Asia Internship Program: Internships with a Purpose

Last modified: June 16, 2023
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Project Title: Asia Internship Program: Internships with a Purpose
Author: Miss Bibeki Dhungel
Advisor: Miss Yhing Sawheny 
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Marketing
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester / Academic year: 2/2022


Dhungel, Bibeki.  (2022). Asia internship program: Internships with a purpose. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University


     The report, “Asia Internship Program: Internships with a Purpose” focuses on how education consultancies have been evolving and working to provide local and international internships to people from all backgrounds. This cooperative education report shows the different tasks that were done as an intern in marketing and sales. The objectives of the study include the following:

1) To use all the theoretical knowledge learned
2) To have a better understanding of the education industry
3) To understand how an international education consultancy operates
4) To understand and learn the global market trends in the education field

     My main job working with AIP was to come up with content for social media, create SEO Optimized content for the website like blogs, and increase brand awareness by coming up with different strategies and campaigns. In this report, all the tasks and responsibilities assigned to me during the co-op internship are explained in detail. Other technical and work-related problems were solved with alternatives from the team members of the company. Working rigorously for the organization has taught me to be adaptable in any new situation, working individually and using my theoretical knowledge that works well in today’s world, learning to manage my time properly, and work through the many cultural barriers.

Keywords:  education consultancies, co-op internship.

Asia Internship Program: Internships with a Purpose

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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