Network Simulation

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Project Title  :  Network Simulation
By                   :  Ranasenat Kantabunyawat, Dr.Norranut Saguansakdiyotin
Advisor          :  Dr.Norranut Saguansakdiyotin
Degree           :  Bachelor of Engineering
Major             :  Computer Engineering
Faculty          :  Engineering
Semester / Academic year   :  3 /2016


Diethelm Travel Thailand provides hotel room service and facilities during stay. Guests can choose what they want to add on from a website. The system, including all information are developed and controlled by the BSD (Business System Department). The department also have responsibility in solving problems for employees in the company. Previously the Internet access of employees in the company is likely to be delayed due to insufficient of network switch bandwidth. The department decided to change the network switch with selecting switch models that have higher bandwidth and specification for support employees in the company. After changing the network switches, it was necessary to do a network simulation to test that the new system can function properly according to requirements. This simulation is the guideline for a
further simulation of other systems.


Keywords:  Equipment, Switch, Network, Server.

Network Simulation

Faculty of Engineering, Siam University, Thailand

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