Paper_Graduate School – M.Eng Master of Engineering in Engineering Program

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Paper_Graduate School – M.Eng Master of Engineering in Engineering Program

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[fruitful_tab title=”1. A Survey on the Success of the Block Course Study Case Study: Master of Engineering Curriculum, Siam University” ]


            The block course scheduling concept was adopted for the Master of Engineering Program (MENG) at Siam University for nearly a decade. There still exists some comments over inefficient educational system. Therefore, this study intends to survey ideas from all of the involved graduates, students and staff to insist the success of this education process.
The study is conducted by using the questionnaire to survey the ideas related to the block course learning process from the present students, the MENG graduates, and the staff on 12 issues together with 2 open ideas issue.
From the study, it is revealed that most of the ideas agree mostly with block course system and only the minor portion agree with some comments on the strength/weakness and expectations.

Keywords: Academic Scheduling Process Block Course
“การสำรวจผลการศึกษาด้วยการเรียนแบบ Block Course กรณีศึกษาหลักสูตรวิศวกรรมศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต มหาวิทยาลัยสยาม” / โดย ศ.ดร. กัญจน์ นาคามดี, รศ.ดร.วันชัย ริจิรวนิช / Graduate School – Master of Engineering in Engineering Program

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Paper_Graduate School – M.Eng Master of Engineering in Engineering Program

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