Challenges of Regional Collective Security: A Look at Economic Community of West Africa States (Ecowas)

Last modified: May 17, 2020
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Project Title: Challenges of Regional Collective Security: A Look at Economic Community of West Africa States (Ecowas)
Author: Mr. Bukola Otolorin Ejiwale
Advisor: Dr. Emmanuel Nweke Okafor
Degree: Master of Arts in Peace Studies and Diplomacy
Major: Peace Studies and Diplomacy
Faculty: Graduate School of Peace Studies and Diplomacy
Academic year: 2019


Ejiwale, Bukola Otolorin. (2019). Challenges of Regional Collective Security: A Look at Economic Community of West Africa States (Ecowas). (Independent study, Master of Peace Studies and Diplomacy). Bangkok: Siam University.


The principle of collective security has formed one of the core goals and objectives of various regional and international organizations as they strive to ensure continuous global peace. Today, the situations in the world generally are characterized with unimaginable forms of insecurity, conflicts and extremists activities. The objectives of this study were to examine ECOW AS collective security mechanisms. highlight the operations as well as challenges 01· the regional collective security in ECOW AS, and examine the effectiveness of its collective security mechanisms. The study used secondary research methodology with consultations of textbooks. journals, articles, and internet materials and found some of the challenges to be: I) absence of a clear agreement among the political leaders of the region regarding responsibilities and mandates of ESF; 2) trans-border crimes; 3) poor training of personnel; and 4) the supply of obsolete equipment to missions and porous nature of the borders. The researcher recommended a number of ways to improve ECOWAS’ collective security mechanism, such as improving factors that have an impact on administration, finance and personnel, as well as enhancing transparency in democratic states.

Keywords:  Collective Security, Collective Security Mechanism, Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Community, ECOWAS Standby Force (ESF)

Challenges of Regional Collective Security: A Look at Economic Community of West Africa States (Ecowas)

Master of Arts in Peace Studies and Diplomacy, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand


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