Factor that affected to receiving process at Avani Riverside Bangkok Hotel

Last modified: September 6, 2018
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Project Title  :  Factor that affected to receiving process at Avani Riverside Bangkok Hotel
By                   :  Somrude Puongniyom, Mr.Sathaporn Puekmui
Advisor          :  Mr.Sathaporn Puekmui
Degree           :  Bechelor of Arts in Hotel Studies
Major             :  Hotel Studies
Faculty          :  Liberal Arts
Semester / Academic year   : 3 /2016


The co-operative education project titled the factors affecting the receiving process of Avani Riverside Bangkok aimed to enable the hotel’s receiving process to meet quality and set standards, enable the receiving process of “Receiving Department” to have fewer mistakes and develop the receiving process to become more effectively. The sample for the interviews included 10 employees consisting of accounting staff, kitchen staff and purchasing staff. The researcher applied the interview to gather problems and guidelines for receiving process solution.

The results showed that the most frequently-found problems in the receiving process were that the received products did not meet the standards and that there were mistakes in purchase orders respectively. It was suggested that the purchasing order department should make purchase orders via E-mail and give product details carefully. Stores should inspect a number of products for purchase order verification via E-mail and send an email back to the hotel before making each delivery. This could provide convenience and quickness, reduce mistakes in purchase orders and make received products to meet the standards.


Keywords:  Factor, Receiving process and hotel management.

Factor that affected to receiving process at Avani Riverside Bangkok Hotel

Faculty of Liberal Arts, Siam University, Thailand
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