Accounting and Database Management in Shruti Enterprises Private Limited

Last modified: July 14, 2023
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Project Title: Accounting and Database Management in Shruti Enterprises Private Limited.
Author: Mr. Yash Kumar Agarwal
Advisor: Mr. Raj Sankrit
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Finance and Banking
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester / Academic year: 2/2022


Agarwal, Yash Kumar. (2022). Accounting and database management in Shruti Enterprises Private Limited (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.


This Cooperative report entitled “Accounting and database management in Shruti Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.” Has the goal to fulfill their customer demands in all aspects with a full guarantee of products. The objectives of the internship include (1) To learn and understanding how private businesses are running (2) To use different software for financial data entries and (3) To gain experience in the hardware sector and its policies. Shruti Enterprises is a prominent manufacturer and trader of door window fitting and supplier of a wide range of lever handles, door pulls, door knobs, door knockers, door letters, finger plates, door hinges, and many more as per the demands. All these items are related to household goods and their interior things for design. This report documents my experiences, learning, and limits as a Finance Intern in the Finance Department of Shruti Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. throughout my internship. As a Finance Intern, I was given a variety of duties that helped me improve my skills in multitasking, communication, receptivity, and adapting to varied situations.

Self-learning, constructive comments, and guidelines from my job supervisor and coworkers were found to be effective in resolving challenges encountered throughout the internship.

Keywords:  Experiences, financial data, and entries, communication, receptivity.

Accounting and Database Management in Shruti Enterprises Private Limited.

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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