Based on Modern Enterprise Strategy Management Theory and China Railway Guangzhou Bureau Group Development Strategy Research

Last modified: March 28, 2023
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Project Title: Based on Modern Enterprise Strategy Management Theory and China Railway Guangzhou Bureau Group Development Strategy Research
Author: Mr. Yi De Shuai
Advisor: Dr. Zhang Li
Degree: Master of Business Administration
Major: International BusinessManagement
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2022


Conference Proceedings
The 15th National and International Academic Conference “Creating Shared-Value and Innovation for Sustainability” 18-20 January 2023


Yi, De Shuai. (2022). Based on modern enterprise strategy management theory and China Railway Guangzhou Bureau Group development strategy research. (Master’s independent study). Bangkok: Siam University.


As an important part of China’s higher education, the complex changes in social development created some new challenges in the process of education and management, and the management of psychological crisis among college students is one of the difficulties in the management of higher vocational colleges and universities.

The mental health condition of college students has become a common concern of the current society, and schools of all levels and types attach great importance to it. Psychological problems of college students have become more frequent and are rapidly growing, and the psychological crisis of college students has become a major problem in campus management. The development of college students’ mental health education, the cultivation of psychological quality, and the improvement of psychological counseling and psychological crisis intervention management have become important topics actively explored by colleges and universities.

This study took university students in higher education institutions and psychological crisis management in universities as research objects, and used the University Student Mental Health Level Questionnaire and the University Student Personality Inventory (UPI) to carry out psychological assessment and grasp the basic status of university students’ mental health. With the support of theories related to management and psychology, the study constructed a theoretical framework based on crisis management theory, psychological crisis intervention theory, stress theory and Maslow’s needs theory, while focusing on the introduction of EAP theory, and carried out psychological crisis intervention research on a sample of research subjects. The study was based on the analysis of psychological questionnaire data and interview information to explore the psychological problems and causes of psychological crisis among university students.

This study focused on the application of EAP technology in the psychological crisis management of college students in higher vocational colleges and universities, and carried out practical application research in five modules: daily psychological crisis management, psychological health education and publicity, education and teaching, psychological counselling and psychological consultation, and post-effect evaluation. Finally, based on the previous four levels of psychological crisis management system for university students, a seven-level psychological crisis management system under the EAP model was constructed, including: Level 1 management, external expert supervision group; Level 2 management, university crisis management committee; Level 3 management, university mental health education and consultation center; Level 4 management, student psychology section of secondary faculty; Level 5 management, class psychology committee; Level 6 management, dormitory Sunshine Psychological Team Leader; Level 7 management, individual in crisis. The innovative construction of a college crisis management system based on the EAP model can effectively prevent and resolve the occurrence of psychological crises among college students in higher education institutions, and ultimately improve the psychological crisis intervention and management capacity of colleges and universities.

Keywords: crisis management, psychological crisis management, higher vocational college students, the EAP model.

Based on Modern Enterprise Strategy Management Theory and China Railway Guangzhou Bureau Group Development Strategy Research

Master of Business Administration (International Program), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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