Co-Operative Education at Sanima GIC Insurance Limited

Last modified: July 13, 2023
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Project Title: Co-Operative Education at Sanima GIC Insurance Limited
Author: Mr. Souhard Shrestha
Advisor: Mr. Raj Sankrit
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Finance and Banking
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester / Academic year: 2/2022


Shrestha, Souhard. (2022). Co-operative education at Sanima GIC Insurance Limited (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.


Cooperative Education Project for Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program under Siam University and Kathmandu College of Management provides a practical implementation platform for academic learning’s in an actual professional workspace to exercise and excel our academic notion of business practices. This report provides brief information about the Sanima GIC Insurance Limited and also detailed report about the work and learning’s accumulated as an Underwriting and Claims Intern. The general objective of this assignment includes: (1) Understanding the overall company structure, its management, and necessary operations, (2) Going through the documentation of policies and customer’s needs, (3) Analyzing the needs and making insurance policies to insure the customer, (4) Documenting the requirements to proceed claims, endorsements and sending dispatched voucher, (5) Analyzing the claim files to determine the status of claims, (6) Assisting the seniors in daily works. The cooperative education period Started from the 16th of January 2023 to the 10th of May 2023. The primary goal of my internship was to access hands-on experience in the general insurance industry, learn, and apply the knowledge I gained in the classroom to practical real-world situations. This report summarizes my experience, responsibilities, and observations during my internship. It must be noted that tasks and responsibilities were not limited to the above statements; learning has taken place through practical experience, in good supervision by my supervisor, application of theoretical knowledge, as well as adaptation to company culture.

Keywords:  Insurance, Underwriting, Policies, Claims, Endorsements.

Co-Operative Education at Sanima GIC Insurance Limited

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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