Marketing Strategy of Power Quality Products in the Chinese Market

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Project Title: Marketing Strategy of Power Quality Products in the Chinese Market
Author: Mr. Li Yuan
Advisor: Dr. Zhang Li
Degree: Master of Business Administration
Major: Marketing Management
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2022
Journal of Buddhist Education and Research, Vol.9 No.3 September – December 2023


Li, Yuan. (2022). Marketing strategy of power quality products in the Chinese market. (Master’s independent study). Bangkok: Siam University.


Chinese companies have significantly changed their marketing strategies, and proper product branding stratigies and marketing mix are the key to success. Manufacturers need to create a profitable and marketable business by setting appropriate branding strategies and evaluating channels to enter the market with proper channel strategies. Distributors should implement a competitive advantage to help manufacturers achieve higher sales and improve channel performance.

The power quality product industry is one of the world’s most famous power electronics industries. The compatibility of power quality products and power electronics technology can create momentum in China’s power distribution market. With the rapid development of power quality products and fierce competition, manufacturers should work with distributors for a high-profit margin to bring the brand strategy and marketing mix into play. To achieve high-profit margins, manufacturers should work with channel operators to implement brand strategy and marketing mix to create high brand performance. This study useda theoretical framework of brand strategy and marketing compound developed through the literature, integration of past scholars’ works, related research, and the study of consumers in China’s electric energy quality industry. The study found that brand strategy significantly impacts brand performance through a variety of channel strategies and promotion strategies. The research found that and brand strategy had a positive impact on both channel strategy and promotion strategy, and channel strategy had a positive effect.

This study used the power of quality product distributors as the empirical object to explore the relationship between variables and develop marketing strategies for the industry’s reference, hoping to contribute to brand and channel strategies and channel strategy formulation.

Keywords: brand strategy, pathway strategy, promotion strategy, pathway performance

Marketing Strategy of Power Quality Products in the Chinese Market

Master of Business Administration (International Program), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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