Study on the Influence of Teaching Quality in Colleges and Universities on Graduates’ Employment Quality-Taking Chongqing City Vocational College as an Example

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Study on the Influence of Teaching Quality in Colleges and Universities on Graduates’ Employment Quality-Taking Chongqing City Vocational College as an Example

Author: Qin Yuanping

Advisor: ดร.จิดาภา ชลธารรัตนพงศ์ – Dr. Jidapa Chollathanrattanapong

Master of Business Administration

Education Management

บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School)

Academic year:
2566 (2023)

The 7th STIU International Conference “Leadership & Social Sustainability in the Tech-Driven Era” on 19-21 August 2023  SECTION-6 (pp.949-957) conference  proceedings PDF


The employment quality of graduates has an important influence on the development of colleges and universities. Taking Chongqing City Vocational College as an example, this paper analyzes the influence of four dimensions of teaching quality on the employment quality of graduates. The four research objectives of this study are: 1) To examine whether there is a relationship between teachers’ quality and ability and employment quality of graduates; 2) To examine whether there is a relationship between students’ learning achievement and employment quality of graduates; 3) To examine whether there is a relationship between teaching resources and support and employment quality of graduates; 4) To examine whether there is a relationship between teaching environment and management and employment quality of graduates.

Based on the employment quality of Chongqing City Vocational College graduates, this study adopts quantitative analysis method. Through questionnaire survey, 188 valid questionnaires were collected from customers, and the following conclusions were drawn: 1) There is a positive correlation between teachers’ quality and ability and employment quality of graduates; 2) There is a positive correlation between students’ learning achievement and employment quality of graduates; 3) There is a positive correlation between teaching resources and support and employment quality of graduates; 4) There is a positive correlation between teaching environment and management and employment quality of graduates

Keywords: higher education institutions, teaching quality, employment quality

Study on the Influence of Teaching Quality in Colleges and Universities on Graduates’ Employment Quality-Taking Chongqing City Vocational College as an Example

6417195802 Qin Yuanping 2566 (2023) Advisor: ดร.จิดาภา ชลธารรัตนพงศ์ – Dr. Jidapa Chollathanrattanapong,  Study on the Influence of Teaching Quality in Colleges and Universities on Graduates’ Employment Quality-Taking Chongqing City Vocational College as an Example สารนิพนธ์ (Independent Study), ปริญญาโท (Master’s Degree), บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School), Master of Business Administration, Education Management, Bangkok: Siam University

Academic Year 2023, Graduate School 2023, IMBA, IMBA 2023, Independent Study, Independent Study 2023, Master of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (International Program) 2023, Master of Business Administration 2023, ปริญญาโท (Master’s Degree), บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School), Master of Business Administration,Education Management

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