A study of marketing strategy towards market development orientation: A case study of Asia World Company in Yangon, Myanmar

Last modified: June 29, 2019
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Project Title: A study of marketing strategy towards market development orientation: A case study of Asia World Company in Yangon, Myanmar
Author: Ms.Myintmo Nyi Nyi
Advisor: Dr. Frank Faulkner
Degree: Master of Business Administration (International Program)
Major: Information Technology
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2018


Myintmo, Nyi Nyi. (2018). A study of marketing strategy towards market development orientation: A case study of Asia World Company in Yangon, Myanmar. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.


This study aims to explore marketing strategies towards market development orientation; a case study of Asia World Company in Yangon Myanmar. The objective of this study was “To determine the extent to which developing market orientation and extending to new geographical regions affects market orientation of Asia World Company in Yangon Myanmar.”

This study advances an argument that whereas company may strive to achieve performance through other strategies, market development strategy can influence performance out come by considering one, unexplored market segments and converting non user to users of the company marketing strategy.

Both primary and secondary data source were used to ask research questions. Questionnaires are Myanmar employees from Asia World Company and its area to gather primary data about their opinion of respondents towards the all variables in this study. Survey are conducted to understand the right target and approach towards the research, questionnaires are used as the survey surveys for this research.

The Secondary sources were used from newspapers, books, internet, related works and textbooks, academic articles and journals related to marketing strategies and market orientation of Asia World Company. Especially, this research use data from manager and supervisors of Asia World Company.

The researcher used the Yamane (2009) formula to calculate the sample size for this study:  n=N/ (1+N (e2) Where n represents the sample size, Population size is represented capital N and e2 Represent the level of precision (± 5%, or at the 95 % confidence level) N = 200/ (1+200 (0.05²)), Therefore n = 133.33. So the researchers take 133 respondents as sample size for this study.

The results imply that market dynamism whether through reaching new regions geographically or accessing untapped market segments does promote market development with resultant effects in capacity utilization. Opening up more new marketing strategies and market development orientation has been found to contribute in extending new markets regions to the companies’ market development orientation.Outcomes of public image, and customer satisfaction are better driven by effective market orientation efforts; also important is the marketer’s ability to reorient marketing strategy as required due to changes in customer, market, and business environment.


A study of marketing strategy towards market development orientation: A case study of Asia World Company in Yangon, Myanmar

International Master in Business Administration (IMBA), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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