Impact of recession on HR performance management in sale sector

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Project Title: Impact of recession on HR performance management in sale sector
Author: Mr.Han Phyo Win
Advisor: Associate Professor Dr. Om Huvanand
Degree: Master of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Information Technology
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2018


Win, Han Phyo. (2018). Impact of recession on HR performance management in sale sector. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.


The world has been changing and developing more and more. Most of the businesses need and emphasize on the human resource because they are not able to do anything without human resource. In these days, human resource is changing like the capital. Most of the business owners become to invest in their human resource in the workplace. For that reason, they become to use “Human Capital”. Human capital management (HCM) is the comprehensive set of practices for recruiting, managing, developing and optimizing the human resources of an organization.

Employees are the lifeblood of an organization. An organization cannot survive without the employees or the staff who are the members of an organization. The success and productivity contribute in their own way in the organization. Staff from the offices needs to spend most of the time of the day at their work, and strive hard to achieve organizational goals and objectives. Staff leads their organization to develop a sense of attachment and deliver their best from the time when they should be moved.

As the employees, they get the experiences, and the skills set through training and exposure to the organization to be more lucrative to increase his / her productivity eventually. To further increase organizational productivity, developing through training refers to the knowledge, skills and human capital. The new organization needs to train its employees to invest money and resources. They need to turn effort to upgrade their existing knowledge to enhance their organization’s productivity and contribute in their own way.

Human resources for the ongoing development and investment in human capital have become an integral part of the Department. They are available to the organization to get its mission and goals and seen as having a significant role in helping to achieve. The Executive Human Resources (HR), a key member of the human capital to enhance the return on the organization’s workforce is looking to evaluate every kind of area. The HR department has to match the great people in the right positions, roles, and skills within the organization.

This present study was thus conducted to uncover the impact of recession on HR performance management in sale sector. This study was designed as qualitative approach and accordingly, purposive sampling method was used and the thematic analysis of Braun and Clarke (2006) was also employed to analyze the interview transcripts. There were altogether six participants involved in this study. By using semi-structured interview guided questions, face to face interviewing method was used to collect the necessary data. Six main themes namely: motivation and performance, recruitment and selection, training and development, HR practices and performance appraisals, employee relationship and Fail to achieve results were emerged from this study.

The result of this. study revealed that the researcher conducted the study based on the measurement of the performance of the sale department after the HR manager left the job and there was still the vacancy for that position in the selected organization,, which is head-quartered in Myanmar. The researcher wanted to point out the opinions of the selected respondents who were the current employees in that company. The qualitative research method was used to conduct the research and the researcher had to use the questionnaire and the semi-structured questionnaire to get the answer or the opinion of the respondents on the areas which the researcher wanted to uncover and point out. Recommendations for the further researches on the related topic and the suggestions on the organizations and other business organizations about the importance of HR management were also included in the research.


Impact of recession on HR performance management in sale sector

International Master in Business Administration (IMBA), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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