Unfair and Illegal Wage Payments of Immigrant Workers: A Case Study of Wage Payment in Thai Restaurants in Las Vegas

Last modified: November 1, 2024
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Title: Unfair and Illegal Wage Payments to Immigrant Workers: A Case Study of Wage Payment in Thai Restaurants in Las Vegas

Author: Nion Kaeophoung

Advisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Suraphol Srivithaya

Degree: Master of Arts Program in Peace Studies and Diplomacy

Major: MAPD. (Peace Studies and Diplomacy

Faculty: Graduate School

Academic year: 2024

Published: 6th International Conference on Economics, Business & Interdisciplinary Studies (ICEBIS): 19 October 2024   Click


This study examines the issue of unfair and illegal wage payments of immigrant workers employed in Thai restaurants in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. The study aims to uncover the prevalence and consequences of wage exploitation in this sector of the service industry. The research utilizes a documentary and in-depth interview approach, including surveys, interviews, and analysis of legal and labor documents. Findings revealed that a significant number of immigrant workers in Thai restaurants were subjected to unfair and illegal wage practices, such as wage theft and below-minimum-wage payments. These violations have detrimental effects on the well-being and economic stability of the workers and contribute to the perpetuation of their vulnerable status. The study calls for increased legal protections for immigrant workers and improved enforcement of existing labor laws to ensure fair and just compensation for all workers, regardless of their immigration status.

Keywords: immigrant workers, service industry, unfair wage

Unfair and Illegal Wage Payments to Immigrant Workers: A Case Study of Wage Payment in Thai Restaurants in Las Vegas /

6217812004 – Nion Kaeophoung 2566 (2023) Unfair and Illegal Wage Payments to Immigrant Workers: A Case Study of Wage Payment in Thai Restaurants in Las Vegas สารนิพนธ์ (Independent Study), Advisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Suraphol Srivithaya, ปริญญาโท (Master’s Degree), บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School), ศิลปศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาสันติภาพศึกษาและการฑูต (หลักสูตรนานาชาติ) Master of Arts Program in Peace Studies and Diplomacy, ศศ.ม. (สันติภาพศึกษาและการฑูต) – MAPD. (Peace Studies and Diplomacy, Bangkok: Siam University

Academic Year 2023, Graduate School 2023, IMBA, IMBA 2023, Independent Study, Independent Study 2023, Master of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (International Program) 2023, Master of Business Administration 2023, ปริญญาโท (Master’s Degree), บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School), ศิลปศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาสันติภาพศึกษาและการฑูต (หลักสูตรนานาชาติ) Master of Arts Program in Peace Studies and Diplomacy,ศศ.ม. (สันติภาพศึกษาและการฑูต) – MAPD. (Peace Studies and Diplomacy

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