Char Rooftop Bar Hotel Indigo Bangkok

Last modified: August 18, 2022
Estimated reading time: 1 min

Project Title  : Char Rooftop Bar Hotel Indigo Bangkok
By                  :  Jakkapan Simaneatsavang, Mr.Krip Jurakanit
Advisor          :  Mr.Krip Jurakanit
Degree           :  Bechelor of Arts in Hotel Studies
Major             :  Hotel Studies
Faculty          :  Liberal Arts
Semester / Academic year   :  3 /2016


Hotel Indigo Bangkok Wireless Road is a Boutique Hotel owned by IHG. It is located on Wireless Road, Bangkok. It is unique and there are different styles of presentation. It is decorated by using unique art and design of the distinctive local. Also, there is another important selling point: Char Rooftop Bar. It is the first unique and beautiful rooftop bar on Wittayu Street. This is popular for the guests. However, this bar faces with the problems during the rainy season because it is inconvenience for customers. It directly causes sales falling during the rainy season.

The organizers have gathered these techniques to boost sales for Char Rooftop Bar Hotel Indigo in order to stimulate sales and solve the problem during reducing income. This can motivate the customers’ decision and promote the hotel bar Hotel Indigo.


Keywords:  Techniques, Sales stimulation.

Char Rooftop Bar Hotel Indigo Bangkok

Faculty of Liberal Arts, Siam University, Thailand
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