Water Leakage of Precast Joints

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Project Title  :  Water Leakage of Precast Joints
By                   :  Phatcharee  Jongpaisan, Phittawat  Methapornkul, Pariwat  Prontip, Asst. Prof. Phakphum  Mongkhonsang
Advisor          :  Asst. Prof. Phakphum  Mongkhonsang
Degree           :  Bachelor of Engineering
Major             :  Civil Engineering
Faculty          :  Engineering
Semester / Academic year   :  3 /2016


Sapsaotong is a company that receives construction work from Sansiri SIRI AQUARE Charoen Krung 80 Project, Sanairi, fansiri, with the problem of slow construction because of leakage of water on the joints of the precast sheet, causing a lot of the company. Sansiri has designed a solution to this problem this project sumrizes of problem of water leakage and corrective measures in the SIRI SQURE Charoen Krung 80 Project. This Technique has been tested and tested.


Keywords:  Precast, joint, Leakage.

Water Leakage of Precast Joints

Faculty of Engineering, Siam University, Thailand

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