Study on the Digital Marketing Strategy of Little Bear Electrical Appliances

Last modified: October 17, 2023
Estimated reading time: 2 min
Title: Study on the Digital Marketing Strategy of Little Bear Electrical Appliances
Author: Wang Yawei
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Li Chunyou
Degree: Master of Business Administration
Major: International Business Management
Faculty: บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School)
Academic year: 2566 (2023)


Conference Proceedings
The 6th STIU International Conference “Innovative Leadership for Sustainable Development” on 10-11 May 2022, pp.803-812


     In today’s competitive market environment, digital marketing has become a crucial component of the marketing strategy for numerous enterprises. Particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, traditional marketing methods have been significantly restricted, whilst digital marketing has proven to be a potent instrument by which many companies can manage the pandemic and revitalise their business due to its flexibility and rapid spread.

     The objectives of this study were: 1) To analyse the current status of Little Bear Electrical Appliances in social media marketing and critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of its digital marketing strategies. 2) To analyse the shortcomings in the digital marketing of Little Bear Electrical Appliance based on the 4V theory. 3) To provide actionable recommendations for the future development of Little Bear Electrical Appliances in digital marketing.

     This study examines the internet marketing strategy of Little Bear Electrical Appliance through a questionnaire survey, case study, and literature research. The objective is to analyze the current marketing situation of Little Bear Electrical Appliance by assessing its marketing status quo. Technical terms will be clarified upon first use to ensure easy comprehension. Utilizing the 4V theory, this study evaluates the shortcomings of the current situation. A questionnaire survey and online data collection were conducted to investigate and analyse the data objectively. Technical terms are explained at first use. The structure of the text is logical and adheres to conventional academic style. The study focused on Little Bear Electrical Appliance customers in Jinan, Shandong Province and yielded 2,000 completed questionnaires. This data serves as valuable reference material for environmental analysis and optimising/improving strategies. The language is formal, clear, and grammatically correct, avoiding biased language and unusual or ambiguous terms. Filler words are avoided and quotes are clearly marked. Casual language, informal expressions, and unnecessary jargon have been eliminated.

     The findings of the paper were: 1) An analysis of Little Bear Electrical Appliances’ digital marketing strategies on social media shows that the company has conservative marketing strategies on social media, failing to take advantage of the interactivity and virality of social media. 2) A survey of Little Bear Electrical Appliance’s marketing found that the overall evaluation of Variation, Versatility, Value and Vibration of Little Bear Electrical Appliance’s marketing was mixed, and that the company’s marketing strategy of combining the 4V elements was indeed insufficient. 3) Through the research on the deficiencies in Little Bear Electrical Appliance marketing shows that, combined with the analysis of the 4V marketing theory, it proposes specific and feasible marketing strategy suggestions and related implementation countermeasures from the four aspects of Variation, Versatility, Value, and Vibration, in order to enhance Little Bear Electrical Appliance’s marketing capability.    

Keywords: Small Electric Appliance,Marketing Strategy,4V Marketing Theory,Digital Marketing

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