A Landscape of Private Equity Deal Flow in Nepal

Last modified: July 6, 2024
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Title: A Landscape of Private Equity Deal Flow in Nepal
Author: Miss Aastha Mahato
Advisor: Mr. Ashutosh Mishra
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration Program in Finance and Investment (International Program)
Major: B.B.A. Finance and Investment (International Program)
Faculty: บริหารธุรกิจ (Business Administration)
Semester/Academic year: 2/2566 (2023)



This cooperative report entitled ‘A Landscape of Private Equity Deal Flow in Nepal’. This report comprises my 16 weeks of internship at National Fund Management Limited. The objective of the study incorporates (1) To research as well as analyze the current situation of PE in Nepal, (2) To compare and contrast Nepali PE landscape to other developed markets, (3) To learn about the operating framework of PE/VC firm in Nepal, and (4) To gain insights of practical realties of private equity which can help in bridging the gap between theory and practice. I worked as an investment intern under the investment department.

This report reflects my job responsibility and duties included doing research and analysis (market, industry, company, team assigned), compiling and presenting the research work, making presentation out of the word documents, for data management, starting with collection of raw data, making the raw data in organized form and arranging the data, providing the raw data to the team in order to have a furnished data, deriving the results from the data collection and adding them to the presentation and lastly, learning about financial statement analysis, financial modelling including discounted cash flow model these were for my own knowledge given the department sir.

This report majorly highlights my journey of being a co-op student while working the learning, problem, recommendation, etc. I was able to gain a lot of knowledge as well as skills such as research, data, presentation, financial, industrial, and practical.

Keywords: Research, Data, Investment, PE (private equity)

Mr. Ashutosh Mishra, บธ.บ. การเงินและการลงทุน (หลักสูตรนานาชาติ) – B.B.A. Finance and Investment (International Program), บริหารธุรกิจ (Business Administration), บริหารธุรกิจบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาการเงินและการลงทุน (หลักสูตรนานาชาติ) – Bachelor of Business Administration Program in Finance and Investment (International Program), 2/2566 (2023)

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