Analysis and research on the affecting factors of trade between China and Thailand

Last modified: May 6, 2021
Estimated reading time: 2 min
Project Title: Analysis and research on the affecting factors of trade between China and Thailand
Author: Ms. Liang Ying
Advisor: Associate Professor Wei Qifeng
Degree: Master of Business Administration
Major: Business Administration
Faculty: Graduate Schools
Academic year: 2017


Liang, Ying. (2017). Analysis and research on the affecting factors of trade between China and Thailand. (Independent study, Master of Business Administration). Bangkok: Siam University.


Today, the world has undergone tremendous changes and developments in technology and business. There are many important events. After these changes, great changes have taken place in the world today, especially in the economic field. Because of China’s open policy, businessmen from other countries can freely trade and invest in China. That could expand their presence in China, boosting trade and investment growth. When China became a member of the world trade organization(WTO) in 2001, the turning point began. After joining the WTO, it benefits from the world economy. China started free trade and opened up agriculture, industry and services. In addition, China has opened up its domestic economy to encourage other countries’ economic development. Thailand and China have been trading for more than 100 years, with millions of dollars flowing in and out. Not only do they exchange products, they exchange cultures, and these two trading partners are more likely to become family members. Today, the development of technology and commerce is amazing. However, trade between Thailand and China continues, and every year there is a trend of rising and expanding, which raises questions about bilateral trade. So the study wants to explore the factors behind the deal. Previous research has found a variety of factors that influence trade. Most of the papers are economic, some are non-economic. This paper starts with trade agreement, exchange rate and tax rate, and studies the economic factors that affect bilateral trade.

Keywords:  Trade, Trade agreements, Tax rates, Exchange rates.

Analysis and research on the affecting factors of trade between China and Thailand

International Master in Business Administration (IMBA), Siam University, Bangkok, Thailand

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