Title: The Influencing Factors of Employee Satisfaction Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – A Case Study of Zigong Hanting Hotel
Author: Wan Yuxin
Advisor: Dr. Ma Yu
Degree: Master of Business Administration
Major: International Business Management
Faculty: บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School)
Academic year: 2567 (2024)
Published: The 8th STIU International Conference “TechVision Leadership: Fostering Social Sustainability” July 4-5 2024 (pp.364-373) Proceedings PDF
As the world enters the post-epidemic era, with the gradual recovery of the economy and the continuous development of high-star hotels in China, managers pay more and more attention to the work feelings of employees to reduce the staff turnover rate. Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs , this study examined the influencing factors of the overall job satisfaction of Zigong Hanting employees, and puts forward good suggestions for improving the overall job satisfaction of the hotel employees.
The objectives of this study were: 1) To explore the factors affecting the overall job satisfaction of Zigong Hanting Hotel staff; 2) To determine whether salary system and position positioning, welfare security system, working environment and corporate culture, upper and lower relationships and internal communication, career development and training opportunities affect the overall job satisfaction of Zigong Hanting Hotel employees.
This study used a quantitative research method, 112 questionnaires were distributed and 100 valid questionnaires were collected, with an effective rate of 89.28%. The study found that: 1) The factors affecting the overall job satisfaction of Zigong Hanting Hotel employees include salary system and position positioning, welfare security system, working environment and corporate culture, upper and lower relationships and internal communication, career development and training opportunities; 2) Salary system and position positioning, career development and training opportunities have a significant impact on the overall job satisfaction; Welfare security system, upper and lower relationships and internal communication have a positive impact on the overall job satisfaction; Working environment and corporate culture have no significant impact on the overall job satisfaction. Therefore, this study proposes the following suggestions to improve employee’s overall job satisfaction: 1) improve employees’ professional sense of belonging; 2) increase employee salaries; 3) establish an effective incentive mechanism; 4) guide employees to clarify their own development prospects.
Keywords: job satisfaction, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Zigong Hanting Hotel
The Influencing Factors of Employee Satisfaction Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – A Case Study of Zigong Hanting Hotel /
6517195815 Wan Yuxin 2567 (2024) The Influencing Factors of Employee Satisfaction Based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – A Case Study of Zigong Hanting Hotel สารนิพนธ์ (Independent Study), Advisor: Dr. Ma Yu, ปริญญาโท (Master’s Degree), บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School), Master of Business Administration, International Business Management, Bangkok: Siam University