Middle of Asia (Uzbekistan Turkmenistan Kazakhstan)

Last modified: September 9, 2018
Estimated reading time: 1 min

Project Title  :  Middle of Asia (Uzbekistan Turkmenistan Kazakhstan)
By                     :  Aunchidtha Srito, Marisa Intornsuwan, Mr.Chanchai Prakinkij
Advisor          :  Mr.Chanchai Prakinkij
Degree           :  Bachelor of Arts in Tourism Studies
Major             :  Tourism Studies
Faculty          :  Liberal Arts
Semester / Academic year   :  2 /2016


Go-Together Travel Company is a package tour provider offering services such as plane ticketing, other travel ticketing, hotel accommodation bookings, visa application and other travel services. Go-Together Travel Company have package tours to various destinations in Eurasia, Africa and the Middle East. It has a large customer base of loyal repeat travelers that have grown weary of the same destinations in Europe, which has also become less attractive due to the increase in terrorist activity, these customers are looking for new and exciting locations with diverse cultures, unique architecture and exotic cuisines.
During my time working as an intern for the company. I was assigned to do a comprehensive detailed travel itinerary for a tour of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan as the company had tours to these destinations. We created the multi-country tour independently of the work we carried out for the company and presented this to the management team for their consideration.

The team informed us that our proposed tour was of interest to the company and that they would include our tour as a package which they felt would be of great interest to their customers.


Keywords:  Middle of Asia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan.

Middle of Asia (Uzbekistan Turkmenistan Kazakhstan)

Faculty of Liberal Arts, Siam University, Thailand

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