Science – Food Technology

Last modified: November 22, 2017
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Science – Food Technology

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[fruitful_tab title=”1. Productivity Improvement of Packing in fisho line”]


Improvement of production line efficiency by balancing management was studied by using an Eliminate Combine Rearrange Simplify (ECRS) technique. The imbalance of production line was due to a bottle-neck production line of fish snack product as “Fisho”. The ECRS technique was proposed to determine the efficiency of workers by using a time as a function of man and machine (Man-Machine Chart) for five products of fish snacks (Fisho 6 g, Fisho 1 3 g, Fisho 30 g, Fisho 15 g and a set of Fisho 6 g packages with tapes) with 43 employees. The study was found that decreasing circle time of working and gathering packing sections in one-stop station enhanced efficiency of production line and also reduced the cost of production. A reduction of worker numbers at every production line to 28 people was 39%, which was related to high efficiency for 3 products only such as Fisho 6 g, Fisho 13 g and Fisho 30 g. Work efficiency of these products was 161.31, 143.18 and 110.71 per kg/h/person, which were accordance with their productivities as 10.39, 11.28 and 16.17 per kg/h/person, respectively.

Keywords: Technique, Work improvement, Efficiency, production process


[fruitful_tab title=”2. Audit BRC ISSUE 7″]


THAI HA Public Company Limited is a company producing and distributing agricultural products and processed agricultural products. The company has developed its own quality standards of production. In addition, the company needs to export the products to several countries that are certified by BRC standard. Therefore, researchers have documented all operations that company assigned, especially pest control, sanitationand waste management. The study indicated that a lot of pests were found in a factory especially rats (33%), lizards (6%) and insects (61%); therefore, the solution was that an increase in pest-trapping stations and replacement of new pest traps. This solution can reduce numbers of pests in the factory. For sanitation, especially personal hygiene, all new staff were trained and examined prior to working. The result indicated that all staff passed the exam (100%). Moreover, there were 2 points resulting in the contamination of raw materials to finished goods. The solution was installation of a plastic curtain between area of raw material and finished products, and also change in new epoxy on the floor in order to decreasing contamination. For waste management, the waste from the manufacturing process was recorded daily, and waste separation between recyclable and unrecyclable materials was proceeded. The recyclable materials were sold, while the unrecyclable materials were eliminated by burying or using a waste disposal agency. After all management, the production process of the THAI HA Public Company Limited was certified by BRCISSUE 7 audition.

[fruitful_tab title=”3. Canned Tamarind Juice”]


Production of canned tamarind juice was studies. The standard of the product is pH = 3.0-3.5 and total soluble solids 15-16 Brix. The concentrated tamarind source were selected for tamarind juice production. Then, the ingredients (tamarind juice, citric acid compounds CMC and water) of tamarind juice production were varying as 11 formulars. Each formular was analyzed for pH and total soluble solid and sensory evaluation. The suitable formulars were formular 6 and 11. The ingredient of formular 6 were 7.10% tamarind juice, 12.70% sugar, 2.70% honey, 0.05% CMC and 77.34% water. The tamarind juice had good body and flavor. The ingredient of formular 11 were 15.00% tamarind juice, 12.00% sugar, 3.00% honey, 0.20% CMC and 69.40% water. The tamarind juice had good body and flavor.

Keywords : Canned tamarind juice, tamarind juice


[fruitful_tab title=”4. Analysis of problem found by management of raw material inventory after production”]


Mighty International Company Limited runs business about the production of food and rawmaterials for food industry. Currently, the company found that the actual weight of several raw materials remaining after production which must be returned to warehouse, does not match their returned weight recorded by the Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP). This results in hard to raw material inventory management. Therefore, this research aims to analyze causes of the above problem and to find the best solution for improving the management system of raw material inventory after production using the analytical problem-solving method (QC Story). The first step of this research was learning work procedures of warehouse and production and drawing a flow chart of raw material management system, designing a check sheet for recording the return of raw materials, ranking risks of problems, setting up hypothesizes and collecting data to test those hypothesizes and summarizing the results as well as suggesting feasibilitysolutions. The results showed that the main reasons leading to an error in weight of the raw material returned were man and methods, for example, old materials remaining from production line were used by a worker and sent back along with a new lot of the returned materials, raw materials were over used from formulation without recording as well as the actual weight of raw material supplied by warehouse was more than the fill weight indicating on its packaging. Therefore, feasibility solutions were a use of a new return document presenting the returned weight recorded in the system and adding a space for indicating causes of the weight error of the raw material returned, or development of raw material inventory management system without returning raw materials.

Keywords: QC story / Management system / Raw material inventory

[fruitful_tab title=”5. Effect of side strip lacquer SSE – 0611 (Red) on physico-chemical Characteristics and rust proof at side seam area of three pieces can”]


The three piece cans often found rusting at side seam area or welded area, because of the unsuitable properties of lacquer especially the corrosion tolerance properties. Therefore, the solving problem was studied. The new lacquer SSE-06/11 (Red) was used and physico-chemical characteristics was investigated compare with control (SSA – 1622 (62s) + SSA – 1622 (50s)). The result revealed that the appearance at side seam surface was not smooth, however this problem could be adjust the machine’s working. The ball test didn’t found any crack at side seam. The CuSO4 test didn’t found any rusting, adhesion test showed that only 1% coating lost. Sterilized test showed that didn’t observe any blushing, boil test didn’t observe any remaining cotton. Salt spray test showed that both of lacquer resisted salt mist longer than 8 hours. Lacquer thickness showed that new lacquer SSE-06/11 (Red) had more thickness than control (p< 0.05). These research was conclude the new lacquer SSE-06/11 (Red) had the similarity properties with control, therefore it likely to replace them, otherwise the SSE – 06/11 (Red) is red color, which could conceal the defect if it occurs.

Keywords: three piece-cans, lacquer, corrosion, rusting, side seam area, welded area

[fruitful_tab title=”6. A study of physical factors for product renewal and dissolution studies (RETAINED) of frozen shrimp products. “]


KF Foods Company Limited is one of the food process industries of frozen seafood. The process produces large quantities per day causing damage during processing, especially packaging and transferring point to a chilling room. In the study, it found that factors causing the packaging damage can be divided into four aspects: i) employees, ii) transferring processes, iii) temperature difference between products and environment, and iv) chilling room temperatures. After analysis and solution, it indicated that HACCP and GMP training for staff can reduce the damage of the packages. In addition, schedule times for products transferring and staff working that was exactly can also reduce product damage due to ice melting from temperature difference between products and environment. A shelf-life of products was determined by retain rate of frozen cooked shrimps. After retaining frozen products at expiry date, at 3 months after expiration, and 6 months after expiration, it indicated that physicochemical products such as appearance and texture aspects of all products were not different from a control group (before expiry date). Therefore, the solution as mentioned above can extend the shelf-life of frozen cooked products for 2 years during cold storage.

[fruitful_tab title=”7. A comparison of the types andproperties of the laminate film”]


The purposes of this research was to study and compare the properties of the film andfilm laminated in flexible packaging. total of 13 structures
6. OPP20/INK3/ADH3/CPP30
For measuring the Solvent retention, Oxygen transmission rate, OTR and water vapor transmission rate, WVTR. The results of the study werethe film four layer structure arePET12 / INK3 / ADH3 / ALU7 / ADH2 / NYLON15 / ADH3 / LLDPE60have solvent retentionhigher second and third structure,because the adhesive is increased according to the thickness of the layer of film, effect to increase solvent retention and the film does not use food packaging there are solvent retentionhigher food packaging filmbut also less four layer structured film . All of this is according to the standard theory, becauseHutamaki Thailandset up to20 mg/m2, Also found The film is Aluminium Foilstructurecanresistant oxygen and water vapor better film unstructured Aluminium Foilthat are required to maintain the shelf life of foods, such as retort pouch andhigh moist feed

keywords : Solvent retention , OTR , WVTR , Flim packing food

[fruitful_tab title=”8. Study on causes of can damage occurring in filling coconut juice process”]


Asiatic company is one of the famous food industries for agricultural products, especially processed coconut milk. Containers, such as cans, are mostly required for sterilized process of coconut milk. Damage of cans during process is a significant problem causing higher costs of production. Causes leading to ruined cans during the process were investigated in the present study. Factors affecting the destroyed cans were clarified as 4 categories: human, machine, raw materials (cans) and processing technique. The major factor resulting in can damage during the process was sampling from QA department (74.14%) followed by a machine error as a tap-tone unit (13.38%) and seaming unit (10.46%). The tap-tone unit was a result of insufficient quantity of filling N2 gas into a can. In addition, seaming machine consisted of 6 heads for a can with 500 ml and 4 heads for a can with 310 ml. In the study, it found that seaming machine (for 500 ml can volume) with head number 4 showed the highest defected cans (36.59%) followed by head number 6 (24.39%), while the defected cans from the seaming machine (310 ml can volume) with heads number 1 and 4 were 40.00 and 37.50%, respectively. The last factor resulting on the damage of cans was a fatigue of labors during working. It was 12.64%. The solving suggestion was that employees should be well trained prior to practice and they should be changed every 30 min in order to reduce their fatigue. Filling N2 and seaming machines should be checked every 4 hours by expert technicians.


Science – Food Technology

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