Web application about distributing floating house and vertical garden

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Project Title  :  Web application about distributing floating house and vertical garden
By                   :  Mr. Kittipoom Panyanramitdee, Miss.Veena Chotchaung
Advisor          :  Miss.Veena Chotchaung
Degree           :  Bachelor of Science
Major             :  Computer Science
Faculty          :  Science
Semester / Academic year   :  3 /2017


Laddagardenshop Part., Ltd. Runs business about distributing vertical garden products and floating houses. There are a lot of ideas for developing ecommerce web. Original website has delayed to use so Producer realizes to the problem. Consequently, there is a website development that respond to the customer need and company by increase channel of sale for saving time and have faster work. The customer can see the product from website by 360 degree like viewing real product from the store and users can see the catalog and detail of the products for helping to make a decision about purchasing. After confirmation of purchase them the system will be stored the customer information for giving the staff to manage next. It found that WordPress is used by the system to develop direct admin for database management found that when develop the system completely, the system can be response to users need as well.

Keywords:  Floating House & Vertical Garden, Laddagardenshop.

Web application about distributing floating house and vertical garden

Faculty of Science, Siam University, Thailand

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