The concept of peaceful environment in igbo spirituality

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Project Title: The concept of peaceful environment in igbo spirituality
Author: Emmanuel Nweke Okafor
Advisor: Associate Professor Dr.Tatree Nontasak
Degree: Master of Arts in Peace Studies and Diplomacy
Major: Peace Studies and Diplomacy
Faculty: Graduate School of Peace Studies and Diplomacy
Academic year: 2018


Okafor, Emmanuel Nwere. (2018). The concept of peaceful environment in igbo spirituality. (Independent study, Master of Peace Studies and Diplomacy). Bangkok: Siam University.


It has been an undeniable fact that man is a social animal. Thus, without a social environment, whether it is the home, or the community or the state, one cannot attain the stability required to be considered an individual. It is crystal clear at this point, therefore, that man lives in a network of relationships and can only survive and thrive in a symbiotic arrangement with other individuals or/and with the society in which he/she finds himself/herself. As he/she endeavors to stand out in politics, religion, culture, or even in economics, man’ร development is impulsively tethered towards a deep-rooted sense of belonging and oneness with both animate and inanimate things. However, in a techno-scientific era where the world is fast becoming a global village, the need to once more reinforce the vertical-horizontal dimensions of man’s peaceful co-existence with the living and non-living things becomes paramount. Employing the expository and methodological tools of hermeneutics and focusing particularly on the African perspective, this research work x-rays the homoafrikanus’ (particularly the Igbo) appreciation of nature/the environment in which he/she lives and in whose life he/she shares. Findings in this work are the need to note man’s harmonious encounter with environmental givens and with other human persons. Also worthy of admiration in this work, among others, is the role of environmental care and respect for the human person in Igbo spirituality which is capped in the commensally-oriented attitudinal approach to life. It is a thought-out work purposed to enrich students of life, environment and cultures with the Igbo understanding of the society and the dwellers, and how the application of the spiritual enhances peace, unity and process with its communities.


Keywords: Spirituality, African Worldview, Igbo, Peace, Environment.

The concept of peaceful environment in igbo spirituality

Master of Arts in Peace Studies and Diplomacy, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand


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