Guideline for developing reservation system

Last modified: September 9, 2018
Estimated reading time: 1 min

Project Title  :  Guideline for developing reservation system
By                  :  Pakaphon Siwawuth, Chanjira Kasing, Marisa Maksomboon, Mr.Sathaporn Phuakmu
Advisor          :  Mr.Sathaporn Phuakmu
Degree           :  Bachelor of Arts in Tourism Studies
Major             :  Tourism Studies
Faculty          :  Liberal Arts
Semester / Academic year   :  3 /2016


Tourism industry is continuing to grow nowadays. Therefore, internet has become a part of life and plays a significant role in purchasing goods and services. Tourism industry is another example that put internet into a good use especially internet booking both domestic and international. Companies that provides online room reservation service were founded. This includes A.T. Network Co., Ltd. which is the company that provides travelling agency services; selling tickets, and reservation services. It also received a direct benefit from the internet as in public relations and marketing.

However, A.T. Network Co., Ltd. is not the only one in the play. There are also other companies that put such strategy into practice. The company suffers a great deal with competitor problems. This includes the room prices and packages which doesn’t meet the customers’ requirement. The research team aims to study the tourists’ behavior of using online reservations and travelling. The problems will be solved by using a designed questionnaire comprised with questions of customers’ general information, travelling and booking behavior, the satisfaction of travelling and booking. The evaluation will be made from samples and analyze to find conclusion.

The results let the researchers know the solution to the problems. The proposal is to use the 8P marketing strategy to increase sales and put it to meet the customers’ requirement. The 8P marketing strategy is comprised of Product Strategy, Price Strategy, Place Strategy, Promotion Strategy, Packaging Strategy, Personal Strategy, Public Strategy, Power Strategy. For example, Product Strategy must be done according to price and quality As for Public Strategy and Place Strategy, the researcher found that the company should increase the use of Facebook as the mean to convey more information to customer since it is a good way to communicate and fast to be accessed by various groups of customer.


Keywords:  Satisfaction survey, Booking behavior, Travel behavior.

Guideline for developing reservation system

Faculty of Liberal Arts, Siam University, Thailand

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