A Case Study Approach on Evaluating Value Creation Methodologies & Strategies in Private Equity

Last modified: November 22, 2024
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Title: A Case Study Approach on Evaluating Value Creation Methodologies & Strategies in Private Equity
Author: Parash Khatri
Advisor: Mr. Ashutosh Mishra
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration Program in Finance and Investment (International Program)
Major: B.B.A. Finance and Investment (International Program)
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester/Academic year: 3/2566 (2023)



This document offers a summary of my Co-Operative Education experience at National Fund Management, serving as a private equity intern for 4 months. The Co-Op sought to connect academic learning with practical applications, enabling me to acquire hands-on experience in Investment & Private Equity.

Value Creation is central to achieving superior returns on Investment in private equity. Value creation methodologies and strategies can vary depending on the type of investment, the stage of the business, and the specific objectives of the private equity firm. Some still use traditional method of business valuation such as Market Capitalization and Time Revenue multiplier while most of the firm nowadays use modern approach of valuation like Discounted Cashflow.

This report shows what kind of Value Creation Methodologies is/are applied in National Fund & the Strategies applied for possible investment opportunities in a market. The 4 months intern in NFM help me to gather knowledge regarding different tools & tactics in investment screening followed by Value capturing and Deal making.

This report also comprises works and activities during my Co-Op placement where I utilized financial theories and valuation methods in practical situations, deepening my grasp of private equity processes and investment approaches, including financial forecasts, company evaluations, Discounted Cashflow Method, WACC calculations, and more.

Finally, this report examines the skills acquired, challenges encountered, and understanding of the private equity industry, emphasizing the demanding process of investment evaluation and decision-making. This internship has built a strong basis for my future career, enabling me to gain insights into office culture, market knowledge, and enhance my resume.

Keywords: Private Equity, DCF, Financial Modeling, Risk

Mr. Ashutosh Mishra, บธ.บ. การเงินและการลงทุน (หลักสูตรนานาชาติ) – B.B.A. Finance and Investment (International Program), บริหารธุรกิจ (Business Administration), บริหารธุรกิจบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาการเงินและการลงทุน (หลักสูตรนานาชาติ) – Bachelor of Business Administration Program in Finance and Investment (International Program), 3/2566 (2023)

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