A Study of Array Direction HDPE Fiber Reinforced Mortar

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Research Article: A Study of Array Direction HDPE Fiber Reinforced Mortar
Author: Trithos Kamsuwan
Email:  skamsuwanl@yahoo.com
Department/Faculty: Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,  Siam University, Bangkok 10160
Published: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 307, Issue 1, pp. 012049 (2018)


Kamsuwan, T. (2018). A study of array direction HDPE fiber reinforced mortari. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng, 307(1), 012049.


This paper presents the effect of array direction HDPE fiber using as the reinforced material in cement mortar. The experimental data were created reference to the efficiency of using HDPE fiber reinforced on the tensile properties of cement mortar with different high drawn ratio of HDPE fibers. The fiber with the different drawn ratio 25x (d25 with E xx), and 35x (d35 with E xx) fiber volume fraction (0%, 1.0%, 1.5%) and fiber length 20 mm. were used to compare between random direction and array direction of HDPE fibers and the stress – strain displacement relationship behavior of HDPE short fiber reinforced cement mortar were investigated. It was found that the array direction with HDPE fibers show more improved in tensile strength and toughness when reinforced in cement mortar.

A Study of Array Direction HDPE Fiber Reinforced Mortari

Faculty of Engineering, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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