Navigating Through Financial Markets at National Capital Limited

Last modified: July 23, 2024
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Title: Navigating Through Financial Markets at National Capital Limited
Author: Mr. Biplav Thapa
Advisor: ดร. ยุทธนา ศรีสวัสดิ์ – Dr. Yutthana Srisavat
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration Program in Finance and Investment (International Program)
Major: B.B.A. Finance and Investment (International Program)
Faculty: Business Administration
Semester/Academic year: 2/2566 (2023)


This Cooperative report entitled “Navigating Through Financial Markets at National Capital Limited” incorporates details on the company National Capital Limited. This company was initially set up as a financial services company catering to various retail investors and institutional investors, major institution includes National Life Insurance Company Limited. Through research, the company seeks to identify growth-oriented companies with strong competitive moats in attractive industries run by motivated managers which will create wealth for shareholders.

This cooperative education report contains the working experience of different tasks carried out as an investment analyst intern at the National Capital. The main objectives of the study include: (1) To provide exposure to the practical working environment in the financial market, (2) To gain in-depth knowledge of value investment and perform it, thereby gaining ideas about the disparity between textbook knowledge and real-life practices. (3) To learn how to analyze businesses in great detail and perform valuations.

At National Capital Limited, I was working as an Investment analyst intern. Detailed information about the company and all the duties and responsibilities assigned during the cooperative education are explained in detail in this study. Furthermore, problems faced and recommendations for the problems are mentioned in this report. Different experiences, skills, and knowledge acquired under the competition of this coop study are also described.

Keywords: Value Investing, Financial Market, Stock Market

ดร. ยุทธนา ศรีสวัสดิ์ – Dr. Yutthana Srisavat, บธ.บ. การเงินและการลงทุน (หลักสูตรนานาชาติ) – B.B.A. Finance and Investment (International Program), บริหารธุรกิจ (Business Administration), บริหารธุรกิจบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาการเงินและการลงทุน (หลักสูตรนานาชาติ) – Bachelor of Business Administration Program in Finance and Investment (International Program), 2/2566 (2023)

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