United Nations Women’s Role in Peace Negotiations: An Analysis of Women’s Involvement in UN Peacekeeping Missions amid the Armed Conflict in Somalia

Last modified: September 25, 2024
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Title: United Nations Women’s Role in Peace Negotiations: An Analysis of Women’s Involvement in UN Peacekeeping Missions amid the Armed Conflict in Somalia

Author: Jasmehar Kaur

Advisor: ผศ. ดร.สุรพล ศรีวิทยา – Assist. Prof. Dr. Suraphol Srivithaya

Degree: ศิลปศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาสันติภาพศึกษาและการฑูต (หลักสูตรนานาชาติ) Master of Arts Program in Peace Studies and Diplomacy

Major: ศศ.ม. (สันติภาพศึกษาและการฑูต) – MAPD. (Peace Studies and Diplomacy

Faculty: บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School)

Academic year: 2567 (2024)

Published: 6th International Conference on Economics, Business & Interdisciplinary Studies (ICEBIS): Centre of Innovation & Research – International College (CIRICO) 14 October 2023   Conference   Proceedings   PDF


This paper presents an in-depth investigation of the crucial role that women have played in UN peacekeeping operations, with emphasis on their participation in the continuing crisis in Somalia. The research explores women’s historical and present contributions to peace talks and conflict resolution, highlighting their unique perspectives and techniques through qualitative and documentary data. The study tracks the development of women’s involvement in peacekeeping operations and offers a critical evaluation of UN mandates and policies. The aim is to support more female involvement in peace processes, especially in conflict areas like Somalia where traditional gender norms have historically repressed women’s voices. The study explicates the diverse roles through a thorough examination of case studies and analysis of UN mission reports. It emphasizes the link between women’s engagement and the efficacy and durability of peace accords, contending that women’s involvement not only makes the negotiation processes more inclusive but also produces more robust and long-lasting peace results. The report also discusses the difficulties and impediments that women encounter in these positions, such as institutional prejudices in local and UN governance institutions, cultural limitations, and security concerns. It offers realistic recommendations for strengthening the systems of support for women in peacekeeping, including the creation of strong networks for female peacebuilders, gender-sensitive policy changes, and focused training initiatives.

This study concludes by arguing that, in conflict-ridden regions like Somalia, incorporating women into the heart of peacekeeping and negotiating processes is not just a strategic need but also a normative imperative. The research enhances the conversation on international peace and security by advocating for a paradigm change towards more gender-inclusive peacebuilding frameworks and highlighting the invaluable contributions of women.

Keywords: Keywords: women’s roles, women’s involvement, peace negotiations, UN peacekeeping missions, armed conflict

United Nations Women’s Role in Peace Negotiations: An Analysis of Women’s Involvement in UN Peacekeeping Missions amid the Armed Conflict in Somalia /

6517800010 – Jasmehar Kaur 2567 (2024) United Nations Women’s Role in Peace Negotiations: An Analysis of Women’s Involvement in UN Peacekeeping Missions amid the Armed Conflict in Somalia สารนิพนธ์ (Independent Study), Advisor: ผศ. ดร.สุรพล ศรีวิทยา – Assist. Prof. Dr. Suraphol Srivithaya, ปริญญาโท (Master’s Degree), บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School), ศิลปศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาสันติภาพศึกษาและการฑูต (หลักสูตรนานาชาติ) Master of Arts Program in Peace Studies and Diplomacy, ศศ.ม. (สันติภาพศึกษาและการฑูต) – MAPD. (Peace Studies and Diplomacy, Bangkok: Siam University

Academic Year 2023, Graduate School 2023, IMBA, IMBA 2023, Independent Study, Independent Study 2023, Master of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (International Program) 2023, Master of Business Administration 2023, ปริญญาโท (Master’s Degree), บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School), ศิลปศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาสันติภาพศึกษาและการฑูต (หลักสูตรนานาชาติ) Master of Arts Program in Peace Studies and Diplomacy,ศศ.ม. (สันติภาพศึกษาและการฑูต) – MAPD. (Peace Studies and Diplomacy

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