Factors Influencing The Decision Making of The Airasia Service for Domestic to Asean Routes

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Project Title  :  Factors Influencing The Decision Making of The Airasia Service for Domestic to Asean Routes
By                     :  Bawornrut Saengjuntip, Warunya Jaiyen, Kanokwan Jirungkool, Erika katekaew
Advisor          :  Krip jurakanit
Degree           :  Bechelor of Arts in Tourism Studies
Major             :  Tourism Studies
Faculty          :  Liberal Arts
Semester / Academic year   :  2 /2016


The objective of this research is to study the factors that affect the decisions of passengers who travel with AirAsia airline from domestic route to Asean countries, and to compare the passengers’ satisfactions toward products, prices, sales channels, marketing promotions, stakeholders or staff, physical appearances and service processes. The sample group was Thai passengers who travelled domestically from January to April, 2017. The number of these passengers was 420. The questionnaires were used as the measures for collecting data. Statistics we used for analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation. The t-test was used for comparing the opinions between male and female.
The results of the study showed that the factors that affected the decisions of passengers travelling with AirAsia airline from domestic route to Asean countries were all at high satisfaction levels. These factors were the product and service factor with the mean ( x ) at 3.88, the sales channel factor with the mean ( x ) at 3.83, the physical environment factor with the mean ( x ) at 3.83, the service process factor with the mean ( x ) at 3.82, the staff factor with the mean ( x ) at 3.80, the marketing promotion factor with the mean ( x ) at 3.78 and the price factor with the mean ( x ) at 3.77 respectively.
When we compared the factors affecting passengers who travelled with AirAsia airline from domestic route to Asean countries between male and female, we found that there was no statistically significant difference at 0.05 level between the opinions of male and female toward the product and service factor, the sales channel factor, the staff factor and the service process factor. Moreover, in the price factor, there was no difference in opinions between male and female except the ticket price factor that was suitable for the services they received because the fares were different from the announcement. There was no difference between male and female opinions in the marketing promotion factor except the advertisement in media. There was no difference between male and female opinions in the physical environment factor except the opinions toward the check – in counters in the airport that were placed for easy notice; there was a statistically significant difference at 0.05 level.
The findings can be used as a guideline for the entrepreneurs in airline businesses for planning policies and strategies; furthermore, other enterprises or sectors can use the data for developing transportation and travel businesses to enrich service and travel business potential.

Keywords:  Factors, AirAsia, ASEAN

Factors Influencing The Decision Making of The Airasia Service for Domestic to Asean Routes

Faculty of Liberal Arts, Siam University, Thailand
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