Herb fish chili paste

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Project Title  :  Herb fish chili paste
By                   :  Supaporn Sakunjin, Ms.Praew Wijittarothai
Advisor          :  Ms.Praew Wijittarothai
Degree           :  Bechelor of Arts in Hotel Studies
Major             :  Hotel Studies
Faculty          :  Liberal Arts
Semester / Academic year   :  2 /2016


The purpose of this research is The remaining raw materials to be processed to reduce costs and a new choice for the establishment to choose menu services to customers who use the restaurant 711 Bistro Mida Dvaravadee Grand Hotel Nakhon Pathom. New menu in name Chili Herbal Snack New healthy menu for customer service. And the chili paste has a new blend of herbs. The results of the assessment of 10 kitchen staff found that all of them were in good taste, including the overall taste of the food. The suitability of raw materials used for processing. creativity Have health benefits The container is fitted. And can be used.


Keywords:  Food preservation from waste ingredient, Herb fish chili paste.

Herb fish chili paste

Faculty of Liberal Arts, Siam University, Thailand
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