Engineering – Industrial Engineering
[vc_toggle title=”2015 /2558″]
[fruitful_tabs type=”accordion” width=”100%” fit=”false”]
[fruitful_tab title=”1. Study and propose ways to improve the process Quality Inspection”]
This project aims to develop quality review process, By the study and data collection. In order to determine the cause of the problems during mentioned processing that may be affective to consumer or customer as made to chain problem accordingly. This cause might become with not good enough system management, staff. personnel or outside environment and transportation. However, once this project has been aware with acknowledge about any incurred problem, it will be able to fix, modify management of logistics system at point under the “Quality Control” in futher.
[fruitful_tab title=”2. Study on Production Cost Sheet Shelf”]
V.S.S. PRODUCT GROUP CO.LTD was founded the year 2544 (2001). 5 million registered capital. On the factory farm 1 2 23 square meters with a total staff of 40 people the company does about spray paint products is working with various department stores such as Tesco Lotus, big c seven eleven, etc. These malls have been assigned to the company. Various products parts made in the placement of items, such as plates, sheets, floor show, a placeholder on the bottom, clothesline, anchor poles, WIRE DUMP cart cartoons the way people produce and management company has agreed that there should be a study of the cost data sheet shelves, production. The tamak all items to be aware of the profit margin, and
store the data in the days ahead, there will be a reduction of costs, or improve. This project aims to study the cost of manufacturing the plate rack end of trade. By studying the data in order to find and keep production costs to calculate the profits between the plate rack is manufactured new parts compared with the production of the end of trading, up from the old shelves that run the place. recycle in order to be able to work. Therefore, those who produce, so the cost of storage in each stage of the production process, both are leading a new sheet of all the tier plate, use recycle and damaged to compare company compensation would have been. Effect of storage on the shelf plate production in both the production of new and old shelves that are made there, be sure to recycle, you will see the advantages disadvantages that vary. The advantages for the production of new shelves so there will be less production steps to bring the shelf out of the old plates to the disadvantage is to recycle at a cost higher than the old shelves taken to recycle parts of good old shelves sheet request is used to effect costs. That disadvantage is lower but there are many steps in the production process, rather than from the time sheet of the old shelves using Time study worksheet found in the old shelves manufacturing processes take more time to produce the plate shelf approximately 1 hour. 7 minutes but it can reduce the production cost of up to 170 baht per piece.
[fruitful_tab title=”3. Automation Material Handling and Control System by Automated Guided Vehicle in Car Assembly Line”]
Project Automation Material Handling and Control System Improvement by Using Automated Guided Vehicle in Car Assembly Line is using Technology material Handling Rebound Demand of Production Line for Support Standard System of Manufacturing by Using AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle). The AGV can Operating under logic Digital and Analog Programming Signal. Which AGV will Operate by Without Human Control. Manipulator Study for Time Study Subject to Calculate Standard Time of Material Handling Prepare with Cycle Time of Production Line and Balance Work of Employee in Warehouse. The result of Calculation Show thatSome Employee have many Ineffective Time per Cyclic. So, Manipulator Reduce 2 Employee from 16 Employee Representing 12.5% of all Employee in Warehouse and The Result of Calculation Standard Time Material Handling Considering by Man – Machine Chart will be use 2 Unit of AGV instead of 2 Unit of Tower Motor. If not using Tower Motor Then Reduce 2 Unit 2 Shift of Employee too. Project Automation Material Handling and Control System Improvement by Using Automated Guided Vehicle in Car Assembly Line Capable Reduce Cost of Material Handling Amount 1,064,294 Baht / Year Representing 33.68% of Budget Trim Production L ine and Payback Period is 2 Month.
[fruitful_tab title=”4. Improving Efficiency of a Process in Warehouse A Case Study Auto Mobile Parts Manufacturing Factory”]
Project Automation Material Handling and Control System Improvement by Using Automated Guided Vehicle in Car Assembly Line is using Technology material Handling Rebound Demand of Production Line for Support Standard System of Manufacturing by Using AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle). The AGV can Operating under logic Digital and Analog Programming Signal. Which AGV will Operate by Without Human Control. Manipulator Study for Time Study Subject to Calculate Standard Time of Material Handling Prepare with Cycle Time of Production Line and Balance Work of Employee in Warehouse. The result of Calculation Show thatSome Employee have many Ineffective Time per Cyclic. So, Manipulator Reduce 2 Employee from 16 Employee Representing 12.5% of all Employee in Warehouse and The Result of Calculation Standard Time Material Handling Considering by Man – Machine Chart will be use 2 Unit of AGV instead of 2 Unit of Tower Motor. If not using Tower Motor Then Reduce 2 Unit 2 Shift of Employee too. Project Automation Material Handling and Control System Improvement by Using Automated Guided Vehicle in Car Assembly Line Capable Reduce Cost of Material Handling Amount 1,064,294 Baht / Year Representing 33.68% of Budget Trim Production Line and Payback Period is 2 Month.
[fruitful_tab title=”5. Efficiency Improving of Cutting Glass Process Using Optimizer Program”]
AGC Flat glass Thailand is company which produce flat glass and fabricated glass (flat temper, laminated, Reflective, Insulated and Mirror). They produce and sent all product to direct and export customer. Produce of customer had many various size which Basic glass section recut glass follow customer orders. This research study and analysis in cutting process for improve some point which had problem such as cutting yield ,labor cost or efficiency of worker by apply ECRS theory for improvement and use new software program for increase efficiency of cutting yield which after I did study ,analysis and take countermeasure to involve them. We can get good result for reduce manpower in cutting process and expect to good cutting yield.
[fruitful_tab title=”6. Waste Reduction in the Production Process of Instant Rice Package”]
This report presents in cooperative principles and methods. Reduction of waste resulting from the reduction of waste in the production of finished graft. And find ways to reduce the amount of waste generated from the reduction of waste in the production of finished graft. And why the cause Most affected This operation will start by exploring the issues raised by the analysis. With the fishbone chart Found that a multi-step production process. The waste, so the research team has carried out a fever. The problem of reducing the amount of waste in the production process graft finished by offering staff training and monitoring operational processes of the staff were very close, making a commitment to operational quality and efficiency even more. made of waste generated in the manufacturing process, reducing waste, graft made clearly. Operating found Waste in the dryer bag after adjustment decreased from 2533 to 3.21%, down 633 percent, 0.80% of the waste after the improvement reduced from 78,800 baht representing 2.41% and can set document workflow. The document notes that the standards for theemployees.
[fruitful_tab title=”7. Logistics and Service Process Development”]
This project aims to develop, modify about logistics and services processing. By the study and data collection. In order to determine the cause of the problems during mentioned processing that may be affective to consumer or customer as made to chain problem accordingly. This cause might become with not good enough system management, staff or outside environment and transportation. However, once this project has been aware with acknowledge about any incurred problem, it will be able to fix, modify management of logistics system at point under the “Quality Control” in the future.
Keyword : Logistic, Quality Control, Transportation
[fruitful_tab title=”8. A Study of Logistic Park for Air Transportation in Thailand”]
This project stdied for ” A feasibility to organize the logistics park ” for Air transprt of Thailand. The purpose to studied and analysis A feasibility to organize the logistics park for Air transport of Thailand in the area of Suvannabhumi International Airport and Donmuang International Airport a potential for increasing value added Air Transport include develope the capacities building leading to centre(hub) of International Air Transport by competency analysis , chance and constrasint of Thailand in order to ready to reserve the expedite of Air transport section and various contingency Air Transport model in house and international for Asean Economic Community (AEC) Result of studied finding no area enought not only warehouse also lack of convenience for transport services, Only two companies like as 1. Thai Airways International pubic company limited (PCL). 2. WFSP (BFS) cargo company.Service providers for Air transport make a congestion of traffic accoding to there are huge quantities of truck carriage in front of Free zone and not available for peak hour. Also, cargo mobilize among apron site.
Keywords: A feasibility to organize the logistics park ” for Air transprt of Thailand., Air transport of
Thailand., WFSP (BFS) cargo company. Service providers for Air
[fruitful_tab title=”9. Bill of Material and Material Requirements Planning Case Study of Auto Parts Industry”]
Auto-parts manufacturing industry is the industry that has an important for the development of the country. The objective of this project is to make bill of material and material requirements planning for auto-parts industry. A main problem of case study is about the production has no purchasing process. This project employs bill of material and material requirements planning for automotive clutch. This project make bill of material is a list of raw materials, quantity needs for each raw material and lead time to produce or purchase. Also employs material requirements planning for automotive clutch is a list of raw material that are required and purchasing order sufficient for production. Therefore, this study has a purchasing process and cost reduction in purchasing process.
Keywords: Bill of Material/ Material RequirementsPlanning
[fruitful_tab title=”10. Database of Water Pump Foundation Case Study V.B.Engine Impex Co.,Ltd”]
This research aims to collect the materials usage data to reduce defects in process. The scope of this research studies Engineering Department which produces water pump and uses many materials. Some material is imported from abroad. So, author develops the material usage plan by using 7 wastes theory. The data will be kept in terms of amount and dimension of material and put it in Microsoft Excel table. Finally, operators can use this data as a guide to improve and consume less time to work.
Keyword: Bill of Materials, Work Study, 7wastes
[fruitful_tab title=”11. The Template of Plant Layout Standard Case Study Thai Wacoal Co., Ltd”]
The template of plant layout standard has an objective to reduce delay and over processing for production staffs in lingerie industry. A main problem of case study is about the orders of Japan which produce a new model that have less orders and frequently change models in 1 month. Production staffs have to create a new plant layout everytime when the production have to change a model. That make delay and over processing to create plant layout. This study make the template of plant layout standard by using process layout technique, systematic layout planning technique and U-shaped layout technique. Author reproduces the old plant layout into PDCS application to create the template of plant layout standard by using U-shaped layout in every model. This improvement can be reduce delay 15 minutes for 1 model that production staffs get plant layout and prepare the machines faster.
Key words : Process layout/ Systematic layout planning/ U-shaped layout technique
[fruitful_tab title=”12. Safety studying of Operations in warehouse Case study of V.B.Engine Impex Company”]
Work under safety first role is The most Significant. All kind of operation have risk but level of risk will depend on type of work. However accident will effect for disadvantage health of human as well as accident will effect to Company too such as dishonorable medical fee reparationetc. Operation in warehouse have risk to accident from The situation is not safe or careless or Lack of knowledge in Job description. From statistic of February 2016 ago found appear accident 6 time. Most Injured organ is finger. Infured Finger is 67% and 33% is Foot organ. From data researcher can study operation of all activity in warehouse after that researcher make risk assessment for solving problems. researcher found Level 6 up of risk have 4 activity from 16 activity
Keywords : risk assessment / Work under safety first / solving problems / Acident
[fruitful_tab title=”13. Cost Reduction of Control Electric AC by Considering an Equivalent Equipment”]
This project aims to reduce cost of Control Electric 220V AC. The case study industry has to pay a lot of expense for Control Electric 220V AC. The author employs the Cost and Budget Analysis theory to analyze cost of Control Electric 220V AC. So, author consider an equivalent equipment to assembly Control Electric 220V AC instead of ordering from third party company. The project starts from analyze cost of Control Electric 220V AC and compare with another brand, make the equipment description, conference with an executive, then assembly Control Electric 220V AC, and launch the product for testing. The Control Electric 220V AC from third party costs THB3,500.- while this project cost THB1,771.20. Finally, author found that the design Control Electric 220V AC can be reduced THB1,728.80 per product.
Keywords: Cost and Budget Analysis, Control Electric 220V AC
[fruitful_tab title=”14. Cost Reduction by Using Value Engineering Technique : A Case Study of the company Of Thai Fiber Optics.CO.,LTD”]
This report present at principles and method. By cost reduction by using value technical engineering of the product ARMOR (dampened Jelly) By DAY TUBE ARMOR (not dampened Jelly) with the objective to study how to reduce the cost of products. Which guideline ways to reduce the cost of products ABMOR (dampened Jelly) by DAY TUBE ARMOR (not dampened Jelly), which was reduce the cost study will be the cost of raw materials and planning procedures. procedures improvement edit a review and summary the problem. There will be follow-up research and development education continuous which working of project cooperative education at Thai Fiber Optic Co., Ltd. has been education by course of cooperative education at Siam University has been used as a basis for this. As a practical knowledge of the company’s Fiber Optics Thai limited in production Fiber. Is presented in the report along with recommendations for cooperative education. Project cooperative Education is aimed in education. Value engineering to reduce production costs, value engineering, or VE (Value Engineering) is a leading engineering principles to help in the analysis process. The main aim is “Reducing manufacturing cost” to quality as the original. The content in this section to apply the skills, knowledge, research and development process and reduce costs and improve productivity ABMOR (dampened Jelly) by DAY TUBE ARMOR (not dampened Jelly) the order achieve the objectives and target. by quality control department. It also can increase profits for the Company from THB 103,766 / day. to THB 129,313 /day. a percent 24.62%
[fruitful_tab title=”15. A Fabrication of Anchor Pin for Decreasing Cable Installation Time”]
The cable mounting play role in conducting cord into anchor pin. Until now, the case study industry uses inconvenience cable mounting equipment which consume more installation time. In this project, author present a new design and development of cable mounting equipment by employing Kaizen technique to construct an efficient equipment. Work study theory is also referring to collect the data of operators and compare between conventional equipment and new design. The new design starts from selecting pen refill, cut and hole its tip, then try to insert copper wire into it. Author found that it works better than conventional equipment. After the new design is launched, author collect the data and found that operator consume 1.82 minutes installation time while the conventional consume 5.58 minutes installation time.
Keywords: Kaizen, Work Study, anchor pin
[fruitful_tab title=”16. Improvement and Cost Reduction for Die Cut Manufacturing Process”]
This project has present principle for cost reduction for die cut manufacturing process, that has no plan for used materials. This operation started from explore the problems and analysis by fish diagram. There are several steps in process has wasted materials and these materials can be recycle. This project has an idea to reduce cost reduction for die cut manufacturing process by offer stuff training program and operation by use 5 principle rules to quality improvement and gain more efficiency. Results from this improvement used wood in production decrease 1 piece in 1 week. That can be save of 37.93 percent which is equal to 11,000 THB per week.
Keyword : Die Cut Manufacturing Process/ Fish Diagram
[fruitful_tab title=”17. Reducing Waste In The Manufacturing Process. Knife Block Cut Study Dbs Laser Diecutting Co.,Ltd”]
This report presents in cooperative principles and methods. The reduction of waste from production block knife cut throughout the most affected cause. This operation will start by exploring the issues raised by the analysis. With the fishbone chart Found that a multi-step production process. The cause of death? Defects of the Sharp knives or blunt. Knife Block size is not Welds of the knife is not so close. The study was conducted fever. The problem of reducing the amount of waste in the production process knife block cut by offering staff training and monitoring operational processes of the staff were very close, making a commitment to operational quality and efficiency. making it even more of a waste resulting from the manufacturing process blocks knife cut down on the rubber clear. The result of process improvements that have broken off from the original 6.4% percent decrease to 5.4% of the knife used in the first week amounted to 8,750 baht.
[fruitful_tab title=”18. Manual Laser Machines in The Production Process. Process Study :DBS Laser Die Cutting Co., Ltd”]
The main purpose of this project is to develop the Lacer Machine in order to working system and manual effectively. This project aims to study and collect the data in order to find out cause of problems that effect to the quality of production within corporate and customers as well as might become th e chain problem later. The results show that the problems occur from lacking of systematic and employees operation or external environment. Consequently, the way to solve these problems is increasing efficiency by instruction and training employees including right practical. Regarding the result of problem, co-operative trainee creates the Lacer Machine Manual as the result of increase production capability by OEE= 52% and decease waste matter within factory by 39.58%
[fruitful_tab title=”19. Process Improvement And Cost Reduction Of Energy Of Shelf Production Line Casestudy Vss Product Group”]
This Projects about improvements and reduce energy costs in the manufacturing process sheets shelves. The case studies of companies Wasan Engineering Co., Ltd. aims to examine the production of the shelves of the production company delivered to department stores, and adopted the idea of continuing to work to solve problems, improve workflow efficiency. Moreover, it also aims to reduce the cost of production of shelves with orders produced at the most. The production costs are minimal, reducing energy consumption in production to a minimum. The study found that, if the plant can cut the production process. In the process of drying out then. Is able to reduce costs And energy production up to 57% of original cost. The time, production decreased 7%.
Keywords: Production improvement, Reduce energy costs in the manufacturing, Process Improvement
[fruitful_tab title=”20. Management System for Delivery Casestudy Well Steel Business Co.,Ltd”]
The development of the permanent pads for the raw materials in lingerie industry has an objective to develop the permanent pads for the raw materials to be quality and suitably. That gain more efficiency and standard. The production process used the boxes were pads for the raw materials that was unstandard, non-durability and collected the wastes. Japan define all of raw materials prohibit to place on the shop floor in production system directly. This study employs the plank boards are pads for the raw material by using simplify of ECRS technique. This improvement gain more lifetime of pads and reduced delay for transport of the equipment.
Key words : The Permanent Pads/ ECRS Technique
[fruitful_tab title=”21. The Development of the Permanent Pads for Raw Materials. Case Study Thai Wacoal Co., Ltd”]
The development of the permanent pads for the raw materials in lingerie industry has an objective to develop the permanent pads for the raw materials to be quality and suitably. That gain more efficiency and standard. The production process used the boxes were pads for the raw materials that was unstandard, non-durability and collected the wastes. Japan define all of raw materials prohibit to place on the shop floor in production system directly. This study employs the plank boards are pads for the raw material by using simplify of ECRS technique. This improvement gain more lifetime of pads and reduced delay for transport of the equipment.
Key words : The Permanent Pads/ ECRS Technique
[fruitful_tab title=”22. The Development of Slider and Storage for Raw Materials, Case Study Thai Wacoal Co., Ltd”]
This research aims to develop an application of slider and storage, and reduce operator’s motion in women underwear manufacturing industry. The problems found during study are unstable of hook’s storage
and messy raw materials which make operator inconvenience. By employing “Simplify” from ECRS technique, author change the hook’s storage from paper box into acrylic box. This reduce the operation time from 15 seconds/piece to 14.7 seconds/piece. Because of the less different between before and after improvement, author decided to do the second improvement by apply slider in acrylic box. The final result can
be reduced operation time from 15 seconds/piece to 12.5 seconds/piece.
Keywords: Work Study, ECRS Techniques
[fruitful_tab title=”23. Jig and fiture design for wase reduction in air hose cutting A case study of the company of Thai Fiber Optics Co Ltd”]
Objective of Project is design fixgure with using Industrial Engineering tool for Eliminate production Fiber line waste at Thai Fiber Optic. Average Value of defect is 5,392.29 baht perunit from capacity 20 UJ1it per day. Which 1 day will have defect 5 unit Average Value of defect is 26,961.45 baht. Manipulator using 4 technic include Quality Control, 7 Wastes, 7 QC Tools, Jig and Fixgure Design. Resultant of Project found Jig & Fixture can reduce defect of Fiber Production 100% Permanently. And Increase 20% of Manufacturing Fiber Productivity.
[fruitful_tab title=”24. Standard Time and Capacity Study of APAM and IMES”]
The case study industry produces large volume of hard disk drive (HDD). Until now, hard disk drive is developed its capacity because of the growth of information technology (IT). So, the case study industry needs to employ high-technology machine in manufacturing process which includes APAM and IMES machine. APAM and IMES adjust the distance between head and media of HDD conducting by its capacity. From study, there is no standard time of those 2 machines. There are 7 models of HDD, 1 product for 3 machines. Author collect and study standard time 12 samples per machine. Finally, author summarize and report the obtained standard time to manager to calculate capacity in the future.
Keywords: Work Study, Hard Disk Drive, APAM, IMES
[fruitful_tab title=”_25. A increase efficiency of zine plating process in Metal plating industry.”]
The purpose of this research is to improve the efficiency of the zinc plating production line in the sample plant. Reduce the amount of waste in the production line. The problem encountered in the production line is that employees who work in the production line, zinc plating lack the knowledge and understanding of the work process and the control of the quality of the chemical used in the plating process is correct, so it needs to be improved. And set up a reusable chemical control for better job quality.
Workers have cooperated with the mentors to meet and find solutions to the problem by analyzing and studying the production process. In the production line to know the actual production process and to investigate the errors that occur as well as the cause of the actual problem and to make improvements as analyzed and planned for the production line. Produce the work out effectively as it has been revamped.
After improving the quality of the chemical in the production line of the production line. The process is synced to it. Workers have collected data of the amount. Losses incurred in the production process of the same production version. The result of the improvement is that the waste after the improvement of quality is reduced from the original to the company itself and the customer.
Keywords: Zinc plating process, quality improvement
Author: นายพงพันธ์ ใจบุญ
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr. Nathapon Puttyangkura
Major: Industrial Engineering
Bachelor degree: Engineering
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2557
[fruitful_tab title=”_26. A study and improvement process for increase efficiency in EDP plating.”]
This research is aimed at enhancing the efficiency of the production process in the EDP plating line. To reduce the amount of waste in the production line. The problem encountered in the production line is that employees in the EDP plating department lack the knowledge, understanding and workflow skills and control of chemical substances used in the EDP plating line. Value of the chemical used to make the quality better.
Workers have collaborated with relevant departments. To brainstorm ideas as well as find solutions. By analyzing and studying the process steps. EDP Plating to know the problem. And to improve and plan for the production of effective.
After improving the quality of work in the EDP plating line then the practitioners have seen the change in the direction of good. Employees in the EDP plating line have more skills. And there are fewer operating errors. There is no waste in the study set up as a result, the company can reduce production costs. The cost of fixing the work of the company.
Keywords: Work study, quality control
Author: นายสุธี จ่าเงิน
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr. Nathapon Puttyangkura
Major: Industrial Engineering
Bachelor degree: Engineering
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2557
[fruitful_tab title=”_27. An analytical study for creating methods to reduce the loss of management in the organization Case Study Kwung Vee Co.,Ltd”]
This research was aimed to study the working process and analyze the problems occurring in the working process as well as to find a solution to improve and reduce the mistakes inside Kwung Vee Co.,Ltd., which is a medium-sized family business that supplies spare parts made in Thailand and other countries for electric appliances used in house.
Based on the study of the factory’s current working conditions, the standard of
communication and cooperation was still missing, which led to mistakes in the working process. These mistakes were caused by ineffective performance in various aspects such as employee performance, duplicate work, corporate communication, etc. To propose a proper solution for
improving this situation through the consideration of the business owner and related persons under the conditions of budget and working period, the operation plan was divided into 3 phases including a short-term operation plan for the period of 1-4 months, a medium-term operation plan for the period of 4-12 months, and a long-term operation plan for 1 year and more.
Due to the limited period of time of the operation, the short-term plan was applied for the improvement by rearranging work procedure, flow process chart, and documentation as well as recording the time spent in each step. These actions improved work quality and time in the process of materials receipt for 11.72%, materials and spare parts distribution for 14.42%, product assembly for 9.47%, and maintenance operation for 8.39%. As for the medium and long term plans, if continuously applied as suggested, they will improve the performance to be more effective and reduce the amount of excessive expense and opportunity cost as much as 27 percent of the expected income.
Keywords: Time Record Document of Work Procedure / Product Storage Location Document / Product Receipt Document
Author: นางสาวสิริพฤษ แซ่เตียว
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr. Nathapon Puttyangkura
Major: Industrial Engineering
Bachelor degree: Engineering
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2557
[fruitful_tab title=”_28. The injection molding process to reduce waste in the production of auto parts.”]
This study aims to reduce defects in the plastic-injection process in car’s component industry which has produced about 10,000 pieces per month and the collection of preliminary data for the month of June 2558 has found that defects or the damaged 926 pieces or lost of
555,600 baht .
However, when an engineer’s meeting that involved in the production line by used the cause and effect diagram for analysis was found 2 main causes be the lack of staff’s skill and improper practices. Solutions for improvement a problem are redesign and improve the working method including new standards for inspection.
A result from the solutions was found the proportion of defect is decrease from the data collected in July and August 2558 was found defects amount of 722 pieces and 455 pieces respectively. In August, the company is not lost a worth in 282,600 baht money and back a budget to development process and increase performance of the company effectively.
Keyword : Waste,7QC tools, manufacturing process
Author: นายอาทิตย์ สินมา
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr. Nathapon Puttyangkura
Major: Industrial Engineering
Bachelor degree: Engineering
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2557
[fruitful_tab title=”_29. Safety management in work station”]
To study the safety of workers and the risk assessment of occupational health and safety. Objective to study the safety and risk assessment of occupational health and safety. The population in this study is that the workers do not wear protective equipment while working. Behavior should not perform any work. But also those workers are treated sometimes. Including smoking during operation. Working while sick the risk assessment of occupational health and safety. Found that a medium risk issues, including workplace dust in the work area. From this research suggested include two major themes: safety behavior on the part of business owners to issue rules regarding the wearing of personal protective equipment. Provide a warm up before practice activities. The dining area is separate from the work area. And the risk assessment. Owned enterprises should establish an environment to work in a safe condition. And should develop a risk management plan to mitigate and control risks that may result from the operation. The authorities concerned should be determined.
Author: นายมนตรี ชุมทอง
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr. Nathapon Puttyangkura
Major: Industrial Engineering
Bachelor degree: Engineering
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2557
[fruitful_tab title=”_30. Study problem in manufacturing the car wash using swot analysis.”]
This Cooperative Education Report present the principles and method of problem study of automobile product plant using SWOT Analysis. The objective is study cause of problem, procedure, process and effect of company’s operation for reduce problem and procedure. For solving the problem we have plan, procedure, checking and report the problem solved. There will be follow up and continuous the systems. For the implementation of cooperative education of Siam University, the students use the basic theory applied to Bangkok Autoparts Co.Ltd. The quality assurance will be present in Co-operative Education Report.
Author: นายพรพล จันตรี
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr. Nathapon Puttyangkura
Major: Industrial Engineering
Bachelor degree: Engineering
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2557
[fruitful_tab title=”_31. Reducing Waste and Inventory Storage.”]
The state currently has a warehouse, not a regulation and not by type of product. It is therefore necessary to improve productivity in the workplace. To reduce losses to a minimum. And to determine the level of storage to fit the product, such as agricultural machinery and construction tools. Which is a key factor Who used to work in agriculture and construction. At present, the organized storage space and a marker indicating the position of the warehouse. It is crucial to rely on factors such as personnel, equipment and method of storage for even higher quality. In order to obtain a reduction in time lost. To want to be assured that the store has gone through technical control by seeing (Visual control) meet quality requirements. The need to improve productivity within the engineering department. To make the store a mess. Goods can be sent out to provide customers more easily.
Author: นายสหภพ ชัยมงคลศิริ
Co-operative Education Preparation: Mr. Nathapon Puttyangkura
Major: Industrial Engineering
Bachelor degree: Engineering
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2557
[fruitful_tab title=”_32. Approach to reducing wasted power in the assembly and installation work.”]
This project created to study the work. And the role of the assembly line that helps bring the signal to the receiver and the computer useful as a medium of work put into the computer signal tot discuss key aspects of information technology. In terms of functionality, accuracy and convenience in daily life. And compares with a focus on the impact of information technology. Process analysis to process data into information. To apply for benefits and suitability of use career choice Study the decision-making process in choosing the right career. A good attitude toward the occupation that creates revenue. From occupation in good faith and are socially acceptable. The importance of building a career and love working in their profession and have a good attitude towards work. Can live in adequate and happy. The process works Procedures Thinking process To their knowledge, understanding and appreciation of technology. Information technology can be applied in everyday life. Therefore, the project is interested to do the work on the assembly line and cable installations in the field to the locker exchanges tot by using the techniques and principles 7wastes to keep working. and improve the performance of the facility
Author: นายวรพงศ์ ทองมูลตน
Co-operative Education Preparation: Phunyisa Kuendee
Major: Industrial Engineering
Bachelor degree: Engineering
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2557
[fruitful_tab title=”_33. Management quality assurance department of civil aviation.”]
Project on the study of working processes of the Civil Aviation Department. This is related to the management and assurance of the Department of Civil Aviation that in each part of the work, the duties and characteristics of the quality assurance system in the process. It has a working system, procedure and good performance to work.
The results of the work quality systems critical to development effectiveness on the job or the organization. This will make the job of quality, and good management work will result in quality work or praise to the organization / department for reliability in the work process.
Author: นายอาทิตย์ สมดี
Co-operative Education Preparation: Phunyisa Kuendee
Major: Industrial Engineering
Bachelor degree: Engineering
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2557
[fruitful_tab title=”_34. Reducing the amount of the loss can from the manufacturing process.”]
Asiatic Agro Industry Co., Ltd is a manufacturer of canned coconut water to customers within the country and abroad. The simulation requires high produce each day are losing a lot of cans. This project aims to reduce the loss of tin production. By have studied and data collection or in order to find the cause of the problem incurred in the production process. Statistics of waste generated in the production process, each step. Average since July 2557 waste found in 0.66% or the 22,063 cans per month. Representing the cost of raw materials at 220,630 baht per month. The authors identified the problem in the process and have made a checkup for data collection. Preparation of basic solutions and preventive measures to bring practice. Results of operations In October found the waste occurs in the manufacturing process drop 0.44%or the 15,493 cans per month accounted for decrease costs raw material 66,240 bath.
Author: นางสาวมารวย เพ็งอุดม
Co-operative Education Preparation: Phunyisa Kuendee
Major: Industrial Engineering
Bachelor degree: Engineering
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2557
At present, the factors related to the accident. Since the work of the workers and risk assessment on the biological health and safety from the practice of TOT PCL. Because of the function of the workers are working behaviors is not safe. And found that no employees to wear protective equipment accident and tool use the wrong approach. The reasons that caused the accident. So the organizer project had the purpose of editing behavior in working to reduce accidents caused by carelessness and unsafe work of workers. The author proposed the concept of the risk analysis to the collected data and improve the working behavior by the principle of risk analysis will help practitioners have knowledge about the use of tools, and realize the safety in working. It also allows the operator to work faster.
Keywords : accident, behavior
Author: นายพิสิษฐ์ สามสาหร่าย
Co-operative Education Preparation: Phunyisa Kuendee
Major: Industrial Engineering
Bachelor degree: Engineering
Semester / Academic Year: 3/2557
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[fruitful_tabs type=”accordion” width=”100%” fit=”false”]
[fruitful_tab title=”1. Waste Reduction in the Production Process”]
Waste reduction program in the production process is designed to lessen waste in the production process cost of overall production. By now, the Roland Digital Group (Thailand) Co., Ltd. has developed new products to meet the needs of customers. Both in function and quality. In the early stages, high-priced parts from abroad were used. At present, more domestic parts are used which is cheaper than parts imported from abroad. But the problem of waste increased. This is the source of this project. Its main purpose is to analyze the problems and causes of waste of the parts that will be used to assemble the printer and to rectify the waste of parts that will be assembled by the printer. It collects and analyzes the causes of waste. Using Fishbone and Pareto charts was used for data analysis and found that the waste from the HIRAIDE supplier has the most waste. Accounted for 50.44 percent of the waste produced by all producers. Prior to upgrading HIRAIDE, the amount of waste accounted for 1.59 percent of the total order quantity. At first, to improve the wheelchair. The amount of waste found decreased to 1.05 percent of the total order. The next phase is to improve the package. The amount of waste dropped to 0.61 percent of the total quantity ordered. The packaging, workmanship, and wheelchair moving equipment has been improved and revised. After the correction and improvement. Have found that the amount of waste dropped is satisfactory.
Keywords: data analysis, improvement, waste reduction
[fruitful_tab title=”2. Process Improvement of Jareanchailohakid 1993 Company Case study of Piping Cap Production for Bangpakong Power Plant”]
Being a study regarding the improvement of piping cover production for Bangpakong Power Plant of Charoenchai Lohakit 1993 Co., Ltd. which aims to reduce the cycletime , distance of material transportation and increased productivity in the production line of piping cover by studying the real problem of processes from material cutting process through production process, and traditional production processes till being complete piping cover. The data is then analyzed in order to determine the problem cause and can be summarized as follows at most production sites have delayed and defectives product from production process because the period from transporting raw material to cut and moving them to stamping machine took a long time. The materials which were cut have to be immersed in oil to lubricate mould and protected them from the rust, waste time a lot of production and also excessively waste the expense on oil used. These results in less productivity because of production delayed. After improvement, production period of piping cover can be reduced from 258 seconds to 85 seconds, improved about 67.05% and transportation distance can be reduced from 240 meters to 8.5 meters, improved about 96.45%, result in increased productivity from the before improve that produced 152 pieces per day to 296 pieces per day , improve about 94.74%
Key words: Flow process chart writing/ seven waste/ ECRS system.
[fruitful_tab title=”3. The Quality Improvement of Sugar Production”]
This research aims to study the way to produce pure white sugar and to find ways to reduce the amount of waste generated from the sugar production process and cause the most impact. Initially, the problem was solved by analysing the cause of the fishbone. There were several stages of waste generation. Adjusting the cooker to the hot water nozzle causes the white sugar to clump together. The researcher has solved the problem of reducing the amount of waste in the production process of white sugar by adjusting the nozzle. Hot to reduce then continue for another 2 seconds, resulting in heavy rain. The improvement of the process showed that the percentage of waste from the original 0.088% to 0.077%
By : นายภาคภูมิ ว่องถาวรกิจ
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Siam University,
Advisor : Amarin Wongsetti
[fruitful_tab title=”4. Improving efficiency the machine spare manufacturing process”]
The purpose of this research is to increase efficiency in the production process of spindle spare parts. It is an action research. By studying the workflow of the CNC program and the application of the CNC program instruction in the production of various parts, the researchers analyzed the causes of the problems that occurred in various stages of the production process. This includes the use of CNC programming, the use of G-code, M-code commands that produce complex and inefficient processes. There are also non-production steps. After the researcher has improved the production process. Using the 7-step (7-step QC 7) procedure to solve the problem for the factory. It was found that after the improvement of the CNC program time from 16 minutes per piece, it decreased to 11.55 minutes per piece, or 29.48%, and in the production of 65.8 pieces per day, 90 pieces per day. Day is 36.17% per month, up from 1,580 per month to 2,160 per month, so a day can increase sales to 427.5 per day in a 24-day working day. The company has 10,260 baht per month in a year. The company can increase sales to 123,120 baht a year.
Keywords: Production, QC 7 Step, Program CNC
By: นายกษิเดช ศรีสำราญ 5605700026
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Siam University,
Advisor : Amarin Wongsetti
[fruitful_tab title=”5. The machine effectiveness improvement for the plastic packaging of the orchid”]
The objective of this study is to investigate the performance of plastic injection machine, which has the problem during the shutdown maintenance lacking of preventive maintenance and nourishment In this case, seven processes of problem analysis’s principles are using to solve the problem.
Based on the problem analysis, performance improvement machine is used to check values of operating rate, performance and quality. In addition, Paredo principles are used for identified problems and wastes. Afterward, the principle of analyzing the root cause of the problem was found by the pump, which the pressure is less to mold because of oil leakage from the pump. Cause of the O-ring shear, the fixing is to correct by changing the O-ring.
The comparison performance of machines before and after is identified. It found that before improvement the run rate is 50.9% and after improvement increased to 90%, quality rate before improvement is 66.3% and after improvement increased to 98.8%, effectiveness before improvement is 28.6% and after improvement increased to 81.3%.
Keywords: Performance Improvement, Maintenance, Overall Performance of Machinery
By: นาย พงษ์ดนัย คงเพ็ง
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Siam University,
Advisor : Amarin Wongsetti
[fruitful_tab title=”6. Determining of Production Factors for Plastic Jar Using Design of Experiment. Case Study of Plastic Packaging”]
From the problem study of the plastic packaging production factory, which is factory for this case study has manufactured in various type of plastic package. The plastic jar has choose for this research because of the problem of thickness. Which is the thickness of the product is not based on standard quality could cause a lot of defects and time wasting in production.
For determining appropriate factors for plastic heating. This study design a 3k factorial experiment which is testing by 3 times for finding proper degree and period of time which affecting the thickness value of product similar to the standard value which heat by 3 different levels of degree. 295, 300 and 305 degree celsuis and heating time of 8, 10 and 12 seconds. After the procession of forming. Next is measuring the thickness of product wall in 4 points. And take the result to analize the statistic test result by using minitab program. The result showed that both factors which are different levels of degree and period of time affected into different thickness. At 305 degree Celsius and the heating time of 8 seconds will make the thickness similar to the standard value in the term of factory’s case study could accept which is 0.4 mm. And the deviation is less than 0.03 mm. The researcher will take this result to apply in determining factors for plastic jar forming.
Keyword : Thermoforming./ Experiment Design/ 3kFactorial Experiment
By: นาย ธนทัต ชินดุษฎีกุล
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Siam University,
Advisor : Amarin Wongsetti
AB_CO-OP_Engineering – Industrial Engineering