Factors in the decision to use room service of Chinese tourists : a case study of the Montien Hotel Riverside

Last modified: September 6, 2018
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Project Title  :  Factors in the decision to use room service of Chinese tourists : a case study of the Montien Hotel Riverside
By                   :  Akkarapa Hirunpuchchong, Ms.Nantinee Thongorn
Advisor          :  Ms.Nantinee Thongorn
Degree           :  Bachelor of Arts in Hotel Studies
Major             :  Hotel Studies
Faculty          :  Liberal Arts
Semester / Academic year   :  3/2016


The Montien Riverside (Montien Riverside Hotel) is a large hotel adjacent to the river. The hotel features 462 rooms overlooking the river every room. There are also restaurants that serve tourists. From the worker cooperative education Montien Riverside (Montien Riverside Hotel), the report is assigned to a job in Sales and Marketing (Sales and Marketing) from operations keeping in mind that many. most tourists who come to stay. Hotels are Chinese tourists Thus prepared, so that Ling should be conducted on Chinese tourists what factors make a choice of rooms at the Montien Riverside Hotel. In order to be useful in the development of future hotel.

The results showed that general status of respondents in terms of sex, age, marital status, education level, occupation, and found that most respondents are female. Trade / business accounted for 42 per cent have a monthly income of less than 10. 000 baht, representing 42 percent found that the ease of access. Cleanliness of the hotel and influence decisions at the highest level of service. The modern and secure hotel has an effect on the decision to use the services on a large scale.


Keywords:  Tourist, Deciding factor, Factor services.

Factors in the decision to use room service of Chinese tourists : a case study of the Montien Hotel Riverside

Faculty of Liberal Arts, Siam University, Thailand

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