Internship at the Accounts Department of Naasa Securities

Last modified: June 15, 2024
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Title: Internship at the Accounts Department of Naasa Securities
Author: Rahul Agrawal Kadambiya
Advisor: ดร. ชุติมาวดี ทองจีน – Dr. Chutimavadee Thongjeen
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration Program in Finance and Investment (International Program)
Major: B.B.A. Finance and Investment (International Program)
Faculty: บริหารธุรกิจ (Business Administration)
Semester/Academic year: 2/2566 (2023)



The purpose of this academic report titled “Internship at Accounts Department of Naasa Securities” is to provide in-depth details about the company and its position in the market. This report is based on the learnings and overall experience of the internship. This report provides a detailed overview of my role at Naasa Securities and the duties and responsibilities I was assigned during my internship. The accounts department has an important role to play in any organization and specially in such an organisation that operates in the finance sector. This report also highlights the process of how the transaction is done in a stock brokerage firm after the shares are sold by the client.

This internship report focuses on my overall performance and evaluation of my work. It covers all the duties and responsibilities that I performed during my intern period. Summing up, this report emphasizes on my learnings and performances throughout my internship at Naasa Securities.

Keywords: KYC, EDIS, NEPSE

Dr. Chutimavadee Thongjeen, บธ.บ. การเงินและการลงทุน (หลักสูตรนานาชาติ) – B.B.A. Finance and Investment (International Program), บริหารธุรกิจ (Business Administration), บริหารธุรกิจบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาการเงินและการลงทุน (หลักสูตรนานาชาติ) – Bachelor of Business Administration Program in Finance and Investment (International Program), 2/2566 (2023)

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