A Study on the influence of e-commerce live broadcasts on the consumption behavior of college students in Nanning City

Last modified: February 7, 2024
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A Study on the Influence of e-commerce Live Broadcasts on the Consumption Behavior of College Students in Nanning City

Qin Wei Xiang

Prof. Dr. Li Chunyou

International Business Management

Master of Business Administration

บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School)

Academic year:
2566 (2023)

The 16th National and International Academic Conference “Digital Transformation and Sustainable Innovation: Strategies for a Sustainable Future” 31 October – 1 November 2023 pp.317-328 PDF  https://mba.siam.edu/proceedings16/ 


E-commerce live broadcast has a subtle effect on students’ consumer behavior. The characteristics of e-commerce live broadcasting are more in line with the psychological development stage of students. college students are more likely to be influenced by it, and blind consumption and other behaviors, so the study of the current situation of e-commerce live broadcasting on college students’ consumption behavior and its impact factors, guiding college students to set up a rational consumer values, and providing feasible suggestions for e-commerce live broadcasting business innovation.

The research objectives of this paper were: 1) To analyze the current situation of e-commerce live broadcast on the consumption behavior of college students in Nanning City; 2) To Explore the Influencing Factors of E-commerce Live broadcast on the Consumption Behavior of College Students in Nanning.

This paper adopted quantitative research methods. Taking college students in Nanning City as the research object, through the distribution of questionnaires, collected 441 valid questionnaires to analyze and verify the research hypotheses of this paper. The results were as follows: 1) The efficiency, convenience and entertainment of e-commerce live broadcast make the buffer thinking time shorter, decision-making faster and blind consumption more common in the consumption process of college students. At the same time, the low entry threshold of live e-commerce broadcasters, limited content control and poor supervision also affect students’ rational consumption. 2) Perceived ease of use of e-commerce live broadcasting has a significant effect on perceived usefulness. Perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and followership of e-commerce live broadcasting have a significant effect on college students’ consumption intention, and College students’ consumption intention has a significant effect on consumption behavior.

Keywords: E-commerce live broadcast, College students’ consumer behavior

A Study on the Influence of e-commerce Live Broadcasts on the Consumption Behavior of College Students in Nanning City

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