The Protection of Rights to Freedom of Expression in Cambodia

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Project Title: The Protection of Rights to Freedom of Expression in Cambodia
Author: Mr. Kunthea Thlang
Advisor: Dr. Emmanuel Nweke Okafor
Degree: Master of Arts in Peace Studies and Diplomacy
Major: Peace Studies and Diplomacy
Faculty: Graduate School of Peace Studies and Diplomacy
Academic year: 2021


International Conference on Economics, Business and Interdisciplinary Studies (ICEBIS2019) on 05 Octorber 2019


Thlang, Kunthea. (2021). The protection of rights to freedom of expression in Cambodia. (Thesis, Master of Peace Studies and Diplomacy). Bangkok: Siam University.


This research paper focused on human rights problems in Cambodia, particularly, the right to freedom of expression, which is the fundamental right of human beings. Due to the Cambodian government restricting the right to freedom of expression, Cambodian citizens have faced a lot of problems while expressing their ideas, opinions, and speeches. Threats of arrests or humiliation were promised by the Cambodian government to limit Cambodians from expressing or exercising their freedom of expression. Certain journalists who have broadcasted or released news contrary to the affairs of the government dealings such as social injustice and corruption have been eradicated or locked up. These problems have limited the level of freedom of expression in Cambodia. Therefore, this research aimed to examine the human rights situation in Cambodia, analyze the literature on the right to freedom of expression, and provide mechanisms to promote freedom of expression in Cambodia. This research found that the Cambodian government does not enforce the principle of human rights that are already stated in the Cambodian Constitution. Thus, the research recommends adherent and the implementation of the Constitution by the Cambodian government for the peace of the people.

Keywords: Cambodia, protection, right, human rights, freedom of expression, domestic law.

The Protection of Rights to Freedom of Expression in Cambodia

Master of Arts in Peace Studies and Diplomacy, Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand


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