Salmon Cracker

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Project Title  :  Salmon Cracker
By                  :  Kanokwan Limparod, Apichai Paratong, Mr.Sataporn Pheugmui
Advisor          :  Mr.Sataporn Pheugmui
Degree           :  Bechelor of Arts in Hotel Studies
Major             :  Hotel Studies
Faculty          :  Liberal Arts
Semester / Academic year   :  3 /2016


The Okura Prestige Bangkok Hotel is opened to serve both Thai and foreigner clients with a main emphasis on room and food services. The most popular dishes of the hotel is Japanese cuisine. So, there will be daily consumption of salmon in large quantities. The authors observed that the salmon from the buffet was left in a large quantity. Therefore, the authors had invented the menu of salmon cracker for distribution to add value to the product and also to create additional revenue to the hotel as well.

From the study results of the salmon cracker project conducted by distributing satisfaction questionnaires, it was found that the respondents had satisfactions on cleanliness and freshness at the highest level, satisfaction on color at a moderate level, and satisfaction on smell, texture and taste at a low level.


Keywords:  Food processing, Salmon cracker.

Salmon Cracker

Faculty of Liberal Arts, Siam University, Thailand
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