Internship Experience at Rastriya Banijiya Bank

Last modified: September 21, 2023
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Project Title: Internship Experience at Rastriya Banijiya Bank
Author: Neha Shrestha
Advisor: Dr. Jeff Simcox
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Finance and Banking
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester / Academic year: 2/2022


Shrestha, Neha. (2022). Internship experience at Rastriya Banijiya Bank. (Cooperative Education). Bangkok: Siam University.


A report has been prepared in fulfillment of the requirement of the BBA program at Kathmandu College of management under Siam university, based on the sixteen weeks internship period at Rastriya Banijiya Bank, Maharajgunj branch. Rastriya Banijiya Bank (RBB), a financial institution owned by the government, is one of the most prominent banks in the country. Major products and services of the bank include deposits, credit facilities, digital banking, merchant banking services, and so on. This report has been divided into three chapters. Chapter One includes a brief history of the Nepalese banking sector, the Types of banks and commercial banks in Nepal, and the main objectives to gain corporate exposure. It further talks about the details of the internship and provides a detailed explanation of RBB, its vision/mission, its major products and services, and its area operation. This section also gives details about the products and the services provided by RBB like ATM Cards, mobile banking, credit, etc., and their detailed explanation. The chapter also emphasizes the departments I have worked in RBB i.e. The customer service department and the electronic cheque clearing department along with their objectives, my responsibility in the work, and the functions of these departments. The other objectives for the reader, this section of the report holds are to get knowledge about the history of the banking sector and the other one is to introduce the organization and the job in which I did my internship i.e., RBB Chapter two explains the activities performed daily during my internship period. During my internship period, I was mainly assigned to the customer service department, Digital banking, and electronic cheque clearance department. This section describes the overall activities/functions performed during my internship, the procedures of the said activities, and my role, together with subsequent key learning and recommendations. The activities described in this chapter include the issuance of the bank statement, solving customer queries, ATM-related works, etc. under the CSD and under ECC including the clearing of the received cheque before the time. It also includes

certain problems I noticed in the workplace along with how I tried to solve the said problems. The main objective of this section of the report is to describe the activities that I was assigned to during my internship period along with the learnings I got throughout the Journey. The third chapter highlights the skills I used during my internship, and how our university curriculum helped me grow as a student and an employee as well. It showcases the ways in which the courses learned by us, so far at kcm, came in handy when performing our work responsibilities. This section illustrates how skills like; excel training in the college course, Management Information System came in handy to me and how my personal skills like; organizational skills, ability to handle pressure, etc. helped me cope with the working culture in RBB.

 Keywords: Information System, bank work style

Internship Experience at Rastriya Banijiya Bank

Faculty of Business Administration, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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