Handbook for Booking Export of Tipple I Air Express Co., Ltd

Last modified: September 5, 2018
Estimated reading time: 1 min

Project Title  :  Handbook for Booking Export of Tipple I Air Express Co., Ltd
By                     :  Miss Samita  Trakarnchan, Dr.Somporn  Panyindee
Advisor          :  Dr.Somporn  Panyindee
Degree           :  Bachelor of  Business Administration
Major             :  General Management
Faculty          :  Business Administration
Semester / Academic year   :  3/2016


The objective of this project is 1) to improve transportation to be more convenient, faster, and in order, 2)  to reduce the time for understanding the company’s product import and export processes, and 3) to improve efficiency and accuracy of import and export documents. Deming Cycle was applied to solve those problems, and a product booking manual was created and then trailed by employees. The finding was that employees worked faster as in the past they took 3 minutes to complete booking, but after studied and understood the manual, they used only 1 minute to complete booking.


Keywords:  Booking, Deming cycle, Import and export.

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