The Effects of Transformational Leadership on Team Innovation: The Case of Private Universities in Thailand

Last modified: August 3, 2022
Estimated reading time: 2 min
Project Title: The Effects of Transformational Leadership on Team Innovation: The Case of Private Universities in Thailand
Author: Mrs. Jidapa Chollathanrattanapong
Advisor: Assistant Professor Dr. Chaiyanant  Panyasiri
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Major: Management
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2022
Jidapa Chollathanrattanapong and Chaiyanant Panyasiri. (2022). The Effects of Transformational Leadership on Team Innovation: The Case of Private Universities in Thailand. Journal of Association of Private Higher Education Institutions of Thailand (APHEIT), 11(1), 91-105. (TCI Tier 1)


Chollathanrattanapong J. (2022). The effects of transformational leadership on team innovation: The case of private universities in Thailand. (Doctoral dissertation). Bangkok: Doctor of Philosophy in Management, Siam University.


This research aimed to study the transformational leadership of executives in private universities in Thailand and how they affect the behavior of employees in the organization. The three objectives of the study were: 1) To study mediating variables and discover the effect of transformational leadership through job characteristics, team learning behavior, and innovation culture that impact team innovation across each private university; 2) To explore leaders’ approach in private universities in Thailand towards team innovation; 3) To explain the path analysis of transformational leadership through mediating factors that influence team innovation.

The population in this study consisted of employees at private universities throughout Thailand who worked full-time in the international relations unit and have served in that position and university for one year or more. Four hundred sets of questionnaires were sent to private universities in Thailand for questionnaire responses. The structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis was further conducted with the AMOS program, including confirmatory factor analysis, path analysis, and multiple regression analysis to test research hypotheses according to the established framework.

The study results can be summarized as follows: 1) Transformational leadership achieved a high level of assessment criteria from employees in every aspect; 2) Transformational leadership in educational institutions directly affected job characteristics, team learning behavior, and innovation culture in private universities in Thailand; 3) Transformational leadership in educational institutions did not directly affect team innovation in private universities in Thailand; 4) Job characteristics and innovation culture directly affected team innovation in private universities in Thailand, and 5) The path of transformational leadership which affected team innovation had to be indirectly influenced by job characteristics and innovation culture.  This research framework can be further applied to other stakeholders, or it is probably necessary to adjust the measuring tools or instruments to fit the context. This study applied transformational leadership to explore how to cope with external environments and find the relationship between leadership and the behavior of employees in educational institutions. The study revealed different correlations in each of the surveyed variables.

Keywords: transformational leadership, job characteristics, team learning, innovation culture, team innovation, private universities.

The Effects of Transformational Leadership on Team Innovation: The Case of Private Universities in Thailand

Doctor of Philosophy in Management, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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