A research into the comparison between the premier league and olther European Football Leagues in Terms of Finance and Administration

Last modified: April 29, 2021
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Project Title: A research into the comparison between the premier league and other European Football Leagues in Terms of Finance and Administration
Author: Ms. Zhu Yushiqiao
Advisor: Doctor Chai Thanichanun
Degree: Master of Business Administration
Major: Business Administration
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2017


Zhu, Yushiqiao. (2017). A research into the comparison between the premier league and other European football leagues in terms of finance and administration. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.


This essay compares the Premier League with other European football leagues in terms of revenue, operating profit and net debt. It is concluded that the Premier League outperformed all the other European football leagues in all these aspects. Particularly, the Premier League’s revenue is always the twice the amount of the other European league. Investment is also discussed in order to indicate the strength and attraction for the Premier League in the field of foreign investment. Besides that, player transfers issues are also included in this essay to have a better comparison between the Premier League and other football leagues. eSports, as a huge potential market of the football industry is also discussed. It is clear that the Premier League has already placed great importance on this new field in order to have a better market position.

Keywords:  Premier League, Europe’s big five, Football League, revenue, profit, net debt, player transfer, eSports, stadia.

A research into the comparison between the premier league and other European Football Leagues in Terms of Finance and Administration

International Master in Business Administration (IMBA), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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