Study on the impact of brand image on consumers’ purchase intention: Case study of pinduoduo

Last modified: May 9, 2024
Estimated reading time: 2 min
Title: Study on the impact of brand image on consumers’ purchase intention: Case study of pinduoduo
Author: Pang Kaitong
Advisor: Dr. Zhang Li
Degree: Master of Business Administration
Major: International Business Management
Faculty: บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School)
Academic year: 2566 (2023)
The 7th STIU International Conference “Leadership & Social Sustainability in the Tech-Driven Era” on 19-21 August 2023 SECTION-5 (pp.752-764)
conference  proceedings PDF


With the uninterrupted development of the Internet in a few short decades, online shopping has become an indispensable part of people’s daily life nowadays. With the ecommerce field of entry barriers to reduce many companies have joined in, the increase in e-commerce brands at the same time the market competition has become increasingly fierce. E-commerce enterprises began to appear brand homogenization, brand image fuzzy and other issues, there are online shopping needs of consumers in the face of numerous e-commerce brands, how to judge and choose began to become more and more difficult. In this paper, the impact of brand image on consumers’ purchase intention is studied, and the e-commerce brand Pinduoduo Company is taken as the research case of this paper, based on Theory of Planned Behavior, and quantitative research methods are used to help e-commerce enterprises solve the problems that arise.

The purpose of this research paper is the following four points:1)To study the influence of brand image, corporate image, product image, user image and perceived risk in brand image,2)To study the effect between perceived risk and purchase intention,3)To study the influence between brand image and purchase intention,4)To study the mediating relationship between perceived risk, brand image and purchase intention. The object of this study is China’s e-commerce consumer group, through quantitative research method based on Theory of Planned Behavior and Biel Model combination, the brand image is divided into three aspects: “corporate image, product/service image and user image”, and added perceived risk as a mediator variable of the study for the questionnaire questionnaire design, through the Internet distribution A total of 408 valid samples were collected for data analysis.

The research in this paper found that:1)Brand image, corporate image, product image and user image have a significant negative effect on perceived risk, 2)Perceived risk has a negative and significant effect on purchase intention,3) Brand image and corporate image, product/service image, and user image have a positive and significant effect on purchase intention,4)Perceived risk can mediate between brand image and purchase intention. In summary, the e-commerce brand Pinduoduo can reduce the perceived risk of consumers by creating a positive brand image, which greatly improves the consumers’ willingness to buy the brand and enhances the market competitiveness of the enterprise when consumers generate shopping demand.

Keywords: e-commerce, brand image, perceived risk, purchase intention.

Study on the impact of brand image on consumers’ purchase intention: Case study of pinduoduo

Master of Business Administration (International Program), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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