Graduate School – Ph.DP.IT [PAPER]

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Graduate School – Ph.DP.IT – PAPER

[vc_toggle title=”2018″]
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[fruitful_tab title=”1. The modified alpha power law based model of statistical fluctuation in nanometer FGMOSFET.”]


The modified alpha power law based model of statistical fluctuation in drain current of an unconventional Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor namely Floating-Gate Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (FGMOSFET) has been proposed where the nanometer FGMOSET have been focused. Unlike the previous works, the fluctuation in drain current has been expressed in a per-unit basis which is able to show the true criticality of such fluctuation, and those previously assumed approximations on FGMOSFET’s parameters have not been adopted. The process induced device level statistical fluctuations and the related correlations have been taken into account. Nonlinearity of voltage at the floating gate and dependency on voltage at the drain terminal of the coupling factors have also been concerned. The proposed model can accurately fit the 65 nm 4th generation Berkeley Short-channel IGFET Model (BSIM4) based reference obtained from the Monte-Carlo simulation by using FGMOSFET Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis based simulation technique. If desired, it can fit those references based on smaller technologies by using the optimally extracted drain current parameters of those technologies. From our model, the statistical fluctuation reducing strategies of nanometer FGMOSFET can be obtained. Moreover, the application of the model to the candidate nanometer FGMOSFET based circuit has also been shown.

Subjects: Electrical & Electronic EngineeringElectronicsCircuits & DevicesElectronic Devices & Materials
Keywords: alpha power lawanalytical modelfloating-gate MOSFETnanometer CMOS technologystatistical fluctuation

Researcher: Asst.Prof. Dr. Rawid Banchuin  ผศ.ดร.รวิศวร์ บานชื่น
Faculty: Computer Engineering/Graduated school of Information Technology
Year: 2560

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[fruitful_tab title=”2. The Analysis of Active Circuit in Fractional Domain.”]


In this research, the analysis of active circuit in the fractional domain has been performed by using the fractional differential equation approach. The derivative term within the fractional differential equation of the circuit has been interpreted in Caputo’s sense and the analytical solution has been determined with the aid of Laplace transformation. By applying different source terms to the obtained analytical solution, the fractional domain behaviors of the circuit have been analyzed.

Keywords: active circuit; fractional calculus; fractional derivative; fractional differential equation; fractional domain

Subjects: The Analysis of Active Circuit in Fractional Domain
Researcher: Asst.Prof. Dr. Rawid Banchuin and Roungsan Chaisricharoen
Faculty: Computer Engineering/Graduated school of Information Technology
Year: 2561
Link Article:
[fruitful_tab title=”3. Time Domain FDE Based Analysis of Active Fractional Circuit.”]


The active fractional circuit has been analyzed in time domain based on the fractional differential equation approach in this work. The fractional OTA-C filter has been adopted as the candidate circuit as it is an extension of the 1st order OTA-C filter which is an often cited active building block of the circuits and systems for signal processing. The derivative term of the fractional differential equation has been defined in Caputo’s sense and the analytical solution of such equation has been determined via the Laplace transformation based methodology. By using the obtained solution, the time domain circuit responses to various inputs have been derived and the behaviors of the circuit have been analyzed with the aid of simulation.

Keywords: active device; active fractional circuit; fractional differential equation; fractional OTA-C filter; 1st order OTA-C filter

Subjects: Time Domain FDE Based Analysis of Active Fractional Circuit
Researcher: Asst.Prof. Dr. Rawid Banchuin  ผศ.ดร.รวิศวร์ บานชื่น
Faculty: Computer Engineering/Graduated school of Information Technology
Year: 2561

Link Article:

[fruitful_tab title=”4. Comprehensive Analytical Models of Random Variations in Subthreshold MOSFET’s High-Frequency Performances”]


Subthreshold MOSFET has been adopted in many low power VHF circuits/systems in which their performances are mainly determined by three major high-frequency characteristics of intrinsic subthreshold MOSFET, i.e., gate capacitance, transition frequency, and maximum frequency of oscillation. Unfortunately, the physical level imperfections and variations in manufacturing process of MOSFET cause random variations in MOSFET’s electrical characteristics including the aforesaid high-frequency ones which in turn cause the undesired variations in those subthreshold MOSFET-based VHF circuits/systems. As a result, the statistical/variability aware analysis and designing strategies must be adopted for handling these variations where the comprehensive analytical models of variations in those major high-frequency characteristics of subthreshold MOSFET have been found to be beneficial. Therefore, these comprehensive analytical models have been reviewed in this chapter where interesting related issues have also been discussed. Moreover, an improved model of variation in maximum frequency of oscillation has also been proposed.

Keywords: gate capacitance, maximum frequency of oscillation, subthreshold MOSFET, transition frequency, VHF circuits/systems

Subjects: Comprehensive Analytical Models of Random Variations in Subthreshold MOSFET’s High-Frequency Performances
Researcher: Asst.Prof. Dr. Rawid Banchuin
Faculty: Computer Engineering/Graduated school of Information Technology
Year: 2561



Graduate School – Ph.DP.IT – PAPER

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