Co-op Engineering – Civil Engineering

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Co-op Engineering – Civil Engineering
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[fruitful_tab title=”1. Problems in High-rise Building Foundation Construction”]


Uwork999 Co.,Ltd. as thecompany is a leading construction of the building. With expertise in the construction of several types of buildings. The residential buildings, commercial shopping center portfolio of projects in the past, the company has built a reputation for quality work. Delivered on time. A better coordination between teams. The job responsibilities. The management team effective project.
The objective of this project. Is to gather the various problems encountered in the construction of civil works projects ChewathaiPhetkasem 27, then take that experience to the problems found in the foundations of the foundations. And this project uses the principles of the book. Systematic thinking and problem solving techniques. This project has a problem during the operation in cooperative education. The construction of high-rise buildings have many problems, such as problems pile retreat center. The cut pile under designed. Cracked concrete foundations, etc. The problem between the proposed solutions are too rough.

Keywords: foundation / problem construction

[fruitful_tab title=”2. Cut steel And task management in construction projects”]


999 Co., Ltd. is a service company. About residential construction projects in Bangkok. And the provinces With a registered capital of 100,000,000 baht has been open for more than 10 years and over 30 completed projects. And that is still happening.
999 Co., Ltd. must control the budget both in terms of labor and expenses within the project. Steel is the main construction material of the highest volume of materials used in the project. Controlling statements in this section. This may make the project profitable. By managing and managing good steel. It will help to meet your objectives. And the company is in trouble. The management and management of good steel. In construction projects It can happen from many factors, such as cutting iron to the best value. This is in line with the bar cut list. Calculate the amount of steel to be used in the actual work area to be accurate and closest. Before you place your order. Care is another thing that organizers overlook. The use of steel for structural work for maximum efficiency. The quality of the steel must be complete (no rust) and the bending process is in accordance with the requirements of the National Metal and Materials Technology Center (Thailand). And under the patronage) and design All major topics mentioned above. Has been collected in this project.



This project has the objective to collect the procetd of construction insite high building condominium project Lumpini Vill Ratchapruck – Bangwak. This aim is useful for people interested the step of construction follow on the technic for construction book. This study was collected during the cooperative education project and reached the result of the problems during the construction. This report’s study was concluded the method to begin the construction step by step include floor post tension system wall precast and finishing work. Move over, There collected are describe the installation and transition in construction processing added in this cooperative education study.

Keyword : Post tension / wall precast / architecture



This project has the objective to collect the procetd of construction insite high building condominium project Lumpini Vill Ratchapruck – Bangwak. This aim is useful for people interested the step of construction follow on the technic for construction book. This study was collected during the cooperative education project and reached the result of the problems during the construction. This report’s study was concluded the method to begin the construction step by step include floor post tension system wall precast and finishing work. Move over, There collected are describe the installation and transition in construction processing added in this cooperative education study.

Keyword : wall precast /Post tension / architecture

[fruitful_tab title=”5. Construction project management issues in small companies”]


Generally the main purpose of construction companies is to deliver the project within the scope of time cost and quality within their environment. Therefore, significant input factors consisting of man money material machine and other resources are considered to manage with technique and method in order to complete the project successfully. Moreover, the larger project has more complicate and complexity. Generally, the construction project is often leads to many problems that can be solved by managing the resources. Thus, researcher has participated and found the project problems. Then, company with research has introduced software in Microsoft Project as management application to help manage the construction project. The software is uncomplicated and there is capability to use in overall the construction project. As a result, the company enables to reduce a number of problems and can handle the larger construction projects. In addition, it create image of company and led to the development of the company growth.
Keywords : Construction Project/Problems/Microsoft Project

[fruitful_tab title=”6. Construction Control and 3D Application”]


Thai Union Maunfacturing Co., Ltd. (TUM) is a food product company. The company has a 3,000 cubic meterper day wastewater treatment plant project. Thai Environmental Development and Energy Co., Ltd. is a consultant. The contractor for the wastewater treatment project, Bangkok General Construction Co., Ltd., is required to manage and control the construction work,and manage all construction budgets.To meet the objectives of the project, the BOQ will be provided and ckecked before distributing to the subcontractors. To coordinate among those companiesthe construction must be controlled to meet the standards of the designer. The use of Sketch Up is deployed in the supervision work to make it easier to see the work pattern and to avoid construction errors. The results found that new techniques and 3D program have been useful in construction management. This report summarizes the critical technigues that can be application in most construction sites.

Keywords: Construction of wastewater treatment ponds / 3D control techniques / applications

[fruitful_tab title=”7. Studies on mechanical properties of mortar mix pre-vulcanized latex”]


The development of mortar mixed with prevulcanized latex for irrigation canal maintenance. The experiment was performed in a laboratory to test the properties of the mixture in terms of compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength and water absorption ratio of mortar mixed with rubber latex (Prevulcanized latex). To test the performance Polymer cement ratio (P/C) were mixed in different proportions of 0%, 1%, 3% and 5% by weight to prepare the solution and was further added to mortar, used to repair irrigation canal crack. Water and cement were mixed in the proportion of 0.60 (w/c) and the strength of the structure was tested after 7, 14, 28, 60 and 90 days respectively. The results indicated that the polymer cement ratio (P/C) of 1% (28 days) gives the best performance with 320 ksc. compressive strength, 26 ksc. tensile strength and 60 ksc. flexural strength. The average water absorption of the mortar with P/C mixture of 1% was 5.2%. The experiment showed that mortar mixed with P/C mixture of 1% is able to repair irrigation canal crack in order to reduce seepage loss on irrigation canal wall.

Keywords: mortar, pre-vulcanized, mechanical property, absortion




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