duties included raw materials preparation and service providers to customers. The authors have seen the importance of “ Bio-fermented water project ” The report includes 4 parts; the inventionof bio-fermentation to reduce odors and grease clogging the drain, Period of the fermentation, the use of fermented water in the kitchen area, and interview and questionnaire.

This report can be helpful for employees and students to have better understanding about the bio-fermentation and how to use it properly.


Keywords:  Bio-fermented water, Processing, Odor reduction, Fat blockage.

Bio-fermented water project

Faculty of Liberal Arts, Siam University, Thailand
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