A Study on College students’ competition promoting teaching reform Take the new energy Vehicle Engineering technology major of Shandong Engineering Vocational and Technical University as an example

Last modified: February 6, 2024
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A Study on College Students’ Competition Promoting Teaching Reform Take the New Energy Vehicle Engineering Technology Major of Shandong Engineering Vocational and Technical University as an Example

Jiang Chengcheng

Dr. Zhang Li

Education Management

Master of Business Administration

บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย (Graduate School)

Academic year:
2566 (2023)

The 15th National and International Academic Conference “Creating Shared-Value and Innovation for Sustainability” 18-20 January 2023 pp.371-382  PDF https://mba.siam.edu/proceedings15/  


The purpose of the study is to provide a pedagogical model that improves students’ mastery of theoretical knowledge; Provide a pedagogical reform method to improve students’ hands-on skills; Provide an effective learning method to increase students’ interest in learning. This paper mainly adopts the method of questionnaire survey and studies the problems of poor mastery of students’ theoretical knowledge, weak hands-on practical ability, and low interest in learning in traditional teaching. Using constructivist learning theory and Dewey’s pragmatic education theory, the college student competition was integrated into teaching, and the teaching mode and method were reformed.
The sample of this study is the new energy vehicle engineering technology students enrolled in Shandong University of Engineering and Technology in 2021, and two classes were selected, and the college student competition was integrated into the teaching reform as class 1 and the traditional teaching as class 2. By using SPSS software to analyze the results of the questionnaire, the study found that Class 1 had higher average scores than Class 2 with the same theoretical knowledge test scores, significantly enhanced hands-on practical ability, and significantly improved learning interest. It is concluded that the integration of college student competition into teaching affects students’ theoretical knowledge, hands-on practical ability, and learning interest. Finally, the results of this study are reflected, discussed, and suggested. For example, it is recommended that teachers specializing in new energy vehicles integrate the content of the automotive technology competition in the teaching process and update the course content promptly; Full consideration is given to the combination of professional practice and theory.

Keywords: college student competition, teaching mode, reform, professional undergraduate

A Study on College Students’ Competition Promoting Teaching Reform Take the New Energy Vehicle Engineering Technology Major of Shandong Engineering Vocational and Technical University as an Example

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