Study on Teachers’ Satisfaction with Digital Educational Resource Sharing in Nanchang Area Universities

Last modified: April 18, 2024
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Title: Study on Teachers’ Satisfaction with Digital Educational Resource Sharing in Nanchang Area Universities

Author: Zhou Zihan

Advisor: Dr. Zhang Li

Degree: Master of Business Administration

Major: Education Management

Faculty: บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School)

Academic year: 2566 (2023)

Published: The EUrASEANs Journal on Global Socio-Economic Dynamics Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, No 6(43), pp. 466-476.  คลิก  PDF


Driven by the international trend of “resource sharing”, the results of regional sharing practices in economically developed regions of China, and the successful demonstration of the Changbei Higher Education Library Alliance in Jiangxi Province, higher education institutions in the Nanchang area of Jiangxi Province are now embarking on a project of building and sharing digital educational resources. Inadequate educational resource sharing in the Nanchang area leads to uneven resource distribution among schools, resulting in disparities in educational opportunities. This imbalance compromises the quality of education, impacting students’ academic achievements and prospects. The objectives of the study were 1)to examine the satisfaction of teachers in Nanchang Area with the digital educational resource sharing, 2) To develop countermeasures for the proposal on digital educational resource sharing in the Nanchang Area.

This paper adopted the quantitative research method to investigate the satisfaction of teachers at Nanchang universities with the digital educational resource sharing by extensively collecting domestic and foreign research data, drawing on domestic and foreign successful experiences, and combining expectation-disconfirmation theory and practice with a questionnaire survey method. A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed to teachers at five universities in Nanchang, 199 questionnaires were recovered, with a collection rate of 99.5%, and after de-duplication and de-waste treatment, 190 questionnaires were valid, with an effective rate of 95.48%.

This study found:1) Many teachers considered that the digital educational resources provided by their schools were not rich and only average and could only meet their basic teaching needs. A significant proportion of teachers looked outside the school because the in-school resources could not meet their needs in terms of quality and quantity. Teachers are not satisfied with the digital educational resources provided by their schools, with only some students and some teachers indicating that they are relatively satisfied or very satisfied. 2) Based on the results of analyzing the attitudes and satisfaction of teachers in Nanchang towards the current digital educational resources and the expectation model, this paper put forward several countermeasure suggestions. It emphasizes the need for updating concepts and deepening understanding of educational resource sharing, defining characteristics and formulating a blueprint for regional resource sharing, harmonizing resource sharing standards and providing basic technical support, forming professional teams and specialized organizations, and strengthening resources and quality control of services to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of digital educational resource sharing among institutions in the region. This can effectively improve the region’s ability to share educational resources and improve teaching quality.

Keywords: digital educational resources, regionalization, co-construction, sharing

Study On Teachers’ Satisfaction with Digital Educational Resource Sharing in Nanchang Area Universities /

6417195405 Zhou Zihan 2566 (2023) Study On Teachers’ Satisfaction with Digital Educational Resource Sharing in Nanchang Area Universities สารนิพนธ์ (Independent Study), Advisor: Dr. Zhang Li, ปริญญาโท (Master’s Degree), บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School), Master of Business Administration, Education Management, Bangkok: Siam University

Academic Year 2023, Graduate School 2023, IMBA, IMBA 2023, Independent Study, Independent Study 2023, Master of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (International Program) 2023, Master of Business Administration 2023, ปริญญาโท (Master’s Degree), บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School), Master of Business Administration,Education Management

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